Chapter 586

"It's a modern society, how complicated can it be?"

Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Our Bai family still has a lot of traditions. I'll send you a document, and you follow the above one by one. Don't miss it, otherwise the older generation in the family will be dissatisfied."

Bai Ye smiled wryly, took out his mobile phone and sent Chen Feng a file.

The latter opened it, and couldn't help but twitch after reading it: "There are so many, it's not easy to marry a wife."

In other worlds, he also went through some ancient weddings, which were indeed very cumbersome, but he had a high status, and some of them were prepared by others. In this reality, he had to do it himself.

"Otherwise, how could my sister let you kidnap so easily?"

Bai Ye curled his lips, and suddenly thought of another matter, he patted his head and said: "There is one more thing this year, the old man in the family is going to celebrate his [-]th birthday, your marriage contract should either be before the birthday party, or after the birthday party .”

"When is the birthday party?"

Chen Feng had a headache. After marrying a wife, he would have to do such things frequently in the future.

"Just before the Mid-Autumn Festival, it happens to be the time of the family reunion, and it will be only three months from now. I guess you will not have time to hold the wedding, so you should prepare for the birthday banquet first, so that everyone can see your son-in-law. "

Bai Ye did some calculations and decided that it would be better for Chen Feng to let everyone get to know each other at the birthday party.

"Well, I see. Let me prepare the betrothal gift and birthday gift first. I can prepare according to what your Bai family likes."

Chen Feng nodded. These things must be done sooner or later, and they cannot be avoided.

"As you said, my Bai family will not lack anything if it is not short of money. You can figure it out, just don't be too vulgar."

Bai Ye was a little displeased, as if the Bai family was very utilitarian.

"Understood, everyone, don't stand still, let's have a meal first."

Chen Feng waved his hand, welcomed Bai Ye and others into the villa, arranged rooms for several bodyguards, and then cooked with Bai Yiran himself.

Bai Ye smelled the aroma, couldn't help but came in, and said with a smile: "It smells so good, your cooking skills don't look good."

"Hee hee, Ah Feng's cooking is really delicious. If I didn't practice martial arts, I would definitely gain weight." Bai still said with pride, as if showing off his own things.

"Self-made people are capable. Unlike people from some families, many men basically don't know how to cook. My sister, you are much better off following Chen Feng than marrying people from those families. At least you have a human touch."

Bai Ye couldn't help sighing.

"You have something to say."

Chen Feng gave Bai Ye a meaningful look. Ever since the wedding was mentioned, this guy seemed to want to say something.

"Actually, I want to say that it's nice to cook when you're around, but if there are outsiders, in a big family like ours, most of them will have a dedicated chef. Your villa is not small. , Try to equip one, lest some people will be ridiculed when they come to visit."

Seeing that Chen Feng was a sensible person, Bai Ye simply said it directly.

"It's just pomp and circumstance. Your big family has special chefs, housekeepers and bodyguards. If you still marry me, you naturally have to ask me to have one too. Is that what you mean?"

Chen Feng smiled, these big families are troublesome.

"Brother, what are you talking about? Afeng is not from a big family, and I don't like the atmosphere of a big family. Why do you need these things?"

Bai still complained.

"You haven't married yet, and your elbows are turning out?" Bai Ye patted his sister's head and sighed: "Sister, it's not my request, but the upper class is like this. If you want Chen Feng to be able to To be able to hold your head up in front of your relatives, you really need to be equipped with these personnel."

Once you enter a wealthy family, even if Bai still gets married, Chen Feng has to have certain skills. This is the right match.

Chen Feng has the ability to sense the situation of Jade. This ability is exactly what the Bai family needs, so they encourage the two parties to interact. In fact, the family advocates Chen Feng marrying, not marrying.

If Chen Feng wants to marry, he will really have to pay a lot of price, so he, the older brother, will remind him on purpose.

"No problem. I will find chefs, bodyguards, and housekeepers slowly. Don't worry. Before I marry Bai Yiran, I will have everything I need."

Chen Feng smiled lightly, these were not too difficult for him, if he could solve them with money, he would at best get some more money.

"Well, actually these are all noodles, but the people in the upper class just like to arrange noodles, so don't blame me for talking too much."

Bai Ye said: "If you have any difficulties, you can come to me at any time. I am more at ease about my sister marrying you. I can lend you money and people first, and you can return them to me later."

Chen Feng shook lightly, and the dishes in the pot fell into the bowl. He said seriously: "Brother, you are Bai Yiran's brother, and I will call you brother from now on. Just tell me these things, and I will explain the specifics. Go get ready, arrange a meeting, right? I'm not short of people or money, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Okay, just ask me if you don't know anything." Bai Ye didn't dare to say more, for fear of hurting Chen Feng's self-esteem.

He picked up the dish, smelled it, and sighed: "It's really fragrant, and the dishes in five-star hotels can't compare to it. I'll take it out first."

With the dishes in hand, he went out, but Bai still caught up, hammered him, and said angrily, "Brother, why are you putting so much pressure on Ah Feng? Even if there were no such noodles, I would still marry her."

Bai Ye smiled wryly: "Little sister, you are in a big family, so you should know that some things are beyond your control. Do you still remember why you walked with Chen Feng?"

Bai still's face changed slightly, she remembered that it was her family who asked her to take the initiative in the first place, and in addition to the good relationship between the two parties in the original contact, she was able to live forever.

In other words, their relationship was tied to the interests of the family from the very beginning.

If the family is dissatisfied with Chen Feng, they may break them up, so be careful.

"So we still need to prepare for the necessary meetings. Even if it is temporary, the money should not be too much. Chen Feng's company is developing well, and there is a lot of money left from the last time gambling on stones. There should be no shortage. We have it here, and we can arrange it directly."

Bai Ye said with a solemn expression.

"Well, I'll discuss it with him."

Bai still nodded.

In the kitchen, even though they were far away, he could hear what his brother and sister said, so he couldn't help but smile.

He doesn't care about worldly money at all, and he now has the wealth of the whole world, so how can he care about this consumption.

As for the people, it was a little troublesome. Compared with Bai Ye introducing people to him, he still preferred to arrange his own people.

"However, the people in the world of Condor Shooting are all ancients, and they are not familiar with modern society. It is easy to show off when you come here. Even if you want to use it, you have to go through training. It is not suitable for a short time."

Chen Feng thought about it, and in the end he decided to use Bai Ye's people to fill up the platoon first, and then replace them when there are suitable ones.

(End of this chapter)

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