Chapter 936
He immediately felt that his position was a little precarious, and his face was gloomy all day, looking very unhappy.

In the next few days, Chu Luo sent a large army to attack the city.

However, there was no fighting behind closed doors in the capital of Chu, and there was nothing they could do for a while.

After several strong attacks, they failed to capture the city smoothly, but lost a lot of soldiers and horses.

Chu Luo was anxious, but he also knew that Chu Jing was not so easy to capture. After all, Chu Jing was a capital city for hundreds of years with strong walls. In this regard, Chu Yi had the advantage.

Because the city could not be attacked for a long time, some bad rumors began to spread in the army. These rumors, like the plague, spread in Chu Luo's army.

In Chu Luo's army, people panicked for a while.

In addition, Feng Zhen's military adviser Wang Hao and his deputy Zhang Zishan died, and there was no commander in the army, which made people feel hopeless.

In just a few days, deserters began to appear in Chu Luo's army.

As for Chu Luo, since he had never led a soldier or fought a battle, he didn't notice the phenomenon of soldiers fleeing in the army at the first time. At this moment, he was only worried about not being able to capture Chu Jing.

On this day, Chu Luo recruited Qin Tianjian and Wei Shihui to discuss how to attack the city now.

When Qin Tianjian came, Wei Shihui hadn't come yet, so Chu Luo said, "Tianshi, you can do a divination for this king to see when we can attack the capital of Chu?"

Qin Tianjian frowned, and said: "His Royal Highness An Wang, my subordinates observed the sky last night and found that the sky is different."

Chu Luo subconsciously asked, "What's wrong with the sky?"

Qin Tianjian said: "Before, my subordinates observed the sky and found that the Ziwei star belonging to His Highness King An was shining and stable, and had the potential to be a king. However, in just a few days, the brilliance of the Ziwei star was not as good as before, and the star belonging to the current emperor The stars are much brighter."

Chu Luo was startled when he heard that, he quickly grabbed Qin Tianjian's hand, and said, "What did the Celestial Master say? Why did the celestial phenomena suddenly change?"

Qin Tianjian frowned, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Seeing his appearance, Chu Luo felt even more anxious, and slightly exerted his hand on his arm, saying, "It's okay for the celestial master to speak."

Qin Tianjian said: "The abnormal occurrence of these celestial phenomena all happened after the arrival of the military division Wei. His Royal Highness King An, I'm afraid..."

When Chu Luo heard this, he loosened Qin Tianjian's hand slightly, and said, "Mr. Wei is dedicated to this king, how can this king doubt him?"

Because Wei Shihui brought food and grass to Chu Luo first, and then helped him get rid of Wang Hao and Zhang Xiaoshan's two serious troubles, so Chu Luo trusted Wei Shihui very much.

He also knew that after Wei Shihui came, Qin Tianjian and Wei Shihui couldn't get along.

Therefore, hearing what Qin Tianjian said, Chu Luo only thought that he wanted to frame Wei Shihui, so he didn't take it to heart at all, and felt a little unhappy.

At this moment, an excited voice came from outside the door: "Shihui, thank you His Highness King An for your trust!"

While speaking, Wei Shihui rushed in, first knelt down and kowtowed to Chu Luo, and then said excitedly: "His Royal Highness An trusts Shi Hui so much, Shi Hui is willing to do His Royal Highness An's heart."

Chu Luo laughed, stretched out his hand to help, and said, "Mr. Wei, please get up."

Wei Shihui thanked him, stood up, glared at Qin Tianjian, didn't say anything, but said to Chu Luo: "His Royal Highness King An, this subordinate has been thinking hard for the past few days and came up with a plan."

(End of this chapter)

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