The sun never sets in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 725 Primitive Accumulation

Chapter 725 Primitive Accumulation
The two listed companies "Nanhua Rubber" and "Palm Oil" are finally able to pay dividends this year. Although it is only a negligible half a silver coin, investors know that it will increase year by year in the future, and the potential value is limitless.

Because all the listed companies of "Nanming" adopt sunshine management, no one dares to falsify the performance announcement. The rubber trees and oil palm trees can start to produce output from those transplanted mature trees. It takes two or three years to realize the benefits from the saplings. Year.

After a large number of saplings grow, it is not a dream that the economic benefits of rubber plantations and palm plantations double every year.All the "Nanming" people understand that "if you don't manage money, money will ignore you."

There is a consensus among the listed companies that put their own money into "Nanming".

Huang Sheng is well aware of the dangers of malicious stock speculation, and adopts the method of financial publicity to let all investors know the profitability of the joint-stock company he invests in, and strengthen supervision.

The chief executive of the joint-stock company will also state the company's future development prospects in the newspaper, the purpose is to prevent investors from investing blindly.

The stock exchange headed by Bai Mudan will guard against inflated stock prices, and her team has become professionals after several years of training, and they will publish stock reviews in newspapers.

This is of course the positive energy of the mainstream media. They will not collude with listed companies to deceive investors, but discuss the matter with a neutral attitude. All in all, integrity is the capital of "Nanming".

Over the past few years, more than a dozen stocks have been successfully listed. The common people are willing to buy stocks and become investors. There are more than [-] stocks that can be traded in the stock market, and the new thing "China Stock Index" has also made its debut.

The headquarters of the "Huaxia Stock Exchange" will take root in the "New Hangzhou", and branches will be located in every state and prefecture, and the county will not be promoted for the time being.

All ordinary people are accustomed to deposit spare money in the "Huaxia Big Bank" to earn interest, and no one would foolishly bury gold and silver treasures secretly under the bed.

In the 13th year of Chongzhen, there was a great famine in many places in Ming Dynasty, and the drought and military disaster in Shanshan, Henan and Henan became more and more severe.

Due to the continuous drought, locust plagues, which are rare in history, appeared in the relatively better Shandong interior. Hundreds of trees had no leaves, thousands of miles of bare land, and two thousand dollars for fighting wheat.

The common people dig grass roots and peel bark to survive. Fortunately, there are "Nanming" left-behind personnel waiting for the hungry people to take refuge along the coast. The two strong cities of Dengzhou and Fushan have new-style granaries with hundreds of thousands of stones of grain reserves.

The tragic scene of father and son eating each other, bones criss-crossing, and babies being donated to the Taoists in the historical records did not appear on a large scale in Shandong. Too many Shandong men took their families and defected to Nanwang.

Because the Ming army suppressing bandits in the Central Plains was too miserable, Huang Sheng issued an order to evacuate all "Nanming" industries from Shanshan and Henan.

Even big cities like Luoyang, Kaifeng, and Xi'an don't keep employees, only secret agents who work underground.

When the news reached Daming, the dignitaries in the mainland were stunned. It can be seen that Nan Wang is not optimistic about the situation in Daming at all, and has already evacuated people and property in order to avoid losses.

For a while, people were panicked, and many wealthy people began to sell their properties and prepare to immigrate to Hainan Island. Those who did not want to cross the ocean also came to Dengzhou, Fushan, Haizhou and other coastal cities where there were strong troops to live and do business.

They are very smart, knowing that there is an endless stream of "Nanming" liners and cruise ships at sea, and they can get on board and escape if they find that the momentum is not good.

Many inland people also helped the old and the young to follow the retreating "Nanming" workers to the riverside and seaside.

The resurgence of the bandits in the Ming Dynasty led to another wave of immigration to the "Southern Ming". This time it was different. The rich merchants and landlords in the mainland of the Ming Dynasty accounted for a high proportion.

These people came to "Nanming" to buy land, houses, and stocks, and investing in business further drove business prosperity.

This era is just the prelude to the outbreak of the industrial revolution. The developed maritime trade has intensified the circulation of goods. Since most production must be completed by manpower, too much labor is required.

In history, the British bourgeoisie supported the "sheep cannibalism" enclosure movement in order to obtain cheap labor force, which meant that the farmers who formed the natural economy lost their land and forced them to enter the cities to become industrial workers.

The capital development of "Nanming" does not need to be like this, because Li Duyan is much more vicious than the British bourgeoisie. He launched the "Shoveling the City Movement". The common people will become "Nanming" labor force.

Therefore, the original capital accumulation of the "Nanming" system did not have "dripping blood and dirty things from head to toe" at all.

On the contrary, every refugee who has become an industrial worker is working happily in the large and small factories of "Nanming". The government has issued a minimum monthly salary standard and formulated a "labor law" that requires three days of mandatory rest every month. The daily working hours of workers are also limited. more than five hours.

All in all, capital is greedy, but this is closely related to the inaction of the government. Huang Sheng is a prophet. Of course, he will treat industrial workers well and formulate laws to protect workers' rights and curb capital greed before labor-capital confrontation forms.

These laws seem to be too bitter for future generations to compare to workers, but in this era, who is not suffering at the grassroots level?The main reason is that the production efficiency is incomparable with later generations. How can labor-intensive factories work forty hours a week to create surplus value?
Without surplus value, how can a factory develop, and without development, how can it accept more workers and create more job opportunities?

It is too early and unrealistic to talk too much about welfare now if we want to improve workers’ benefits again.

"Nanming" needs many hard-working workers and farmers to create wealth and complete primitive accumulation.

When it is time to talk about dedication, it is better to talk less about enjoyment than contribution. Everyone of the Han nationality contributes to the great development to build a powerful empire on which the sun never sets.

In the fall of the 13th year of Chongzhen, the British Duke Zhang Weixian retired honorably, and Huang Sheng's brother-in-law Zhang Zhiji became the eighth generation British Duke of Ming Dynasty.

Since Zhang Zhijian was in the heart of the emperor, the power of the Duke of England has not been reduced, and he is still the most powerful nobleman of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhang Weixian stepped back feeling relaxed. He had long wanted to see what his son-in-law's "Nanming" Xintiandi looked like, and when he had time, his body was still strong and he decided to go south to the "Nanming" land.

The old lady also wholeheartedly yearned for the "Southern Ming" scenery described by her daughter, and this time she took the whole family to visit her son-in-law's house.

When Jingshi Xungui learned that the old man was going south, many people were ready to go with him.

Wu Xiang was the most active, and took the initiative to serve as the liaison officer and logistics manager. In the end, more and more people asked to go with them, not only nobles, but also many civilian and military generals who did not have real positions.

(End of this chapter)

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