Chapter 484
The Huang family used the barbarians to control the barbarians to the extreme. The cave masters and bow masters who were caught in the quagmire of war really had nowhere to hide. It only took two months, depending on the battle of Hainan Island.

The chieftain's organizational structure based on Dongzhu's self-government model was completely destroyed, replaced by the primary stage of imperial capitalism.

A large number of liberated Li people in the mountainous area will become construction workers, self-cultivating farmers and auxiliary soldiers.

In the future, the Huang family system will not allow different ethnic groups to form villages and live alone, because once ethnic settlements like independent small kingdoms are formed, they will immediately become a stumbling block hindering ethnic integration.

Mixing Sinicized and foreign nationalities is the only way to go. Obey Sinicization and be able to speak and write Chinese characters, the road will become wider and wider, and the days will gradually become rich.

Resisting Sinicization and not being able to speak Chinese, what awaits me is that I am poor and cannot find a job, and I don’t know if I may be arrested and sent to a labor camp.

In the future, Hainan Island will no longer have uprisings by foreign nationalities every few years to smash the achievements of the Han people's hard work, resulting in rampant military disasters, bandits, and people living here.

Under Huang Sheng's system, Hainan Island will become a civilized and open free trade island. It is uniquely endowed with extremely rich mineral resources, and the Huang family urgently needs a huge amount of rich iron ore reserves.

The iron ore in the later Shilu Town of Changhua County, Danzhou does not need tunnel mining at all, and can be obtained directly by open-pit mining.

Now there are few people here, and there is no place name Shilu Town. There is a rich iron ore area with a radius of more than ten miles. The reserves are hundreds of millions of tons, and the grade is as high as [-]%. It will not be mined for hundreds of years with the demand of Daming. Exhausted, iron ore is no longer an urgent need for the Huang family from now on.

Hainan Island also has copper mines, gold mines, etc., and the reserves are also remarkable. Except for the unsatisfactory coal resources, there are almost all other mineral deposits here, and there are too many high-quality quartz sands for making glass.

Huang Sheng has this huge and resource-rich island in his hands, and it is no longer a dream to fight for world hegemony.

To manage this treasure island well, of course, we must eliminate all hostile forces and make it a kingly paradise with good law and order, rich people and prosperous business.

Hainan Island has shortcomings. The quality of the coal mines here is so poor that the combustion value is too low and there is almost no mining value.

It doesn't matter, in the country of Dayue across the sea, Jiaozhi, the hometown of our Han people, has a large open-pit coal mine waiting for the Huang family to pick it up.

There are high-quality coal mines in the northeast of Dayue State bordering Ming and Guangxi. The reserves are terrifying. The mine veins are more than [-] miles long. There are as many as [-] million tons that can be mined in the open pit, and the underground reserves are as high as billions of tons. Anyway, Huang Sheng It can't be used up in a few lifetimes.

This is Hongji City, Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam in later generations. The coal produced has high calorific value, low ash content, no smoke, and high quality, which is rare in the world.There are not only high-quality shallow coal reserves, but also high-quality mineral deposits such as iron, zinc, and copper.

One of the most convenient conditions is that these mineral deposits are close to the sea or very close to the coastline. The most convenient thing in the age of great exploration is sea transportation. The gold content of these resources has greatly increased due to the ease of transportation.

That is the homeland of the Han people!The Han people have lived there for more than a thousand years, and of course they want to take it back now.For this reason, Huang Sheng will lead his private soldiers to fight with all his strength, leaving inexhaustible wealth for future generations.

The two most important resources in the early industrialization process are coal and iron. We have obtained high-quality rich iron ore and possibly the best coal mine in the world. The era of powerful alliances and large-scale steelmaking will come soon. As long as our own steel production becomes the world's largest First, will it be far from becoming the world's number one power?

The cost of steel bars and cement required for modern urbanization will plummet due to large-scale industrial production.

Flood control embankments with reinforced concrete structures and strong reservoirs will greatly improve the ability of the Han people to resist natural disasters brought about by the Little Ice Age, and the fertile land that can guarantee harvests during droughts and floods will double.

As long as there is money and food, the working people of this era are much more hard-working than later generations. Too many people can work hard all day long just for food and clothing, and too many people even want the most basic food and clothing.

