The sun never sets in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 361 The truth is revealed

Chapter 361 The truth is revealed
He Xiang and Gu Ling'er saw that the master showed his true feelings without any jealousy. The two of them snuggled up to the master and sobbed. They didn't know whether they were frightened by Zhao Rui's life-threatening situation in giving birth to a child, or because they were glad that their beloved master knew the cold and the hot. .

The Patriarch has offspring, even though he is a girl, everyone is happy and encouraged. Heihu is finally relieved. He has had four children in the past few years, Huang Mingli and Huang Mingdao also have several children, but there is no movement from the Patriarch. Li also asked what was wrong with the wife who was the head teacher at the school.

Now there is no need to worry at all. Once you have one, there will be one after another in the future. There are many women in the house. Are you afraid that the Huang family will have no descendants?

The officers saw the dangers of today, and they all said that in order to be safe in the future, their women must come to the hospital to give birth, and their blood types must be identified in advance.

It would be great to take the lead in advocating military family members to come to the hospital to give birth, which will greatly reduce the tragic ending of one dead body and two lives, and in the long run, it will drive ordinary people to follow suit.

Huang's Hospital does not make profit, but only charges the cost of work.It is not for the purpose of increasing the hospitalization rate, increasing the turnover, and increasing the profit.

Instead, in line with the original intention of hanging the pot to help the world, the purpose of researching medicine is to make the number of wounded patients recover as an assessment index, and excessive medical abuse of drugs is not allowed.

This year, the welfare of the Huang family is already very high. After the owner of the family was very happy, he gave each household of the Huang family four catties of wedding candy. Candy is a rare commodity in this era. Ordinary people never enter the house. Really sweet.

On the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, Huan'er, Zuo Shouquan, and Zhang Youlu who were on a business trip came back, bringing back more than 3000 people, including more than 2000 refugees taken in by Chu'er, and hundreds of them were the family members of the 77 martial artists they recruited.

They followed the "Blood Fire Liaodong" crew to visit more than a dozen cities in northern Daming, selected 77 masters from tens of thousands of passionate men with martial arts skills, and confirmed through open and unannounced visits that these people are simple and good people.

Each of them is no weaker than Zuo Shouquan and Wu Yi, and everyone feels lucky to be taken in as servants by the Huang family, and they all bring their families to settle down on Huangjiawan Island.

When Zhao Rui was on maternity leave, Gu Ling'er stepped forward to deal with the Huang's family's chores and expenses. She was very capable and handled things with ease. His wife, Shangsun, etc. are all good masters at their fingertips.

Soon the refugees were resettled to temporarily live in schools that had been closed. After the New Year, they were arranged to go to Zhongmingbao, Huangjiashan Island, and Juehua Island to work or farm.

The 77 martial artists are all allocated four small buildings with a main house and a yard to live in. The civil officer has arranged which factory they will work in next year according to their family's specialties.

These martial artists are all carefully selected good citizens, and they are also the most grassroots people of Ming Dynasty. They were originally inspired by the heroism in the "Blood and Fire Liaodong" drama, and they were preparing to serve in the army. They never thought that the place they came to would be so prosperous , I never expected to get such a good housing.

They felt at ease, thinking about killing the enemy and doing meritorious deeds in the coming year to serve the Patriarch.

The happy and peaceful New Year is coming, and the population of Huangjiawan Island has increased by [-]%. That is when many people who work in Huangjiashan Island, Juehua Island, and Big and Small Scorpion Island go home to celebrate the New Year.

Such a rich and lively city opened the eyes of the Spanish missionaries. They really couldn't imagine how many people there would be in Ming Dynasty. It is just a small island with more than 8 people living here.

The missionaries are writing letters to inform their fellow believers, asking them to report back to the archbishop, and strive to send more missionaries to Daming in the future. There may be more believers here than in the whole of Europe.

Zhao Rui, who is in confinement, is recovering very well, with enough milk, the little girl is white and fat after sleeping, eating and sleeping, He Xiang and Gu Ling'er like to tease the children the most, and they also want to leave a son for the master A half girl, if she gets the chance, she will pester the master to try to create a human being.

Zhao Rui's sense of happiness has increased sharply. She knows that the master cares about her so much, why is she not happy now that she is the first to be connected with the master's blood?

It's just that every time I think of the master using his own blood to save her, I feel guilty. I feel infinitely sweet when I think of the master's blood flowing in my body.

She just wanted to get back to normal as soon as possible, so that she could take care of Nuo Da's family for the master.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month, Huang Mingdao took the "Liaodong" and [-] warships to escort about [-] merchant ships and cargo ships to the South China Sea, passing through Fushan Port, Daishan Island, Xiamen Island, and Feifu Port as the terminal at Lingao.

Following the fleet, there are many civil officials, designers and craftsmen mainly retired soldiers, as well as the promoted Baochang, Jiachang, Lichang and other grassroots managers who drag their families to build a new home.

One of the main purposes of this voyage is to transport grass-roots officers to enrich the territory. It started when the merchants of the Ming Dynasty entrusted them to be coachmen on the sea of ​​the Ming Dynasty to transport goods from the north to the south for thousands of miles.

The fleet was loaded with many goods entrusted by northern merchants to be transported to the south, as well as equipment and materials that the Huang family needed to transport to the new territory, and of course porcelain, Songjiang cloth and other products for foreign trade.

How to train your own sailor and captain?There is no other good way. Combining theory with practice, continuous learning and continuous voyages at the same time will get twice the result with half the effort.

In order to broaden the horizons of his subordinates, this time Hu Jianfeng and Cao Hucheng's heavy infantry chief Baizong was sent to set off with the fleet, along with Hei Hu and his own cavalry chief Baizong. Of course they did not bring horses.

The musketeers and field artillery also set off together. No one was unwilling. The Huang family had fallen in love with the ocean. They would not try to conquer the ocean in vain, they just wanted to be able to adapt to the ocean.

Huang Sheng is deliberately opening the eyes of the people in the system to see the world. Only the Han people who are not afraid of the great sea will always lead the world.

Two days later, Huang Sheng set off for Beijing to rush for the exam. He brought along the personal soldiers, loaders, and four hundred newly recruited young musketeers. Secretary He Xiang and Bian Zhiming, of course, accompanied him.

Although the four hundred teenagers have just turned 14 years old, everyone has been able to read and write for at least one year, and there are many who have studied for three years. They have participated in at least one hundred times of military training. It will form combat effectiveness, and is more brave and tenacious than ordinary Ming army musketeers.

These teenagers grew up listening to the stories of heroes. Everyone aspires to be a hero. They are ignorant teenagers who are fearless and dare to move forward no matter what kind of enemy they encounter. Therefore, the young soldiers are actually the most loyal ministers.

There are more than [-] new musketeers who are martyrs or family members of wounded and retired soldiers who enlisted instead. Compared with the teenagers who recruited for the public examination, they are one level behind, but their loyalty is beyond doubt, and hard work can make up for it.

(End of this chapter)

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