Chapter 672 Vicious Cycle

Gao Yingxiang and others have experience in rebellion. They are familiar with the road, and they still take all the food in one place and manage it centrally. The common people will get food after they follow them.

There are very few ordinary people who do not follow the bandits. How can they survive without their homes and food?

The thieves used this method of coercion to force the common people to become refugees, and gradually developed into rogues. The larger the population base, the number of people who were rogues would naturally increase several times.

The Huang family and horses who stayed in Shanshan and Henan only managed a few points, and they couldn't attack hundreds of thousands of troops who couldn't tell whether they were civilians or bandits.

Because there were too many refugees and bandits, which exceeded the limit of the Huang family's left-behind personnel, even if they successfully attacked the old battalion of the bandits and captured these people, it would be of no avail.

Because the rogues suddenly broke out and engulfed a large area, the food road was cut off, and the Huang family's stronghold was also suffering. There was not enough food, so there was no choice but to save some people.

The land of the Central Plains is in dire straits, and the beautiful south of the Yangtze River also affects the fish in the pond.

The imperial government’s exorbitant taxes and the people’s lives are becoming more and more difficult. This is just the beginning. Due to the shortage of food in many places, the relatively peaceful Jiangnan has become the first choice for buying food, which directly leads to the continuous increase in food in Jiangnan.

Because the Huang family system wanted to immigrate from the south of the Yangtze River on a large scale, it adopted some commercial competition methods.

The pioneering spirit of the Han people is not enough, a small fortune means peace, and the people in the south of the Yangtze River can get food and clothing, and very few respond to the call of the Huang family to immigrate overseas.

In the ninth year of Chongzhen, the Southern Zhili Military Intelligence Department cooperated with the "Huaxia Big Bank" to post recruitment advertisements in all the counties in the south of the Yangtze River, bidding for weavers at a price that was [-]% higher than the local wages, but there were very few applicants.

Later, it gradually increased, because the price of Songjiang cloth suddenly dropped by [-]%, and many weaving factories did not get a penny of profit for the Songjiang cloth, but even paid it back.

As early as six years ago, Huang Sheng had enough strength to defeat the Jiangnan owners who still used workshops to produce Songjiang cloth and silk. He did not do so in order to prevent too many ordinary people from losing their jobs.

Now there is no need to look forward and backward, because all unemployed weavers can be accepted by the Huang family to be resettled overseas, and they can provide enough jobs.

With the convenience of water transportation in the south of the Yangtze River, Huang Sheng can ensure that no one in the south of the Yangtze River will starve to death during the migration. The time is ripe to attract large-scale investment and attract labor to develop overseas.

In the ten years of Chongzhen, the price of grain in the south of the Yangtze River skyrocketed, and more ordinary people could not survive. The number of ordinary people who chose to emigrate overseas increased sharply.

The overall quality of Jiangnan immigrants is stronger than that of the mainland, and there are many people who can write and count, because the literacy rate in Jiangnan is the highest in Ming Dynasty.

The Huang family's propaganda team not only bewitched the small people in Shengdou, they also invited scholars from the south of the Yangtze River to have a discussion and gave them a map of the world so that they could broaden their horizons.

Gradually, some students and students began to drag their families to Qiongya County king's territory to fight for the opportunity to be an official. Shaoxing, Zhejiang has the most scholars.

That's because Shaoxing is a place where academic masters come forth in large numbers, and the number of scholars is increasing every year, but the number of scholars and candidates is limited, and the competition is fierce.

They learned that there is no need to pass the perverted scientific examination at the king of Qiongya County, as long as they work hard and study the new learning, they may become the officials and masters. Many scholars who have no hope of the imperial examination choose to study the new learning to change their way of life.

Huang Sheng immigrated from Jiangnan on a large scale in order to diversify the common people in his own system, which is beneficial to the development of the Huang family system, but it caused adverse consequences for Daming.

