Chapter 502 Unforgettable
Actual combat is the best way to train fighters. As long as time passes, Xin Xiangyong, who is constantly having small-scale chasing battles to fight, will be upgraded to intermediate and advanced Xiangyong.

Their combat effectiveness will gradually increase, and the outbreak of combat effectiveness when protecting their wives and children and guarding their homeland is not ordinary.

Senior Xiangyong has been tempered, too many people have been upgraded to auxiliary soldiers, and too many auxiliary soldiers have become regular soldiers.

The upgrade of the township bravery and auxiliary soldiers will be selected every month. Of course, the purpose is to break the big pot, reward hard work and punish laziness, and open up the upward channel for the people of the Huang family who are willing to make progress.

The model beauty is also back, and according to Liu Guozheng's report, she really got a fighting chance.

When Ma Xiangling rode a war elephant to chase the fleeing enemy army, he shot a long-range shot with his step bow and hit three soldiers of the Great Viet Kingdom.

Later, everyone discovered that the female military officer may have never killed anyone, and she looked at the enemy she shot dead with her mouth flattened, and she looked like she was about to cry.

The little girl in her personal soldier team is only a well-trained soldier. A good soldier on the training ground cannot be called a soldier at all. A soldier needs to be tempered by blood and fire.

Those Sichuan girls were so stupid looking at the results of the battle, no one dared to harvest their heads.

Fifty or so little girls were helpless around the three enemy corpses. In the end, the war elephant soldier took out his dagger and cut off the three bloody heads. Half of the female soldiers vomited faintly on the spot, and Ma Xiangling vomited even more beautifully. His face was pale.

It got better after that, and in the end, even those female soldiers grew up, and they dared to stab their opponents face to face with their white spears.

This is of course Liu Guozheng's intention to fulfill them and give them a chance to practice. He always wanted to kill the army of Dayue State, and let more than a dozen enemies approach Ma Xiangling's team.

After many face-to-face killings, Ma Xiangling and the fifty or so female soldiers under her command gained experience, and the Sichuan girls became fighters.

When Huang Sheng saw the beauty of the model again, he found that she was heroic, with a faint murderous look on her face, and she had the appearance of a female general.

The Ming army who besieged the capital of Dai Viet carried out exercises with enthusiasm, preparing for the capture of the city of "Tokyo".

Everyone volunteered to sign up to be selected, and there were many who asked to be the first batch of soldiers to climb the city. Those who were most eager to get the mission were Li Renxiangyong, Wolf Soldiers, and Baigan Soldiers.

There have always been some joys and some sorrows. Hanoi was besieged with no fewer than 50 soldiers and civilians from the Dai Viet Kingdom.

In the past six months, Li Shenzong Li Weiqi of the Dayue Kingdom has not been idle. The Ming army attacked the city, and too many foreign troops poured into the "Tokyo" city. Because the powerful minister Zheng Bing led hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians to attack the Guangnan Kingdom, his life and death are unknown.

The forces supporting the Zheng family appeared weak in Hanoi, and Le Wei Qi seized the rare opportunity to launch a coup.

Some princes and ministers, who had long been dissatisfied with the power minister Zheng Ji's poor soldiers and ransoms, brought their servants to participate. They were assisted by foreign troops, and the "Tokyo" city was surrounded by swordsmen and fell into melee.

In the end, Li Weiqi, the monarch of the later Li Dynasty, rose again, and he won the imperial power he dreamed of. This coup led to the death of [-] soldiers and civilians.

Huang Sheng had already learned in March from the soldiers and civilians of the Dai Viet Kingdom who escaped from the city of "Tokyo" to support Zheng Bing that Hou Li Chao himself was fighting.

He sat on the mountain and watched the tigers fight, and used this time to consolidate his occupied territory. He was not in a hurry to take the "Tokyo" city, but adopted a loose siege, and the army and civilians of Dai Viet were not allowed to enter.

At the end of April, Li Weiqi, who had finished liquidating Zheng Yu's rebellion, sent a mission to express his surrender to Daming, promising to pay tribute every year, asking Ming to withdraw his troops from the siege, and sending a gift list to reward Ming soldiers, worth more than 10 taels of gold.

Huang Sheng gave Li Weiqi a reply, asking him to disarm and surrender to the Great Ming Dynasty, and he can be bestowed with the title of Duke of Anle, so that he can enjoy the glory and wealth for a lifetime.

The embassy missions of the Later Li Dynasty kept going back and forth to the Daming camp, raising prices many times, but they refused to disarm and raise their hands to surrender. While negotiating, they mobilized the whole city to actively prepare for war, in an attempt to hold on to the city with the help of "Tokyo".

