Chapter 2368 Fanwai Xiao Nian Meng Xingyu (21)

Meng Xingyu's heart swayed slightly, he took a deep breath, tried to calm down the delusions in his heart, and said in a very calm tone: "Nian'er, don't be willful!"

Xiao Nian shook his head, said: "I'm not willful, Uncle Meng, do you still remember what I told you when I was young?"

Meng Xingyu's heart, thump, thump, thump... beat non-stop, he could almost hear the sound that was about to jump out of his chest.

Meng Xingyu said: "You're calling me Uncle Meng, it's impossible for the two of us, Nian'er, don't be willful, let go of Uncle!"

"Star Feather..."

Xiao Nian called out tentatively, suddenly felt that this name was much more comfortable than Uncle Meng, so he called out a few more times: "Xing Yu, Xing Yu, Xing Yu..."

Meng Xingyu was completely dumbfounded, his heart had already softened into a mess...

He actually has feelings for Xiao Nian, but this kind of feeling is more about the elder's love for the younger generation...

But now, Xiao Nian has grown up, and she is so like the Ling girl in his heart...

And her voice is so similar...

Such a replica of the spirit girl hugged him behind her back and called his name tenderly and affectionately. He is not a fairy, so how could he not be indifferent?
Meng Xingyu endured and endured, finally couldn't bear it anymore, turned around and hugged Xiao Nian forcefully...

Just this once!Just this time, let him give her a good hug, the goddess in his heart, the love in his heart...

Xiao Nian was embraced by Meng Xingyu, feeling extremely beautiful in his heart, the two embraced tightly.

Xiao Nian's heart was so soft, slowly, the hug could no longer satisfy the desire in her heart, she raised her head, and kissed Meng Xingyu's lips...

When the gentle lips|petals covered, Meng Xingyu's brain exploded with a bang, he really wanted to sink, sink, but his reason told him that he couldn't.

Meng Xingyu pushed Xiao Nian away, turned around resolutely, and strode forward.

Xiao Nian looked at the back of Meng Xingyu leaving quickly, her eyes flashed disappointment, but she would not give up, today, he has already taken the first step, right?One day, he will accept himself.

However, to Xiao Nian's surprise, Meng Xingyu started avoiding her again the next day.

Early the next morning, the housekeeper of Meng Zhuang gave Xiao Nian a letter, and then told Xiao Nian that the lord had already prepared the post house, and asked Xiao Nian to move to the post house.

Xiao Nian had expected such an ending a long time ago, but it was still hard for her to accept this ending in front of her.

For half a month, Meng Xingyu never showed his face again, Xiao Nian tried his best to find him, but couldn't find him.

Xiao Nian was depressed all day long in his yard.

Seeing Xiaoqiu, she was very distressed, and said: "Miss, what's wrong with you? Is the young master making you unhappy?"

Until now, Xiao Qiu still doesn't know what's going on in Xiao Nian's mind.

Xiao Nian was a little desperate, when he heard Xiao Qiu ask her, thinking about Meng Xingyu's indifference towards him, he couldn't help but shed tears.

When Xiao Qiu saw her, her heart ached, she hurriedly wiped Xiao Nian's tears with a handkerchief, and said: "Miss, don't cry, you are a princess, the most beloved daughter of the emperor and empress, if there is anything you can't do, you can go back Everyone is looking for the emperor and empress."

"I can't..." Xiao Nian shook his head, tears streaming down his face, and said: "Royal Father and Queen Mother can't help me either."

Xiao Qiu vaguely guessed something in his heart, his face changed slightly, and he asked: "But it has something to do with the young master?"

(End of this chapter)

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