Chapter 372
Yuan Dudu seems to be really bullying and fearing the hard, and this time he sent someone to show his favor and made a lot of money.

As long as everything is good for him, Huang Sheng stated that Yuan Chonghuan would not deal with the people controlled by Guan Qiandao and that everyone in the territory would live in peace.

The two of Mao Yuanyi received a promise from their friends, that no one offends me and I will not offend others, making Dudu Yuan forget that there is another Guan Qiandao under his command.

They all think that there is no problem at all. If Dudu Yuan does something outrageous, they will dissuade him immediately. If they can't stop it, they will try their best to notify Juehua Island or Zhongmingbao immediately.

Huang Sheng took the full military salary from others and wanted to give some gifts in return. In order to show his sincerity for reconciliation, he handed over to Mao Yuanyi the head of the 59th-level Jiannu Zhengbing.

Armors and badges are complete, including a Bashiku, three white-armored soldiers, and Jiannu Banner Ding Qingzhuang with a level of 160. These banner Ding are of course traitors and court traitors. It is not that the Huang family horses deliberately killed them. Swords and guns have no eyes, and the luck of these more than 100 people is a bit bad.

Wu Xiang was very happy. Knowing that such a solid head was in hand, Dudu Yuan didn't know how much he would brag.

This time, it was his and Mao Yuanyi's gains, no matter how much they boasted, they would not be left behind.

Wu Xiang thought in his heart that after meritorious deeds and rewards, he won't be able to escape after getting a second-rank ginseng general.

Mao Yuanyi was extremely ashamed. He knew that [-]% of Liaodong's gains in the past few years came from this little friend. Today, he is still brazenly pretending to claim other people's military achievements.

For a while, he had the ruthlessness to realize his shame and then be brave, and wanted to go back and persuade Yuan Dudu to fight Jian Nu to the death before sitting down to negotiate.

Scientists are too idealistic. How could Yuan Chonghuan have the courage to take the initiative to attack Jiannu? Relying on a strong city and using cannons is the foundation of his foothold. If he wanted to leave the tortoise shell, he would even ignore the imperial decree. How could Mao Yuanyi persuade Yuan Dudu.

After sending Mao Yuanyi away and accepting Yuan Chonghuan's olive branch, Huang Sheng felt more at ease. As long as Yuan Chonghuan's idiot didn't move the troops he managed, he wouldn't care how much Daming lost. Anyway, his losses were controllable.

After the Dragon Boat Festival, seeing the end of May, Huang Sheng personally led the team to continue to travel to Nanyang. The purpose was still trade. He sold the porcelain, Songjiang cloth, and glassware produced this year, and shipped them back to copper and precious metals. There is a batch to be shipped back. The most important cargo - rice.

Because of the arrival of the tragic year of Chongzhen, the people in Shaanxi were willing to lose their tree bark and grass roots, and tragedies of changing children and eating them happened from time to time.

This is completely a tragedy caused by the lack of food. To solve this problem, the only way to solve this problem is to have food in hand. The Huang family needs to buy a large amount of food from overseas to save the common people of Daming.

The three ports of Kagoshima, Manila, and Feifu that have already signed contracts must be guaranteed to run at least once a year, because at least 110 million shi of rice can be purchased. Daming has more of these grains so that millions of people will not starve to death.

Of course, Huang Mingli was the highest official left behind in Liaodong, and Huang Sheng assigned him a task. Regardless of whether the Korean War came to an end, the warships of the Huang family would harass Jiannu every day.

Taking advantage of the flexibility of sentry ships to blockade the middle and lower reaches of the Yalu River, they robbed Jiannu of grain blackmailed in North Korea or attacked Jiannu's supplies to North Korea's participating troops.

Huang Mingli's troops are strong and strong. Huang Jiajia Ding's troops have five hundred cavalry, six hundred heavy infantry, and three hundred musketeers under his command. Discount, so the total of three thousand is only more than two thousand and seven hundred.

Huang Mingli has more than 10,000% of the soldiers and horses in Liaodong. If the imperial court inspects the soldiers and horses and pays them, the adults will find that the [-]+ army on the Liaodong roster will shrink by at least half.

It's no wonder that the generals leading the troops, Huang Mingli did not deduct a tael of military pay, even his own military pay was paid by the Huang family, even so, the pay from the imperial court was not enough to pay the full amount to only [-]% of his subordinates.