The food and grass in "Tokyo" city is sufficient, and the rationing and supply has started now, and it will be no problem to persist for another year or so. Therefore, Li Weiqi has illusions, thinking that it is bound to be difficult for Ming Dynasty to fight a protracted war with so many soldiers and civilians.

Huang Sheng issued an ultimatum, ordering the Hou Li Xiao court to surrender on May [-], otherwise the Ming army would start attacking "Tokyo" on May [-], and the king of Dai Viet would be responsible for all the crimes caused by the massacre.

Some bandit logic sounds like righteousness, but Hou Lichao ignored it, and continued to prepare for war with all his troops.

Since the city of "Tokyo" is very large, Huang Sheng didn't consider besieging it from all sides. He confidently believed that if he attacked one point, as long as the city was broken, the soldiers and civilians of the Hou Li Dynasty who had just experienced turmoil should not be able to hold on.

Surrender is likely to be accepted next.

It's just that the attack must be fierce and ruthless, so that the army and people of Dai Viet will never forget it. The attack point was chosen to be in the south, and there were 120 field guns concentrated. This may be the most offensive and defensive battle in the world today.

The countdown entered May [-]th, the sky was beautiful and clear, and the sun had just risen when the artillery fire began to roar, and the bombs fell into the city.

The artillery of the Huang family has grown up, the accuracy of the artillery has been greatly improved, and the technology of the artillery has advanced by leaps and bounds. It is not hopeless that the landing points of each shell are within the controllable range.

The Great Viet Kingdom also equipped the city with a Frang machine, ready to fight back. Unexpectedly, the Ming army began to fire artillery from afar. After only one round, the gunners of the Great Viet Kingdom were all killed and injured. When the second round of artillery fire covered the "Tokyo" South There is no one who can move freely on the city wall.

Because the soldiers and civilians of Dai Viet who were lucky enough not to lose their ability to run all scrambled to escape, and there were only corpses and injured people who could not move at the top of the city.

Even so, the Ming army did not rush forward, and the flamboyant grenadiers and elite musketeers formed an array and advanced to clear the way again.

Then it was the turn of the Ming army and Xiangyong, who had been practicing for a month, to step into the city step by step, and it was only an hour before the Ming army broke into the outer city.

Under the cover of the Huang family's grenadiers and musketeers, the Western and Eastern Death Squads stepped forward on the ground full of corpses.

The brave team of Liren Township was too undisciplined, and because they were wearing rattan armor that was easy to catch fire, they were forbidden to attack the city in order to reduce unnecessary deaths.

Wolf soldiers and white soldiers are no exception. Their defense is too poor. Playing chasing all over the mountains and plains is their strength, and it is not advisable to use it to attack difficulties.All of them guarded various places with the Li people under the cooperation of the Huang family cavalry and the Ming army cavalry to prevent the soldiers and civilians of the Later Li Dynasty from breaking through.

The well-trained and well-equipped Western and Eastern death squads, and the fully protected Huang family infantry advanced rapidly under the cover of crackling muskets and constantly exploding "flying thunder".

There were not many troops in the Houli Dynasty, and most of them were temporary militias. They had no resistance at all, and their collapse was inevitable.

Engineer soldiers and Xiangyong cleared the road, and the artillery entered the city. Just when they lined up to attack the south gate of the inner city, a white flag was hoisted at the top of the city, and the Hou Le government surrendered.

Surrender must have the appearance of surrender, because they did not surrender voluntarily, and there is no preferential treatment. If they do not accept unconditional surrender, it does not matter that our Ming Dynasty simply does not accept surrender and destroys them directly.

The arrogant Ming army issued an order that all the men between the ages of 50 and [-] from Dayue Kingdom gathered outside the south gate of the inner city empty-handed. They were given an hour to assemble before bombarding the city.

The inner city of "Tokyo" in the Great Viet Kingdom is not small, and after gathering all the men in an hour, Li Chao's poor organizational skills really can't do it.

But the civil, military, military and civilians of the Hou Li Dynasty were scared out of their wits, and their master Li Weiqi bound himself out of the city, followed by a large group of crying men and women.

Huang Sheng did not kill this sad puppet king, and allowed him to take his concubines and children and take his belongings and immediately board the ship, giving him a good place to spend the rest of his life, Sanya, Hainan in later generations, and Yazhou now.

But since Li Weiqi didn't voluntarily surrender, An Legong has nothing to do, so let's be a local rich man!
(End of this chapter)

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