From now on, the Huang family will enter a virtuous circle, increasing the population to obtain labor, and they will create wealth and convert it into money and food, which will increase the population..., like a snowball, the sun never sets who else is the empire?

With the help of Huang Sheng, Ruan Fuyuan, the lord of Guangnan, expanded his territory to the west for [-] miles a year ago. His territory expanded and hidden dangers were planted. The new territory refused to surrender, and Laos continued to send troops to attack and try to regain their homeland.

There are tens of millions of mu of good land in the great rivers and mountains, and no monarch is willing to give up.

The Guangnan Kingdom continued to increase its troops to the city of Laos, and the war with the Laos entered a stalemate, and it was inextricably linked for a while.

On the third day after Huang Mingdao brought the Daming Navy to Feifu Port to complete the trade and left, the Zheng Group in the north learned that the Lancang Kingdom of Guangnan was the Kingdom of Laos. Prepare to unify the country of Dai Viet.

Several times they attacked the border wall of Guangnan Kingdom, but they all failed, and the North Vietnamese learned from it.

The Zheng Bing Group believed that the Guangnan Kingdom's artillery on the side wall caused the Northern Army's repeated defeats. They learned from the pain and spent a lot of money to buy 22 Hongyi cannons from the Dutch.

Xiyi has never been able to be sincere and united, and they are also attacking each other.

Only the ignorant Man Qing was the most capable, playing around in the nest, and actually made the most meaningless and stupid move, attacking other people's embassies, which led to the eight-nation coalition forces of all countries with their own ghosts to attack China.

The Dai Viet Kingdom, which was confronting the North and the South, was supported by the two countries of Xiyi respectively. The Portuguese sat in Feifu Port, helped Nguyen Phuc Yuan to train firearms troops, and sold guns and artillery to Quang Nam.

After looking back, the North Vietnamese Hou Le Dynasty approached the Dutch and got their support. Therefore, the contest between North and South Vietnam was also a game of colonial empires.

Zheng Bing personally commanded the North Vietnamese army to go south. He dispatched 5 horses and [-] civilians to quietly transport the red barbarian cannons to the border wall of Guangnan State to launch a surprise attack. Because the North Vietnamese concentrated firepower to attack one point, the border wall of Guangnan State was lost and the North Vietnamese army broke into the interior.

The Guangnan Kingdom lost every step of the way, and the North Vietnamese Zheng's army marched forward triumphantly, occupying cities and plundering land all the way.

Fortunately, the Hongyi cannon was heavy and difficult to transport, and North Vietnam needed this siege weapon, which affected the speed of advancement.

Quang Nam gained precious time to mobilize its troops and temporarily curbed the momentum of the North Vietnamese army's offensive. However, the North Vietnamese army had advanced to the plains two hundred miles away from the capital of Quang Nam, and Quang Nam was in jeopardy.

Ruan Fuyuan immediately thought that he was a vassal state of Ming Dynasty, and the navy of the suzerain state had just left, and it was said that they would stay in Hainan Island.

The lord of Guangnan sent four important ministers to accompany his confidant minister Hu Mingshan to bring 8 taels of gold to hire the seven Portuguese battleships across the sea to pursue the Ming fleet.

They were lucky. They found hundreds of Ming warships and merchant ships unloading at the port of Thanksgiving County, Hainan Island. The Minister of Guangnan Kingdom and Hu Mingshan all knelt down and cried when they saw Huang Mingdao, begging Shangguo to send troops to rescue Guangnan Kingdom.

Seeing such a good thing, Huang Mingdao almost laughed out loud, and accepted the gold guarantee on the spot, even if the Zheng family wiped out the Guangnan Kingdom, as long as your lord hires Portuguese warships to go to sea, it will be fine.

You can come to the border of Daming Qiongzhou Prefecture to organize a government-in-exile, and Daming will definitely send troops to seek justice and help the Lord of Guangnan to restore the country.

Huang Mingdao was very smart and didn't worry at all. He was planning to immediately ask the Patriarch to send troops to attack the Zheng family of Dayue Kingdom, but he also planned to take it easy. They started fighting on their own, so what's the harm in letting them come and go and fight more lively?

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(End of this chapter)

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