The sun never sets in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 299 Who Is The Pig?

Chapter 299 Who Is The Pig?
Although Azig knew that the artillery fire of the Ming army could not hit his troops who had already moved north,
But even this is unbearable!How do the soldiers rest when the rumbling guns keep ringing?
Little Baylor, who was decisive and decisive, ran away with Jiannu, and set up camp again ten miles away from the river.

Safety can be guaranteed here. If the Ming army dared to take the trouble to transport the red barbarian cannons across the river, the later Jin army could charge their cannons with a cavalry assault.

They were devastated without seeing the Ming army, and they were tossed for half a night. Seven soldiers were killed and dozens were injured.

At that time, the Jiannu camp became a mess, running and bumping around, causing a few casualties by the shells that were bombed indiscriminately, and the shells behind them only really played the role of welcoming fireworks. At this time, Jiannu restored order The formation has been formed to prevent the Ming army from attacking at night.

The butcher Azig was furious, and it was already light. He immediately sent a team of messengers back to the Ningyuan camp to move reinforcements, and informed the eighth that they found a large number of Ming army troops, and they should have brought red barbarian cannons.

He was going to stand on the spot and wait for reinforcements. He ordered the soldiers to take turns cutting down trees to reinforce the camp, and sent out cavalry to look for the Ming army along the big river.

Soon, Jiannu, who was looking for a ferry on the north bank of the river, discovered that there were several groups of firecrackers from the Ming army strolling around on the south bank, and they were also aiming at the north bank with their firecrackers. They have more than a hundred steps.

Jiannu wasn't afraid at all, he was still busy with his own affairs, looking for a wading point.

Regarding how to cross the Liuzhou River on horseback, Mr. Huang Sheng has studied it a long time ago. There are at least three places on this river within fifty miles of Zhongming Fort. The other two places are too far away from the official road. Difficult to pass, even across the river.

Huang Sheng chose a place where he could cross the river and set it up to make the barbarians feel uncomfortable.

He thought that Jiannu would take a fancy to this place if he wanted to cross by force, because it was only ten miles away from the official road, and the river beach was made of sand and gravel instead of mud, which would not trap horseshoes, and the road on the south bank was in good condition.

When dozens of Jiannu riders finally found a place where the water seemed to be not deep and the water was calm, they found five carriages and a dozen horses parked on the south bank.

Tu Keba clearly saw forty or fifty Ming soldiers standing on the bank pointing at them with firecrackers.The kid spat on the ground contemptuously and cursed: "Aqina!"

Huang Sheng obviously could come with more troops, but he deliberately only let the guards and forty first-level shooters hold the loaded flintlock guns to prepare for another cheap price, the purpose is to count the pigs on the other side of the river.

In fact, when the two armies strolled along the big river, the Musketeers of the Huang family had the opportunity to shoot and kill Jiannu who was relatively close to the shore. It was only a hundred steps away. The enemy had already entered the range where the flintlock rifle could penetrate armor. Huang Sheng refused to do so. .

Without him, it's not cost-effective to think that there are too few Jiannu who can be killed at one time.The reason why the sudden shooting and sneak attack was successful was entirely because Jiannu didn't know the range of our army's flintlock guns, and they learned to behave after being hit once.

The Huang family always charges tuition for educating them, right?It’s too cheap, so it’s impossible to aim and shoot all the way. After making the Jiannu’s nerves thick, give them a hard time, and let them pay a bloody high price for knowing the range of the Ming army’s firecrackers.

Seventy or eighty of Jiannu were on the other side. Huang Sheng asked the following cavalry troops to retreat to ambush in the dense forest five miles away. He led dozens of people with guns in his hand to lure Jiannu to try to cross the river.

The reason why the current is gentle here is because the river is relatively wide, more than eighty paces, Jiannu got down from the bank of the river for three rides down the river to test the water, and actually reached the center of the river.Yan Xiaowu, a trainee general banner officer, led nine people and immediately ran down the river bank and into the river, aiming their guns together.

Yan Xiaowu was the best among the first batch of tracker children. Now there are more than [-] of those one hundred boys who have been promoted to trainee general banner officers. Today, four people came, namely Wang Xiaoyong, Zhou Dazhuang, and Fang Yi. Each of them Picked out a few of the best shooters in his headquarter to lure the enemy with the Patriarch.

The pretentious performance of the ten young men was effective. They ran into the shallow water without even caring about getting their shoes wet.

The three Jian slaves realized the danger and turned back. They thought that they would be shot by the Ming army if they moved forward. Even if they could cross the river, there were forty or fifty Ming soldiers there. Are there only three of them going to die?

Takba was the commander of these slave-building scouts. He was a loyal slave, and he volunteered to lead a team early in the morning to find a crossing point for the army.

Standing on the stirrups and looking up, he found that the opposite bank was very empty, and there seemed to be only fifty or so Ming troops nearby, only a dozen cavalrymen, and five carts parked on the bank.

This kid wanted to make a contribution, and a plan was initially formed in his pig-like brain.

Taking the 77 cavalry under his command, he suddenly crossed the river and rushed to the opposite bank. Not only did he find an ideal ferry for his master, he might be able to kill more than fifty Ming troops on the other bank and rob their five carts.

It is obvious that those cars were taken by high officials of the Ming army. What good things are in the cars?He is curious!Sure enough, curiosity killed the cat!
He watched the brothers who tested the water come back, and the ten Ming army gunners on the other side of the river returned to the south bank without firing their guns. It was obvious that their guns must have insufficient range, otherwise they would be polite?
The three Jiannu were very excited and reported: "Lord Bashiku, it is absolutely possible to cross the river here. We have already waded through the deepest part of the river just now. If the Ming army hadn't pointed their guns at it, we would have crossed."

All the soldiers of the post-Gold Army cheered, they found the ideal wading point, and the big river was not an obstacle, otherwise it would be too troublesome for the soldiers to work hard to cut down trees and erect pontoon bridges.

Tu Keba called the other eight Bayalas and said, "Brothers, I am going to take everyone down the river and rush to the other side to kill all the Ming soldiers. There is obviously a high-ranking Ming soldier there."

A Ba Yala said: "Lord Bashiku, I also want to ask for orders to do a vote. Yesterday our master was very angry. If we have a small gain today, the master must be very happy."

Tu Keba laughed and said: "That's natural, we not only found the crossing point for the army, but also beheaded dozens of Ming soldiers, and maybe even captured a high-ranking Ming army officer alive, we will definitely be credited with the first merit!"

These slaves are the elites of the barbarians, and everyone is a bloody executioner. They all saw that there are not many Ming troops, and they proudly believe that if the Ming army is five times more powerful, they can easily defeat the Ming army. defeat.

Because they are the elite of the Yellow Banner, and they are the personal guards selected by the master. Every time they encounter a fierce battle with equal strength, as long as the master uses them to charge the battle, no matter how difficult the opponent is, they will be defeated.

Tu Keba is a reckless man with a high force value and a low IQ value. At this moment, Li Lingzhi is stunned.

The Jiannu cavalry under his command were all greedy for the clothes of the Ming army on the other side and their carts, and they all yelled and booed to rob.

He didn't even need a telescope, Huang Sheng could clearly see Jiannu swarming into the water with his naked eyes, he didn't plan to attack halfway across the river, but let them cross the river and wipe them out.

He smiled and said: "Everyone has it. Take twenty steps back and lean on the chariots. Remember to shoot accurately. I will only shoot when Jiannu is about to leave the water. Don't worry, don't startle the snake. Liu Guozheng, the safety of the soldiers depends on your martial arts."

(End of this chapter)

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