Chapter 438
It's a pity that Mao Yuanyi didn't have a diploma, because he wasn't even a Juren. Sun Chengzong, who was kind to him, came to Shanhaiguan, so he was naturally impatient to meet him.

Scientists have expectations, great achievements are in hand, and Mr. Sun Ge helps to operate, he can have a Jinshi background!
The scientist knew that the Huang family had suffered a lot of battles, and there were too many things to do in the aftermath, so they didn't force it. On the same day, they took the Huang's sentinel horse boat to Shanhaiguan.

I have made great achievements, and the old leader came to Liaodong to be the immediate boss. It seems that the official fortune will be prosperous in the future, and the financial resources will be abundant without any effort!

Just after Mao Yuanyi, Ningyuan, and Jinzhou troops were sent away, a sentinel boat arrived at sea, and the passenger was Chu'er's personal maid, Shuyao.Seeing the Patriarch from a distance, the little girl shouted: "Master, Madam gave birth, mother and child are safe."

Huang Jiayong and many of the officers and soldiers heard the truth, they were sincerely happy, cheers came and went, and the busy He Xiang and Lan Caier stumbled onto the deck when they heard the good news, and said happily: "My lord, great joy!" Ah! Our Huang family has a descendant."

Chu'er is a lucky star, she gave birth naturally without suffering any crimes, and easily gave birth to a fat boy who weighed two pounds. As soon as the baby fell to the ground, she asked Shuyao to cross the sea to announce the good news to her husband.

The son’s name had been chosen long ago. Chu’er said that his son was the sun in his heart. Huang Sheng decided to use the single word Hao.

Huang Sheng asked about Chu'er's situation in detail, and the little loli Shuyao chatted for half an hour. She told the head of the family that the mistress was a fat boy who was born yesterday, that is, on the seventeenth day of the first lunar month.

At this moment, Huang Sheng felt that all his efforts were real. He was already a Daming person, and he had a pair of children, Huang Hao and Huang Xin. In order for them not to be enslaved, Jianu must be destroyed.

well!It's a pity that the Ming court's "All Zhengying Dynasty" was too unbearable. In mid-December of the second year of Chongzhen, Geng Ruqi, the governor of Shanxi, and Zhang Honggong, the commander-in-chief of Shanxi Town, led the Fubiao Camp and the Zhengzheng Barracks of Shanxi Township to the seven or eight thousand Liqin Kings in a hurry. When they arrived near the capital, the army rations were exhausted.

The soldiers have no food to eat, of course they have to be provided by the court, they can't loot the common people!

According to the rules of dispatching troops in the Ming Dynasty, the guest soldiers could only receive the military rations on the second day after they arrived at the place assigned by the imperial court. The gang of bastard officials of the imperial court had no food and grass supply.

Seven or eight thousand miles away, King Qin's troops were hungry and were transferred to Tongzhou on the first day, to Changping on the second day, and to Liangxiang on the third day. They were transferred to three places in three days, and walked half a circle around the capital. In the circle, there is no place to stay until the next day, and they have not been able to get food once.

During the nine cold winter days, they played armed parades outside the capital, still hungry, the Shanxi frontier army was furious, and the civil servants thought they were smart, but the frontier army was not stupid, and finally broke up in a crowd, looting all the way to Shanxi and fleeing back.

Shanxi Town is also the elite of the Nine Frontiers, and they were treated like this when they arrived at the capital after going through hardships. It is because the officials of the Ming Dynasty "all are in charge of the court", they can't do things and are good at playing with people, but it's a pity that the frontier soldiers don't play with them.

Originally, only a few hundred shi of grain worth more than 1000 taels of silver could temporarily stabilize the morale of the army, and 8000 people had more than a hundred shi of grain a day, which was enough for them to eat. The army solves the problem, and just like that, an army crumbles because of hunger.

