Chapter 2143 Why do you say that?
Xiao Yichen nodded, and said: "According to the number of guards brought before, only a few have been detoxified now, and there are at least 600 people who have not been detoxified. If these 600 people rush out and want to detoxify them, that would be very tricky."

Shui Lingyue thought for a while, and said: "I have a way, but I don't know if it can be done."

Xiao Yichen hurriedly said, "Say it."

Shui Lingyue said: "I can improve and purify this antidote so that it can be directly absorbed by human muscles. I hope that Yi, you can make a weapon that can take my purified medicine from a long distance. Shoot | into the opponent's body."

Xiao Yichen asked: "Yueyue is talking about bows and arrows?"

Shui Lingyue shook her head, she went to get a pen and paper, spread the paper on the table, and drew the shape of a modern gun on it.

Shui Lingyue handed the picture to Xiao Yichen, and said, "That's it, we saw it in Mingxi's secret room before. But, I hope it contains medicine sealed with spiritual power."

Xiao Yichen said: "This can be done, but it needs to go outside to buy materials. Besides, this kind of weapon looks very sophisticated. If you want to make a lot at once, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time."

Shui Lingyue said: "We don't need to do a lot, we just need to make a few, and then the person holding this weapon will deal with those who have been poisoned. Colleagues shot down, pulled back to our base and detoxified under tight control until they all recovered."

Xiao Yichen didn't expect that Yueyue would think so thoroughly in such a short period of time, he reached out and hugged her, and said: "Yueyue, you are really thoughtful, we need to make good arrangements for this matter, from now on , you are responsible for purifying the antidote in this medicine garden, and leave the other things to me."

Shui Lingyue nodded with a smile and said: "Okay, this weapon, I will draw a few more pictures of the parts for you, you can take it and manufacture it accordingly."

Xiao Yichen nodded, and helped Yueyue take out the pen and paper, and then Yueyue sat at the table and drew the blueprints, while he stood aside and looked at her.

The appearance of Yueyue's drawings is extremely serious, her big eyes are drooping, her long eyelashes are trembling slightly, a few strands of hair on the sideburns, hanging down from her forehead, playfully swaying gently on her cheeks, making people feel Looking at it, I can't help but feel weak in my heart, I just want to kiss with my lips and kiss with my cheeks.

Looking down, on the snow-white paper, detailed pictures of parts are vividly presented under Yueyue's pen. Those parts are small and precise, and each has its own function.

Xiao Yichen looked at her painting, and felt more and more surprised, what kind of era can raise such an excellent woman as Yueyue?

In their era, even if he went to the best Royal Academy since he was a child, he could not grow into a comprehensive talent like Yueyue.

Xiao Yichen thought about this, and asked subconsciously: "Yueyue, what did people of your era learn in school?"

Shui Lingyue didn't look back, she just said, "Um, I never went to school, I joined Long Teng's organization when I was very young."

"Eh..." Xiao Yichen couldn't help laughing dumbfounded, and said, "Long Teng is a good master from the looks of it."

Shui Lingyue was slightly taken aback, raised her head to look at him, blinked her eyes, and asked, "Why do you say that?"

(End of this chapter)

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