The Huang family had to spend money to raise soldiers for the imperial court, but it was harmless. After more than half a year, these soldiers received the best treatment from the Liaodong soldiers and horses, and they only recognized the Huang family and not the imperial court.

The soldiers and horses in Guanqian Road were paid in full, and the soldiers were superstitious about Mr. Huang's invincible reputation, so their morale was high. Huang Sheng had already reorganized the team, and the grassroots officers were all servants of the Huang family.

Huang Sheng never unilaterally raises soldiers, but trains elite soldiers hard every day. The Ming army in Guanqiandao is the Ming army with the best treatment and best equipment in the Ming Dynasty. It is also the hardest and most tiring Ming army. Sweat profusely.

No one complained of suffering or tiredness, because every soldier is familiar with Master Huang's classic quotation: Sweat more in peacetime, bleed less in wartime.

The Huang family also has incentives. Soldiers who devote themselves to practicing their killing skills will be commended. In each monthly exam, more than a dozen of them will be selected as family fighters.

Not only did these soldiers get an extra five renminbi to get two taels of guaranteed basic salary, their children would soon go to work and live on Huangjiawan Island, which everyone yearned for.Everyone has hope for the management science of the Huang family, and it has become a trend to compare combat skills with each other.

In less than a year, the Ming army, who was constantly learning culture and practicing combat skills, was almost the same as Huang Sheng's servants.

Huang Mingdao was going to Nanyang, and of course Huang Mingli was acting as an agent for the guerrilla work on Juehua Island. Huang Mingdao also had [-]% of his troops. The warships belonging to Ming Dynasty included three No. In the name of repairing without money, some of them were reported damaged again, and now there are only [-] ships.

In fact, Huang Mingli can use far more warships and transport ships than these. The Huang family has more ships left at home this time.

After the large-scale robbery last year, the number of warships of the Huang family tripled, and because the shipyards on Daishan Island and Huangjiawan Island were upgrading their warships to build new large sea-going ships, their maritime strength was unparalleled in Asia.

This time the total tonnage of the voyage reached [-] tons. All the ships were a combination of Chinese and Western products with modified and accelerated hard sails and soft sails, and all had human-driven propellers.

The cargo ships in the fleet include 150 No. [-] Fuchuan-class merchant ships, [-] horse ships, [-] new-type thousand-ton warships, [-] No. [-] Fuchuan, [-] refitted Galen ships, There are ten Zhuyin boats and eighteen self-produced sentry horse boats.

The No. [-] Fuchuan-class warships include the No. [-] Fuchuan, Galen, and Zhuyin. The displacement of these ships is between [-] and [-] tons. The new ship built by the Huang family is one level higher and has a displacement of [-] tons.

Huang Mingdao is still the commander-in-chief of the navy. Huang Dongshan left three hundred gunners to command Huang Mingli, and accompanied him with seven hundred gunners. Among them, two hundred gunners were stationed on Daishan Island. Mr. Ye Jiangong and Mr. Ma Wubai went to sea.

These children were left in Zhejiang for more than half a year, and this time they were brought along with the head of the family.The four hundred recruits have already formed their combat effectiveness, and they continue to take them with them to teach by example. This time, they will be reorganized when they go home, and some musketeers who have served for more than two years will be transferred out as the chief banner officer to enrich the warships and the newly occupied territory.

Gou'er's artillerymen have completed their internships and are now assigned jobs. More than 100 people have been assigned to serve on new warships, specializing in manipulating rifled guns.

The rest of the artillery formed a Field Artillery Commander, and Gou'er was appointed as the fourth-rank signage officer, with three general banners under his command, 120 educated young gunners, and [-] cavalry scouts who understood the semaphore and light codes. .

There are ten adjutants and town governors below Gou'er, 540 coachmen, heavy soldiers, and engineers, [-] artillery vehicles, and [-] supply vehicles and troop carriers.

Considering that this trip to Nanyang may not be a tough battle, I only brought a general flag and [-] artillery cadets who can practice this year to the sea.

The remaining two general banners were handed over to Huang Mingli to command, and they continued to attack Jiannu along the coast, and tried to break down several Jiannu castles along the Yalu River to deter the Hongmen from going westward.

This is a strategy. Huang Mingli's task is to attract Jiannu's attention to the east, so that Hongjie feels that North Korea is still a vassal state loyal to Ming Dynasty. Civil war.

(End of this chapter)

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