Chapter 1238 What does this mean?
Wu Jiang and the others took a closer look, and sure enough, they saw a small medicine bag attached to the teeth they spit out, isn't it the poison that seals the throat with blood?

The poison was shot out, so naturally they didn't have to pinch their chins anymore.

The men in black's mouths lost their restraint, so they naturally had the desire to speak. They glared at Shui Lingyue fiercely, and cursed loudly: "Demon girl, you must die!"

"Unexpectedly, the majestic King Qi of Northern Qi would join forces with the demon girl from the Heavenly Pavilion!"


All of a sudden, the four men in black shouted and cursed one after another. Everyone racked their brains and used all the vicious words they could think of on Shui Lingyue.

Xiao Yichen frowned slightly when he heard that, in his mind, he wanted to directly kill these men in black.

However, Shui Lingyue secretly tugged at his sleeve, shook her head slightly at him, and whispered to him: "Yi, leave this matter to me."

Since Yueyue wanted to play, Xiao Yichen was naturally happy to see it succeed.

I have known Yueyue for so many months, this girl is still the same as when we first met, she likes to do everything by herself.

However, since Yueyue wants to help him, then let her be fulfilled. Anyway, these black-clothed killers are going to die after all. As for the way of death, they can do whatever they want.

Shui Lingyue said: "I know, you can't say your master's name, I will give you a chance now, you don't have to say his name, you just need to write down part of your master's name on the ground."

Everyone present couldn't help being taken aback.

What does this mean?
Xiao Yichen's gaze towards Shui Lingyue couldn't help but be filled with approval.

Who in this world doesn't want to live?Those four men in black just committed suicide, but they didn't want to say their master's name, because once they said their master's name, even if they didn't die now, what awaited them would be an extremely cruel lesson.

However, if they only write part of the owner's name on the ground, then it cannot be considered as revealing the owner's name.

Moreover, the killers will be lucky, if they write it out, the witch just doesn't know who their master is?
Or they can scribble.

The killers didn't speak, but the eyeballs in their eyes that were about to crack were twitching violently. These killers were not stupid.

Shui Lingyue glanced at them and said: "Don't say I didn't remind you, if any of you write wrong on purpose, then all four of you will die. Of course, I also know that you are killers and are not afraid of death, but, You must have known for a long time that in this world, there is something more terrifying than death, that is, not being able to live, not being able to die. I can assure you, if you dare to write wrong intentionally, I definitely have a way to let you have a good taste A taste of what it feels like to live but not die."

As soon as Shui Lingyue said this, the little thoughts in the hearts of the killers were immediately shattered by her.

They didn't have any doubts about Shui Lingyue's words. Just ask, what else can't be done by a woman who can smash both of their big teeth with a single exit?

Besides, this woman is right, she understands their thoughts clearly, and knows that the killer is not afraid of death.

But what is a killer who is not afraid of death afraid of?Isn't it because you are afraid that if you want to live, you will not be able to die?A clean and crisp death is not scary, but what is scary is that kind of death with a needle hidden in the cotton, the kind of death that can't be completely died.

(End of this chapter)

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