Chapter 352
But Zheng Yiguan clearly knew that keeping Zheng Zhibao and the others would shake the morale of the army, but he had no choice but to do anything. His Excellency Huang Sheng used a conspiracy.

Zheng Yiguan couldn't shut up or kill people like Zheng Zhibao, and he had to treat them kindly, otherwise those soldiers under his command who didn't recognize him would be even more alienated.

Besides, Zheng Zhibao is his own younger brother, Master Huang's ability to spare Zheng Zhibao's life has proved the sincerity of the Ming army to let him go.

Zheng Yiguan patiently listened to Zheng Zhibao's story about the Daming navy they saw, about those young musketeer soldiers, and he also knew that he was already a rat crossing the street in Fujian and Guangdong and Guangxi.

Zheng Yiguan's mouth was full of bitterness, it seems that Daming has Mr. Huang Sheng, this bowl of rice in the sea is not good.Going overseas to grab land and build a country can really be considered.

In just two months, Xu Xinsu has regained some vitality. His subordinates have already obtained more than [-] large and small warships allocated by the imperial court. The reward for defeating Zheng Yiguan has also come down. Qian Zong.

This kid is rich, but now he has changed his mind and is willing to spend money. Fujian is suffering from a drought, and the people are in dire straits. He has money and food and immediately pulls up a private army of more than 1000 people. A guerrilla general.

Xu Xinsu collected some dismantled warships and bought some new ones. Now there are ten No. 32 Fuchuan-class main battleships, [-] Caobao-class ships, and forty Cangshan ships, Kailang ships, etc. Several ships.

With the lessons learned from the past, he knows that the army is the foundation of his foothold, and he trains the navy every day regardless of the cost. I believe that he will improve his combat effectiveness soon. If Zheng Yiguan comes again, I am afraid that both sides will suffer.

Since Xu Xinsu was stationed in Kinmen as Chief Qian, he naturally wanted to improve the defense of the city of thousands of households there. Taking advantage of too many refugees gathered near Xiamen, he brought more than 2000 households to Kinmen to settle down.

Xu Xinsu has money, food, people, and many warships and soldiers. I believe that he will be the actual owner of Jinmen Island in a short time.

There is a famine in Fujian, and the price of food is ridiculously high. A bucket of rice costs two taels of silver, and the poor cannot survive at all.

Of course, Huang Sheng couldn't do nothing, so he sent young musketeers to sell 20 shi of rice in Fujian using the Ye family's sales network.

They also have an important task to widely publicize the recruitment of excellent craftsmen. Shipbuilding craftsmen are the most popular. The Huang family offers a guaranteed monthly salary of one or two dollars, and a monthly ration of four buckets of high salary for large-scale recruitment.

As long as the craftsmen are selected, they can receive four months' remuneration in advance, and then drag their families to Zhejiang to settle down. They only need to work for five hours a day when they work in Zhejiang, and they can rest for three days a month, and their wages will be paid.

Who wouldn't want such generous conditions? The craftsmen who were favored by the young Huang family were all fleeing with their families. The subordinates who managed them had no choice but to dare to chase them, otherwise they might die from the remnants of Zheng Yiguan's plunder. .

Ye Chengjing knew that when the people were in dire straits, they had to be helped, otherwise they would take risks, and when bandits abounded, both the poor and the rich would be threatened.

This time, he followed Huang Sheng to show off in Nanyang, and the attitude of the Spanish governor and those Westerners with high noses and blue eyes towards the Ming Dynasty made him feel extremely honored.

He also saw with his own eyes that Huang's private soldiers and Li Guozhu's pirates wiped out the entire navy of the Dayue Kingdom. With such strength, it would be difficult for a country to fight against it. What should we do in the future?

He was not afraid, but had expectations. He had already made up his mind that he would hang out with Mr. Huang in the future, and either he would not be successful or he would be doomed.

Mr. Huang used the grain he bought to do good deeds, and he asked to use the Ye family business name to stand out.Of course you can!The Ye family will gain an unexpected good reputation!

As for whether to offend the black-hearted bureaucrat capital who is about to make money for the country, this old gentleman is not afraid of causing trouble.

His family and his partner made too much money from this trip to Nanyang, which was at least [-]% higher than expected. The Huang family who could bring them wealth just asked him to find a partner to sell rice at a low price. Of course he spared no effort.

Zhu Yifeng, the governor of Fujian, is not a big corrupt official, but he still does things with his heart. When he sees a merchant selling rice for charity, he immediately cooperates with the action and sends government soldiers to maintain order.

With the extra 20 shi of rice in Fujian, at least 40 people can survive with bark and wild vegetables, but what about the poor people?Even if they can't afford a stone of rice and two taels of silver, should they starve to death?
No, no, Master Huang's scientific robbing of the rich and giving to the poor is definitely not the case. After all, there are only a small number of people who are really poor.

It is often the absolute minority at the beginning who start to take risks in order to fight for the chance of survival. Once the riots, the fragile balance is broken.

It was possible to rebuild and resume production after the disaster, but it was destroyed by the man-made disasters of constant smashing, smashing, looting and burning, so more destitute people emerged, and finally developed to the point where the imperial court was unable to provide relief.

Natural disasters were the first cause of the collapse of the Ming Dynasty. Could it be that Shaanxi has suffered continuous disasters for 17 years?In fact, it was Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and other ambitious people who burned, killed and looted, and brought the most important disaster to Ming Dynasty-war disaster.

They are like locusts spreading across Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan. As long as they pass through one place, tens of thousands of ordinary people who could be self-sufficient become destitute.

In the end, the team of the two thieves Zhang and Li became stronger and stronger like a snowball, becoming the number one force that destroyed the Han civilization.

Huang Sheng was ingenious in doing relief work, but he didn't just give out food when he saw the refugees.

After selling 20 shi of rice at two taels of silver and one shi, all the 10,000+ shi on board will be profit. People who don’t want to go hungry, the Huang family will give you food and clothing. Come on, get on the boat and go to Zhejiang.

The government is most afraid of the gathering of refugees. Now the poorest people who have no food and clothing have been taken away. There are a total of 2 people and more than 4000 households.

Although there were a lot of people, since Gu Shanhe had already educated 1 people to obey orders, he let the positive family of the 1 people lead two or three families, and they were immediately organized.

Huang Sheng left [-] shi of rice for Xu Xinsu, and asked him to help take in another thousand refugees and send them to Lingao County, Qiongzhou, and told him that the Huang family had tens of thousands of acres of farmland there and needed manpower.

With Xu Xinsu's ability, such a trivial matter is of course effortless. He said that within a month, he would definitely hand over the population to Ma San.Doing the math, there are [-] households going to Lingao, with a population of about [-] to [-]. Ma San's work will be much easier.

After completing the major task of rescuing the people in Fujian, the Huangdongshan fleet, which has more than 600 sea-going ships, sailed back to the north when it sent people back to Lingao, and arrived at Daishan Island in mid-November. Labor here has begun to take shape, the cement plant has been put into operation, and the spinning mill has been completed.

This spinning mill is only to centralize the management of new spinning machines and provide jobs for women. The raw cotton purchased this time is unloaded on the spot, and it will become a large-scale light industrial base in the future.

Twenty silos have been built in the Daishan Island Grain Depot, which can store 10,000+ stones of grain. This is because the construction masters of the Huang family have built many silos, and the design is becoming more and more reasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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