Chapter 748
Fan Wencheng was ordered by his master to persuade Hong Chengchou to surrender. When he arrived at the house where Hong Chengchou was under house arrest, he asked all the followers and guards to retreat, and he sat calmly to observe his words.

Hong Chengchou yelled loudly to tell the Qing army not to have wishful thinking, he was ready to be loyal to the country, and persuaded Fan Wencheng to give his master a message, so that he could have a good time as soon as possible.

Fan Wencheng patiently listened to Hong Chengchou's vent, and never mentioned the matter of surrender. Then he talked with Hong Chengchou about the past and the present, while quietly paying attention to the details.

While the two were talking, a piece of dust fell from the beam and landed on Hong Chengchou's clothes.While Hong Chengchou spoke, he "wiped it repeatedly".

Fan Wencheng said goodbye calmly, and said in reply to his master Zihong: "Chengchou is not dead. Chengchou still loves this robe so much, let alone his body?"

Hong Xie accepted the suggestions of Fan Wencheng, Bao Chengxian, Zhang Wenheng and other big traitors and showed enough patience to treat Hong Chengchou.

The traitors are indeed the backbone of the destruction of the Han civilization, and they deal with their own people with ease.

The traitor asked His Majesty to take good care of Hong Chengchou and be kind and courteous.Hong Chengchou is not a shameless person, and he will gradually go downhill.

A few days later, Hong Jie went to visit Hong Chengchou in person. Seeing that he was standing but not kneeling, he didn't mind going up to ask for his health. Seeing that Hong Chengchou's clothes were thin, he immediately took off his sable fur and put it on Hong Chengchou.

As a result, the slave chief got his wish, the first traitor appeared, and Hong Chengchou became one of the members of the think tank.

Hong Chengchou's surrender directly affected too many civil and military generals of the Ming Dynasty who were captured in the Songshan Battle. Those who chose to surrender immediately became the mainstream. Several people would rather die than surrender.

The battle was half-baked, Hong Jie did not slaughter Songshan City like in history, he assigned the captured Ming army to the Eight Banners as Aha, leaving behind the lives of more than a dozen civilian and military generals who refused to surrender.

The last time he bargained with "Killing God", he exchanged Zhang Chun for three of his own generals. This time, he kept more than a dozen Ming civil and military officials who refused to defect.

"Guangchang is eternal, and righteousness is eternal." Confucian ethics and personal integrity and loyalty are the basic criteria for historical evaluation of a person.

Hong Chengchou's sage books have been read to the stomach of a dog. He could not fight the enemy and serve the country, but also failed the emperor's kindness and the high expectations of the government and the people. He even betrayed the country and surrendered to the enemy.

The sad news of the successive fall of Songshan, Tashan and Xingshan was reported to the capital, and the government and the public were shocked.

The civil servants and generals all thought that Hong Chengchou would die in battle and die for the country. The emperor was extremely sad. He stopped court for three days and offered sacrifices to Hong Chengchou in the style of a prince. "Announced to the world.

Hong Chengchou got the greatest honor that a minister can get.

Does the Emperor Chongzhen have an IQ problem?Why don't you investigate and report such a big move carefully, if you want to see people, if you want to see people, if you want to see dead bodies!
And Chongzhen likes to take it for granted that the highest-standard memorial ceremony of the Ming Dynasty will soon become a farce.

When the sacrifice reached the ninth altar, even more bad news came: Hong Chengchou had surrendered!The imperial court hurriedly stopped offering sacrifices to Hong Chengchou, and the civil officials and military generals who came to cry for the funeral changed to a memorial to punish the rebels who betrayed the master.

Chongzhen did too many things to slap himself in the face. From Wei Zhongxian, Yuan Chonghuan to Hong Chengchou, the key is that he has limited talents. In the peaceful and prosperous age, he can become a diligent emperor, but in the last days he can only become the king of subjugation. This is fate, and character determines destiny. you.

Just when the Ming Dynasty thought that the Qing army was bound to enter the customs again to plunder, the mission of the "Nanming" came back, accompanied by the "Nanming" mission. The slaves were all elated.

At the court meeting, Chongzhen's pale face turned red, and he asked Liang Tingdong, "Aiqing, the King of Nan really expressed his opinion that this time he will send troops to Liaodong to destroy the country and exterminate the slaves?"

Liang Tingdong said loudly: "Of course, Nan Wang is about to launch a navy and army of no less than 30 troops to attack the city of Liaodong. He shoulders the hatred of the country and the family, and this time he will not beat the snake to death."

Hearing these words, all civil and military officials and the emperor smiled, and Chongzhen said: "Aiqing has worked hard and made great achievements. I don't know what the king of Nan wants?"

"Your Majesty, King Nan keeps his promise. Da Ming and 'Nan Ming' are connected by blood as a country of brothers. He does not set any preconditions for sending troops."

There was an uproar in the court hall, many ministers were full of praise for Nan Wang's righteous deeds, and even Wang Chengen, who was standing by the side, was very excited.

Chongzhen felt much more at ease immediately, it was not in vain for Nan Wang to treat Daming like this and betrothed his daughter to him as a concubine.

Chongzhen was worried about the situation in Liaodong, and asked: "Aiqing, the king of the South is thousands of miles away, when will the soldiers and horses go to Liaodong?"

"Your Majesty, the King of Nan has issued an order that the garrison of 'Huaxia Island' rush to the south of Jinzhou to participate in the battle as soon as possible. Liaodong is currently on the defensive, waiting for the army to gather and use superior forces to fight the encirclement and annihilation battle. Keep the Jiannu cavalry as much as possible so as not to run away. Filling the grassland will increase the difficulty of encirclement and suppression in the future."

hiss!Civil and military officials and the emperor all made such voices.The Southern King is too arrogant, not only wants to conquer the city, but also considers long-term peace and stability, he doesn't take the establishment of slaves and thousands of troops into his eyes at all!
In fact, Daming was purely terrified of being beaten by the Qing army, but he didn't know that Jiannu was actually injured in this Songshan battle, and he didn't have the ability to start another war in a short time.

What's more, Jinzhou has not been lost, Ningyuan is still there, and there is a rock-solid beachhead sixty miles south of Jinzhou by the sea, and there are more than [-] brave soldiers standing firm.

Even if "Nanming" doesn't make a move, Hong Jie must have great wisdom in how to end the game.

The Qing army achieved a big victory in name, which was equivalent to eating one hundred thousand Ming troops, but it is an indisputable fact that they lost several thousand Eight Banner soldiers and [-] to [-] slave soldiers.

Although tens of thousands of captives were obtained and the slave soldiers could continue to be selected, it was impossible for the Ming army who had to surrender to the Qing army to work hard for the Qing army. Therefore, Hong was deeply aware of the loss of combat power. Convince.

Moreover, it is obvious that the slave leader has become afraid. He didn't even dare to do the Songshan massacre in history. Maybe he just wanted to save a thread for later political negotiations.

The loyal and brave He Kegang, facing the verge of starving to death, still chose to sacrifice his life for righteousness when his comrades in arms chose to surrender. This has been verified by history.

Now that He Kegang is the general of Jinzhou, he will definitely be able to achieve "the battlefield is full of corpses and bones, and the lonely city of thousands of deaths is not willing to surrender. Send a message to passers-by not to cover their noses, the living are not as fragrant as the dead."

How many Eight Banners armored soldiers will die in the Jinzhou offensive and defensive battle?No one can predict [-] or [-]. The key is can the Qing army afford it?

(End of this chapter)

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