Chapter 961 to deliver the antidote ([-])
Soon, the door opened, Chu Yi stood at the door, saw Shui Lingyue, with a smile on his face, stood sideways, and said: "Yue'er, come in."

Shui Lingyue walked in, Chu Yi closed the door by the way, then turned around and walked five meters in front of Shui Lingyue, looked at Shui Lingyue, suppressed the excitement in her heart, and said calmly: "Yue'er took the initiative to come to my room today , but the antidote has already been developed.”

Shui Lingyue nodded, took out the small porcelain bottle from her bosom, held it in her hand, and said, "The antidote is in my hands, should we pay with one hand and deliver with the other?"

Chu Yi chuckled, took out a golden ticket from his bosom, and said, "I've already prepared it."

Chu Yi turned around and put the gold ticket on the table, then stepped back five meters away and said, "Yue'er put the antidote on the table."

Shui Lingyue nodded, walked over, picked up the gold ticket and looked at it, and confirmed that it was 59 gold, then put the antidote on the table, then turned and walked out the door.

Chu Yi swooped to the table, picked up the small bottle and opened it, and poured the pill inside into his mouth without chewing. middle.

Chu Yi threw the bottle on the ground casually, and with a flash of figure, he flew towards Shui Lingyue.

This time, there was no invisible force running around in his body, and he threw Shui Lingyue straight at him.

What made Chu Yi overjoyed was that this time, Shui Lingyue didn't resist at all, allowing him to hug her up, and the two rolled over on the low couch.

"Chu Yi, there is no such paragraph in your deal with me."

Shui Lingyue's face was cold, and her voice was cold.

Chu Yi was overjoyed. Firstly, the suffocating poison was finally cured, and secondly, he was finally able to have such close contact with Shui Lingyue.

Excited, Chu Yi felt that his heart was trembling slightly.

Chu Yi reached out to Shui Lingyue's face with his right hand, trying to caress her creamy skin.

Shui Lingyue frowned slightly, turned her head to the side, avoiding his touch.

Chu Yi's voice was low and hoarse: "I know."

Chu Yi stared at Shui Lingyue with a smile on his brows and eyes: "However, I have to test the authenticity of the antidote bought with so much money."

There was excitement in Chu Yi's voice, and the scorching light gradually condensed in the narrow and long eyes, Chu Yi's voice was hoarse: "The effect is good, the medicine can cure the disease."

Shui Lingyue's face was expressionless, and said: "Xiao Chu, don't forget, what did you promise me?"

Chu Yi pretended to be stupid, and said, "Well, I remember, I promised you that I would make you the happiest woman in the world."

Shui Lingyue was very speechless towards Chu Yi's rascal, and said sarcastically, "It seems that it is impossible to expect Chu Yi to be an upright gentleman. I never imagined that the majestic Emperor of Nanchu would be such a hypocrite who doesn't mean anything, and duplicity. "

Chu Yi laughed and said: "I remember, I said that I would not touch you when you were not my woman."

Chu Yi stared at Shui Lingyue closely, and said: "Yue'er, you have made such great achievements, I will make you a queen now, so that you will become my most legitimate woman."


Shui Lingyue gritted her teeth and cursed.

Chu Yi stretched out his hand to lift her chin, looked at her small bright red lips, felt a tightness in her lower abdomen, and a hot breath rushed up from below.

Chu Yi pinched her little chin and said, "You little mouth, why can't you say something nice. However, I like to hear what Yue'er said, even if it's a curse word."

With that said, Chu Yi leaned over and was about to kiss Shui Lingyue's lips.

(End of this chapter)

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