Due to the closure of a large number of weaving workshops, the government’s taxes can only be diluted to the weaving factories that are still struggling. A vicious circle has formed, and more weaving factories are forced to close down. In the end, many owners with capital take the initiative to go to Hainan Island and Jiaozhi to start a new business. .

The population in the south of the Yangtze River began to drain, and the capital was forced to flee. The sad Ming Dynasty lost taxes, money and food, and its ability to deal with the crisis plummeted.

In the autumn of the tenth year of Chongzhen, Chongzhen's Longshu desk was full of memorials. The emperor faced tens of thousands of officers and soldiers asking for food and salaries, and millions of ordinary people lost their homes and needed relief from the court.

If the situation cannot be contained in time, more and more places will be harmed by the Qing army and bandits, and more than 1000 million people will need relief at that time.

Because the rogue bandits and the Qing army seemed to be a little more civilized, most of them only looted and did not deliberately kill the people. They left behind the starving people who were waiting to be fed, which undoubtedly increased the burden on the court. Facing such a dangerous situation, Chongzhen was helpless.

Facing a large group of veterans, the young Emperor Chongzhen couldn't bear the suffering anymore and wept bitterly.

He said: "Since I came to the throne, I have never been worse than walking on thin ice. It can be said that I have worked hard, but the situation in Daming is so corrupt. Is it possible that Daming is going to perish at my hands? Woooooo..."

The sad Emperor Chongzhen really didn't get a good day. He tried his best to govern, but it often backfired, just like being trapped in a swamp, the more he struggled, the faster he sank.

Wang Chengen, who accompanied the court, saw that the emperor was so sad and couldn't help but burst into tears. He wanted to suggest that the king of Qiongya County should deal with such a chaotic situation, but he didn't dare, and his heart was infinitely terrified.

The emperor cried, and a group of important ministers could only accompany them with their heads down and weep. There was nothing to do. Two ministers were not discouraged.

The impatient king's ministers came out more and more, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, don't be discouraged. We still have tens of thousands of powerful soldiers in Ming Dynasty. Why are you afraid of little Dong slaves and mere rogues!"

The mournful Chongzhen stopped his grief and said, "Where did Aiqing's so-called heroic soldiers come from?"

Wang Zhichen said: "The king of Qiongya County has a strong army. There should be no less than 10 troops in the navy and army. I implore your majesty to transfer the king of Qiongya County to King Qin of Gyeonggi. Where are the slaves who are my opponents of the "God of War" of the Ming Dynasty? Here they come. I'm afraid I won't be able to go."

"This..." The emperor hesitated, and his emperor's mind started to work again.

The eyes of Wang Chengen, who was standing by the emperor's side, suddenly lit up, and he looked at Wang Zhichen with piercing eyes.

Gao Di stepped forward and said: "The old minister, father and son are all eating the king's salary, and they should serve the court without fear of life and death. The veteran has seen countless people, and the king of Qiongya County is a loyal and good general. The veteran is willing to guarantee his loyalty to the Ming with his wealth and life. Two hearts. Your Majesty can rest assured and boldly call the "God of War" troops into King Jingqin."

The matter is very big, if the king of Qiongya County has the heart of disobedience, who can resist when he comes to the capital and directly enters the Forbidden City to replace him?Chongzhen, who was worried about gains and losses, did not dare to gamble.

The king's minister raised the flames and said: "Your Majesty, I am also willing to be a guarantor. If the king of Qiongya County has the heart to disobey me, I would like to kill all the family members."

Chongzhen looked at the other important ministers for help, Zhang Fengyi, Minister of the Ministry of War who established slaves and invaded the army, could not escape the guilt, and he already had the intention of dying at this time.

This is not alarmist talk, because in the second year of Chongzhen, when slaves were established and invaded Gyeonggi, Wang Qia, the minister of the Ministry of War, took a scapegoat and was sent to prison and beheaded in April of the following year. Zhang Fengyi certainly felt that his head was hard to save.

(End of this chapter)

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