
Chapter 3 Dong Zhuo's Younger Son

Chapter 3 Dong Zhuo's Younger Son
俷, the meaning of betrayal and corruption.

The ancients had a saying of "Wu Yu De". Generally speaking, this word is not a commendatory word.

However, Dong Fei didn't care about these things. In his opinion, as long as one is not the other, that's enough.What's more, he didn't understand what'俷'meaned, he only knew that if it was still 'non', it would be really bad luck.

Therefore, he accepted the name Dong Bi, and at the same time accepted the nickname A Chou.

He was an orphan in his previous life. Although the people in the village were very kind to him, Dong Bi always felt that something was missing.Now he understands that what he lacks is the feeling of home.After rebirth, although the burly man who seemed to be his father didn't like him, and his mother passed away when he was born, he finally had a family.

In this family, most people are wary of him and don't like him.

However, grandma loves him very much. Although she is blind, it does not affect her love for Dong Bi.In addition to grandma, there is also a very naughty sister named Dong Yuan.Already a 12-year-old girl, but with a strong curiosity.My favorite thing to do is when Dong Bi is asleep.
Dong Bi would protest angrily every time, but to most people's ears, that protest was just a burst of crying babies.

After going back and forth, Dong Bi got used to it!
This little pervert, God knows who will dare to marry her in the future.

Lintao's Dong family is a local tycoon.

There is a very large house with hundreds of servants and maidservants. His father Dong Zhuo is Guangwu Ling. When he was young, he was also known as a knight-errant.Even the neighboring Qiang people respected him very much.

Wait, Dong Zhuo?
Could it be that Grand Master Dong in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Dong Zhuo who was murdered and killed by his godson Lu Bu because of a woman?
Dong Bi doesn't read many books, but he likes to listen to storytelling, especially the Romance of the Three Kingdoms told by Yuan Kuocheng.

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Dong Bi's favorite part is the battle between the three heroes before Hulao Pass and Lu Bu.And the main background of that story seems to have an inseparable relationship with his current Lao Tzu.I remember that Dong Zhuo moved his capital to Chang'an after the battle at Hulaoguan, where he was named Marquis of Mei, and he built a dock in Mei, named Wansuiwu, also called Meiwu.

After Dong Zhuo's death, Lu Bu captured Meiwu, and the Dong family was wiped out.

Dong Bi was terrified. Doesn't that mean that he will still die in the future?Although I can't remember exactly when Dong Zhuo lost his life, I believe that at that time, he would not be too old.

Having died once, Dong Bi is not afraid of death.

But it is absolutely unwilling to let him bear the infamy after death.

What's more, he just got a home and a grandmother who loves him, so he can't just watch his family members die.I remember that it was said in the storytelling that grandma was killed after the break-through of Meiwu, and even the dead body could not be preserved.

Thinking of this, Dong Bi couldn't help but glanced at his grandmother who was taking a nap beside him.

Grandma's hair is gray and there are many wrinkles on her face.Since she adopted Dong Pi, she has taken great care of him.

It can be seen that the family is very afraid of grandma.

But Dong Bi didn't think there was anything scary about grandma at all. After getting along for several months, he felt that grandma was very kind.

Although her eyes are blind, grandma's heart is not blind.She knew that in this family, except for her and Dong Yuan, everyone regarded Dong Bi as a monster, so she took care of him even more meticulously, even if he fell asleep, Dong Bi would be by his side.

Dong Bi babbled and got up, and crawled to grandma's side.

The little fleshy hands touched grandma's face, and grandma smiled in her sleep, muttering to herself, "Ah Chou, be careful of catching a cold."

There was a warm feeling in my heart, and Dong Bi almost cried!

Grandma must never be hurt, and family members must never be hurt.This is my home, no one wants to touch it.

It's a pity that Dong Bi is just a baby now, a baby who can't speak.

He lay beside his grandma, thinking carefully.To be honest, Dong Bi's understanding of the stories that happened in the Three Kingdoms comes from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms told by Yuan Kuocheng.As for the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he hadn't read it, and the characters in the Three Kingdoms only remembered Liu Guanzhang, Zhao Mahuang, Zhuge Liang, Cao Cao, and celebrities like Zhou Yu and Sun Quan.

Dong Bi only had an impression of most of the characters.

But it is really impossible for him to say who is who.After all, he looks like a human head, not a computer.

And what steelmaking method, papermaking technique, he is not clear.

The small bookstores in the county town do not have a lot of novels pirated from the Internet, and many of them are stories about the Three Kingdoms.

When I watched it at the time, I just thought it was cool, but now when he is in it, he knows how bright and upright those protagonists are.Among other things, the melon seeds in his head are simply more powerful than a computer. They know astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom.So majestic, so powerful, no wonder it can be mixed with wind and water.

