Chapter 531
This fully confirms that the emperor and the eunuch, the great eunuch used by Emperor Tianqi who was once powerful in Liaodong, has become a white body among the eunuchs today, and it seems that he may have to do manual work.

Cai'er tentatively asked: "Eunuch Liu has contacts with my master, so I can't let you go for nothing when I come to the door today, I will always help you with a few hundred taels of silver."

As he said that, he winked, and the maidservant next to him immediately went to fetch the taels of silver.

Liu Yingkun knelt down and kowtowed again: "Sir Shangyi, this old slave is not here to fight the autumn wind. This old slave was once rich, and the 8 or [-] taels of silver disappeared in an instant. What is the use of the money? The old slave does not need those things now. .”

Cai'er was confused, and asked: "Eunuch Liu, what can I do if I don't help you with some silver?"

"The old slave only asks Lord Shangyi to give Lord Hou a sentence. This old slave will serve Lord Hou in this life and will never change until death."

It turned out that Liu Yingkun and Ji Yong, the two great eunuchs who supervised the army in Liaodong, had performed meritorious service in their posts because of Huang Sheng's sudden birth.

When Wei Zhongxian fell, too many great eunuchs died suddenly for no apparent reason. As for how they died, God knows.

These two saved their lives, most of the eunuchs are sinister, everyone knows that there is a fat job in Liaodong to supervise the army, how could they let them go.

These two are also well-behaved, and they don't hide a tael of silver. They know that there is a fart for keeping money after death, and they have no sons to inherit the inheritance.

Throwing out tens of thousands of taels of silver, the two of them finally got a chance to make a living. They worked as supervisors at the Clothes Bureau, and their personal freedom was restricted.

Working as a supervisor in the Huanyi Bureau is a handyman, and it is only a little better than those criminals who work hard all day long.

With Liu Yingkun's current status, he can't cling to powerful eunuchs, even a small eunuch like Qian Shu, and he has no common language with other supervisors.

Because both he and Ji Yong came from Neishutang and belonged to educated eunuchs, Liu Yingkun could only gossip with Ji Yong, who was three years younger than him, who was also in trouble.

The two old brothers called for the wind and rain together in Liaodong, and came to the Huanyi Bureau together to live the rest of their lives, lamenting reincarnation and lamenting the cruelty of the world.

They couldn't get out of the gate at all, and spent years and months inside the tall walls of the Huanyi Bureau.

In the blink of an eye, spring and autumn have passed for five years. Seeing that the court has loosened its treatment of eunuchs, it no longer pursues them fiercely.

Liu Yingkun heard that the Forbidden City had received many orders from Lan Caier, the concubine of the Marquis of Nan'an, and that many concubines had earned a lot of money.

He came to a small room where Ji Yong lived, and wanted to discuss the news he had just inquired with Ji Yong.

Liu Yingkun said to the decadent Ji Yong: "Old Ji, I just sent a few maids who got into trouble a few days ago, and I heard from them that the maids over there are doing private work to earn extra money."

"Brother, what's the matter? Is it possible that such a good thing will come here?"

"Our family is not interested in those maids earning money, but in those who provide opportunities for the palace."

"Who? Brother, let's talk about it, we are all like this, and you still can't forget to use an official accent?"

"Lan Shangyi, Master Lan, the concubine of the Marquis of Nan'an."

"This..." Ji Yong was thoughtful.

Liu Yingkun said: "If you don't want to find a way to leave here, our family will die in a few years, so we have to give it another go."

Ji Yong and Huang Sheng have never dealt with each other, but they just met each other once.He knew that Liu Yingkun had a good relationship with Huang Sheng, Guan Qiandao at that time, and Huang Sheng was a kind and righteous person, so begging him should be able to accomplish things.

He asked: "Brother is going to beg Nan'anhou to get you out?"

"It's the two of us. If we succeed, we'll be glorious again. If we fail, we'll just die. Our family has had enough."

"It's enough. Let's do it. Our family supports you. It's better to die early than to live too much."

The two who have gone all out no longer have to worry about gains and losses, and they only have one life, and they have nothing to lose.

Liu Yingkun found an opportunity and recommended himself. He sued the eunuch of the Huanyi Bureau, boasting that he had helped the Marquis of Nan'an, who was still Guan Qiandao, to make contributions when he was supervising the army in Liaodong.