Daming not only lost these thousands of troops, but also gained thousands of well-trained enemy troops, because many of the fleeing Shanxi frontier troops became bandits and later became the elite of the bandits.

The biggest reason why the Ming Dynasty fell was that each of these bureaucratic groups did not think about serving the country, and beat themselves up all day long. A small number of moral gentlemen were too incompetent, and doing bad things with good intentions brought even greater harm to the country.

The capital has been under martial law for two months, and the price of food has soared, and a bucket of rice costs one or two silver.

The "Zongzhengyingchao" are so poor in handling emergencies that they don't even understand that food must be purchased and distributed according to the number of people in wartime, and they allow the act of distributing the country's wealth to occur.

Due to the unbalanced distribution of food, it led to panic hoarding. It is no wonder that no one can predict how long Jiannu will besiege the city.

In the absence of effective supervision, the rich and bureaucrats will of course try to hoard to ensure that their families can have enough food.

Many poor families really can't get rid of the pot, and the food hoarded by the rich can be eaten for a year or even a few years.

At this time, the 10,000+ stone grain that Huang Sheng arranged in advance played a role. Laifeng, Bai Saixue, and Lan Meimei led the Huang family to come forward.

The Huangjia Grain Bank in Wang Gongchang New District sells rice according to the head charity, and each person can buy one bucket at a time, and the price is two "Huaxia Tongbao" silver coins for one stone.

The Huangjia Grain Store only accepts "Huaxia Tongbao". The common people don't have such currency, so what should they do?It's okay to go directly to the "Huaxia Big Bank" Jingshi Wang Gong Factory to exchange for the equivalent value of the semicolon, where the common people are not exploited.

The common people didn't pay attention to the "Huaxia Big Bank" that appeared in the capital not long ago, but after this operation, it became a household name.

The common people also know that if they deposit 100 taels of silver in the "Huaxia Big Bank" for a full year, they can get [-] taels of silver, or one hundred and three "Huaxia Tongbao" silver coins.

The food charity sale lasted for three days, and the novelty of "Huaxia Tongbao" was no longer new. The common people recognized this currency, and everyone competed to exchange it with silver and copper coins.

There are still many poor people who have no money to buy food, what should they do?Do they have to starve to death on the streets?

Of course not, Huang Sheng’s way of doing good deeds is the most scientific. Half of the profit from the two-two-one-stone charity sale of rice is basically a double gain of fame and fortune. Using the earned rice to help the poor can not only achieve sustainable development but also stabilize the society.

Xiangyong from Wang Gongchang New District took to the streets to spread the word, and the good people in the capital also widely publicized: "People in the capital who can't get rid of the pot at home, please don't worry about going hungry to work in the Huang family. The good people in the capital are given priority. Three catties of rice."

This is very scientific, and money is no longer reliable. The Huang family directly gives rice, and poor people who get three catties of rice can exchange six catties of coarse grains, which can solve the belly problem of four or five people.

The capital is besieged by Jiannu, where are there any job opportunities?The Huang family doesn't need to employ people at all!

If you don't need it, you can't let the strong laborers idle. Each one sends out a wooden stick to organize military training to maintain law and order. The healthy women each take a broom to keep the capital clean.

The Huang family currently has more than [-] veterans staying in the capital, and seven or eight hundred village warriors in training. Each of them leads a few, and immediately a team of thousands of people is formed.

Zhang Zhiji, the commander-in-chief of the five armies, discovered the benefits of doing so, and sent a military attache of Qianzong from Shenji Battalion to participate in the management. These people are equivalent to being officially recognized and full of enthusiasm.

Encouraging ordinary people to participate in public security management is the most brilliant method. The good people in the capital already have a good reputation. They are all born and bred locals.

Chapter 430 Five: Too much nonsense, please read the original book again, the original plot was published wrongly, it was a draft, and the donkey's head was wrong.The pirated website may not modify it, and book lovers who read the pirated version may need to read this chapter in the genuine version.Sorry for the trouble, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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