But what about Dong Chu?

Apart from listening to the storytelling version of Romance of the Three Kingdoms and knowing some things that may happen in the future but are not sure (after all, Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a romance), I am ashamed that I can’t even memorize a Tang poem and Song Ci pole.If I had known that the Three Kingdoms would be reborn, I would have bought a set of Encyclopedia Britannica and memorized it.

Since this is the case, how can I protect my family and grandma?Facing the coming troubled times?

The more Dong Bi thought about it, the more uneasy he felt.

But on second thought, what's the use of being uneasy now?He is now a baby who can't even talk.Besides, even if he said it, who would believe it?I'm afraid that even the grandmother who loves him may not be able to believe his words.

Forget it, there must be a way before the car reaches the mountain, all he can do now is wait, wait for the day when he grows up.

In this restless mood, Dong Bi grew up day by day.

The first thing I said was: Hello grandma.The old lady was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth, and she laughed so happily that she didn't know how happy she was.

However, he never called Dong Zhuo's father, which made Dong Zhuo very unhappy.

As for the reasons for this, no one can guess.After all, in Dong Zhuo's heart, Dong Zhuo is not a good person.In addition, when he was just born, Dong Zhuo actually wanted to drown him, which was enough to make Dong Bi feel very dissatisfied.

Grandma tried to induce, but failed.

This somewhat disappointed Dong Zhuo, who had come here in high spirits.Although he no longer insists on the idea that Dong Bi is a monster, he is still very unhappy.In addition, Dong Zhuo's appearance is not cute, which makes Dong Zhuo's joy a lot less.

To be honest, Dong Bi also felt a little ugly.

The hair has a slightly withered yellow color, and the skin is very black, with wrinkled skin on it, which looks like fish scales.

The eyes are slightly slender, and the facial features are also wrinkled together.

Fortunately, he is very healthy, and his current body is even better than his previous body.He is less than four years old, looks like a six or seven-year-old child, and is as strong as a cow.Moreover, Dong Bi also discovered an advantage of this body, that is, it is born with great strength.There seems to be infinite power in the thin arms. On the day of his fourth birthday, Dong Bi pulled a stone bow effortlessly, which surprised his sister Dong Yuan who was playing with him.

However, at Dong Bi's request, Dong Yuan agreed to help him conceal this matter.

Dong Bi, who is already 30 years old in actual age, knows a truth very well, that is, to shoot the first bird.Troubled times are coming, the more unnoticed, the greater the chance of survival, and the greater the possibility of protecting grandma.

This is called Tibetan clumsiness!

When Dong Yu said this in a childish voice, Dong Yuan immediately realized that the ugly in front of her was by no means simple.

In contrast, in Dong's family, apart from grandma, only this elder sister is closest to Dong Bi.At the same time, the person who knows Dong Bi best is not his grandmother who loves him, but his sister Dong Yuan.

Dong Yuan ranks fourth in the Dong family, and there are three older sisters on top, all of whom are born of Dong Zhuo's wife.

Big sister Dong Yu, Dong Bi has never met.Before he was born, he married a Qiang leader, and followed that Qiang tribe to the Western Regions, God knows where he is now.Anyway, in Dong Bi's memory, the eldest sister never came back.

The second sister, Dong Zhao, is still at home, but she is already married.The brother-in-law is called Niu Fu, and he works under Dong Zhuo, who has served as the captain of the Xusi school in the Western Regions. Now he is the captain of the north. He is quite capable and has Dong Zhuo's trust.

The third sister, Dong Que, was very sensible and loved by Dong Zhuo the most, but she died young.

The fourth eldest, Dong Yuan, is almost 16 years old now, and it is said that after winter, she will get married.The other party is a scholar named Li Ru.It is said that he has been working under Dong Zhuo's command before, and he is thoughtful and loyal. He is a rare resourceful man under Dong Zhuo.

Dong Bi has an impression of Li Ru.

In Romance, Li Ru seems to have been with Dong Zhuo all the time, and seems to be Dong Zhuo's son-in-law.It's just that Dong Bi didn't expect that Li Ru would become Dong Yuan's husband.And from Dong Yuan's tone, she seemed very satisfied with this person.

Dong Zhuo was very disappointed, because he knew that the appearance of Li Ru indicated that Dong Zhuo had taken another big step along the historical track.

This year is the third year of Xiping.

How long will it be before the vigorous Yellow Turban Rebellion?
Dong Bi didn't know, but every day passed, he felt that the pressure on his body seemed to be a little bit more.But he is only four years old now, what can a four-year-old child do?Although he has the mind of a 30-year-old, he only has the body of a four-year-old.Dong Bi finally understood what it means to have more than enough heart but not enough energy.He could only wait silently.

(End of this chapter)

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