With this old relationship, he can find Lan Shangyi to bring some orders to the laundry bureau and hand them over to those waiting for crimes, and clearly say that the wages for these people are enough.

The handprint eunuch of the Huanyi Bureau is a hard job. There is no oil or water. The only thing that is abundant is the labor force that can be exploited. Whoever is exhausted is dragged away and buried in a mass grave. He will not bear any responsibility.

If the Huanyi Bureau gets an order for embroidery, hundreds of thousands of people will work for free, earning 800 taels a month!

Most of the eunuchs are people who are open to money, and the eunuchs of the Huanyi Bureau are of course no exception, but no one pays attention to the Huanyi Bureau, so of course they will not give them a good job.

The palm print eunuch saw that Liu Yingkun was confident, so he took the risk to let Liu Yingkun come out to contact the God of Wealth.This is also entirely because the digging of Wei Zhongxian's remnants has come to an end, and the momentum of the eunuchs has begun to grow again.

Cai'er asked about the ins and outs in detail, and immediately gave Liu Yingkun an order to deal with, and was very generous to pay first and then pick up the goods.

The palm print eunuch can now deal with the matter. If Liu Yingkun can't get things done, he will have nothing to eat when he returns home. He doesn't know how he will be dealt with. It's okay to be beaten to death directly. There are ready-made charges.

Liu Yingkun was overjoyed, knelt down and kowtowed again: "Sir Shangyi, taking the order is just an excuse for this old slave to come out, and this old slave took the risk to come here to defect to Marquis of Nan'an!"

After discussing with Liu Yingkun and Ji Yong, they no longer have capital, only have a body that is neither male nor female, if Nan'anhou's nostalgia for the past is acceptable, they will spend the rest of their lives working for Nan'anhou.

Cai'er was smart, and immediately realized that the two of them secretly joining the Huang family would have an unexpected effect, but she didn't dare to be expert and couldn't answer Liu Yingkun immediately.

She comforted Liu Yingkun and said: "It's not that I can make the decision. Eunuch Liu, don't be impatient. You can wait for five years. It's not about this moment. I will ask the master before making a fuss."

"Sir Shangyi, you must take it to heart. It is really not easy for the old slave to go to the clothes washing bureau. I don't know if I will have a chance next time."

The reason why Liu Yingkun was anxious was because he was worried that there would be a rare chance to come out in the future, Cai'er heard "Puchi!" and laughed coquettishly.

Said: "I am thinking of the old relationship and intending to benefit Eunuch Liu. If it is not you who deliver the goods, I will not accept them. If you want to place a batch of orders, the Huang family will only recognize the old Eunuch Liu and Eunuch Ji Yong.

What is the eunuch of the Huanyi Bureau, if you give him a message, he should know how to weigh it, and he should know that it is only one sentence from the official to make him a handyman. "

This is really not bragging. The Huanyi Bureau should be ranked last in the 24 prisons. They are not in the Forbidden City. The eunuchs with palm prints in such a poor place are not important people.

The frowning Liu Yingkun was immediately elated, and he knelt down and kowtowed again.It seems that this Eunuch Liu has committed too many crimes in the past five years. I don't know how many eunuchs, big and small, he kneels to see every day.

On the same day, Caier wrote a letter to Huang Sheng using the cipher book and sent it to Zhaoqing to transfer to Jiaozhi.

Of course, the code book is Huang Sheng's idea. There are five sets in total, which are simple and easy to master.

It is a nine-page book, with nine lines on each page and nine characters in each line, a total of 720 nine commonly used characters.Three numbers can confirm a word, such as five six seven, it means the seventh word in the sixth line on the fifth page.

As long as you have savvy, it is a piece of cake to accurately express the meaning of the letter with more than 700 characters.

Huang Sheng has always believed that simplicity is effective. When typing a light code, a three-digit code is much more efficient than a four-digit code. It is enough in this era. It will not be too late to deepen the reform if there is an enemy who arranges to decipher it. .

Soon Cai'er received a reply, Huang Sheng asked her to secretly accept the eunuch's refuge, and strive to let the refugee take over without a trace, so that the Huang family's eyes and ears can be everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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