Chapter 663 South America

Three hundred and dozens of Galen ships have the opportunity to sail to the far east with the powerful Ming Navy formation, and they are simply flocking to them.

Because they are veterans with rich experience in sea trade, they can safely reach the charming East, and buy the exquisite porcelain, gorgeous silk and expensive tea from that mysterious country, and the profits they get back to Europe may be several times or tens of times .

Xiyi has not yet changed their minds, and the familiar products of Ming Dynasty are still on top of porcelain, silk, tea... Little do they know that they will see too many industrial products, such as all-steel sabers, muskets, clocks, valves, locks, hardware, hardware tools…….

In the 80s and [-]s, hardware and hardware tools were China's key products for export and foreign exchange. Now they are sold to Xiyi as advanced products created by Daming, which will definitely trigger a technological revolution in Europe.

The added value of these export products is not calculated by tens of percent, but doubled. Anyway, the Western Yi countries do not have qualified steel products and cannot copy them in a short time. hour.

Spain used to be extremely glorious, and was once the only superpower in the world. In the tenth year of Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty, when Daming was still fighting the so-called Japanese pirates in a mess offshore.

The Spaniards have already entered the age of great voyages. The 160 nine Spanish colonists who successfully landed in South America provoked a war under the leadership of Francisco Pizarro. They won a complete victory against the nearly [-] troops of the Inca Empire in Peru. the king captured.

This incredible war is really shocking. More than 100 Spaniards faced 8 armed forces from other countries. Even if the enemy had no weapons and would only throw stones, [-] people would use stones to bury the Spanish invaders!

In fact, the Spaniards mainly use cold weapons. The quality of the few matchlock guns is worrying, and it is inconvenient to load and unload.

It can be seen that the Spanish commander is definitely a god-like opponent.

And the king of the Inca Empire may not even be as good as a pig, otherwise 160 pigs would surely kill [-] nine Spanish colonists.

Francisco Pizarro ushered in the Spanish conquest of South America and the founder of Lima, the capital of modern Peru.

Today, Huang Mingdao negotiated friendly with the current Governor of Peru in Spain, and bought a piece of land in Lima City close to the sea for a mile to build the consulate and the Lima branch of the "Huaxia Big Bank", as well as shops, restaurants and so on.

The Ming Dynasty can exercise authority in this territory, have its own army and use its own laws, which is equivalent to the concession allocated to the great powers during the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

It's just that Huang Mingdao is more ruthless, buying the land directly is not a lease at all.This small piece of land is the territory of Ming Dynasty, and it will become a bustling small city in a year or two.

The capital of the Viceroyalty of Peru in Spain is located in Lima, which governs the entire Spanish South America. The Governor has great power and controls a large territory.

When he saw a mighty fleet coming, he was frightened into a cold sweat. Fortunately, a missionary from his country came to the port of Lima by speedboat immediately, and delivered a letter from the governor of Manila, Spain.

The governor finally knew that such a huge fleet came for trade and was a messenger of peace. He didn't doubt it and didn't dare to doubt it, because if he was suspicious, he would really be haunted.

No one is an idiot. The governor who was born in the navy was heartbroken when he saw the tonnage of the Ming fleet, the number of artillery pieces and the caliber of the artillery pieces.

The Ming Fleet is probably even more powerful than the British who defeated the Spanish Armada. The number of warships they sent just to escort merchant ships exceeded the tonnage of the Armada.

There is such a big country in the far east, no wonder the governor of Manila specially wrote a letter to remind me not to conflict with Ming Dynasty, but to have friendly trade.

With strong force as a deterrent, there is no need to use any diplomatic rhetoric. The governor of Spain and Peru has a very correct attitude.

Daming was treated as a guest of honor by the Spaniards of course, and as long as the request was not too outrageous, he could basically meet it.

It is too simple to buy a piece of land. The Viceroyalty of Peru has a lot of places. If you have force, you can go ashore directly to enclose the land, as much as you want.

Daming politely spent silver coins to buy territory and build a consulate, which is really a celestial style, not to bully others, the governor of Peru symbolically accepted [-] silver coins for the transaction.

The Kingdom of Heaven is very friendly and invites all the dignitaries from Spain and other countries who operate in Lima to come to the fleet flagship "Huaxia Development" as guests.

The delicious food and fancy clothes of the Han family once again tortured the smelly Xiyi. The beautiful waltz melody and the dazzling array of exquisite porcelain made Xiyi dizzy.

Damn, invite someone to dinner without stealing plates!In fact, it is no wonder that they are like this, because the quality of the early Xiyi colonists was very poor.Most of them are thieves, robbers, murderers and other criminals.

The Spanish colonists were very excited to see that the Ming merchant ship was able to sail to South America. After visiting the flagship of the Ming Dynasty, they thought that such a battleship was unrivaled, and they all asked the Ming Dynasty to make four trips to South America every year.

Spain has plundered South America for many years. They have occupied countless rich mines and obtained too many copper, silver, nickel, gold and so on.

Since there is no industrial base in North and South America, the Spaniards refused to invest in the local industry, that is, they greedily plundered, and the precious metals obtained by the Spaniards were shipped back to Europe.

Such a result directly led to a drop in the price of precious metals in the European market. Of course, the price fell and the market was not good.

Now they have found such a big buyer from the Far Eastern Celestial Kingdom. Not only is their purchasing power amazing, but they are also self-proclaimed. Of course, they are very popular. They hope that the more Ming merchant ships will come, the better.

Huang Mingdao can't guarantee that he will visit South America four times a year, he can only guarantee that he will visit South America at least twice a year, and it is really uncertain at most.

The Spanish governor took the second place and asked Huang Mingdao to bring as many merchant ships as possible. The amount of copper, nickel, silver, gold, cotton, corn, etc. he could supply was huge, and if there were fewer ships, he could not transport them.

The Huang family system has an endless thirst for raw materials. Huang Mingdao immediately stated that the number of merchant ships will increase every time. After friendly negotiations, the two countries signed the "South American Trade Agreement".

The price of copper, one of the most important raw materials, dropped by [-]% due to the purchase of goods from the place of origin, as did other precious metals.

After obtaining high-quality coal mines and high-grade iron-rich ore, the Huang family started to smelt steel. The quality of the steel was greatly improved, and the output increased day by day, while the cost decreased year by year.

The improvement of steel quality directly leads to more durable tools such as hacksaws used in logging, which improves the work efficiency of loggers, increases the output of wood, and reduces the cost of wood.

(End of this chapter)

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