Chapter 1216 He Sang
The sun fell towards the west mountain, and the afterglow shone into the house through the window. Hu Shisan woke up leisurely, stretched his waist and rubbed his eyes, feeling a little hungry, got up, and began to search for food all over the house.

Set up a card to check the certificates of good citizens, and there was a lot of movement at the beginning.However, as more and more people were detained because they did not have good citizenship certificates, and there were even informants from Ono, Ding Mocun, and Li Shiqun among them, the three of them had to choose to give up after weighing it up, and then increased the patrol density in order to pass a high degree of martial law. What happened last night and this morning continued.

What happened in Shanghai in the past two days made the high-level Japanese troops stationed in China extremely angry.The death of Yagyu Quansai and the loss of the Buddha statue dedicated to His Majesty the Emperor made them lose face.They put pressure on the Shanghai Secret Service and the Gendarmerie Command, hoping to catch Hu Shisan.Fortunately, Hu Shisan didn't catch it, and he lost a considerable amount of gold.Hu Shisan ran away and lost the gold, that's all. As long as he can continue to occupy Shanghai and maintain his coercion, then the lost gold will eventually be regained.But just when they thought they had taken full control of Shanghai, the news of the complete annihilation of the Takeoka Group first came, and then Xue Yaolian and others were killed at the gate of the Great World. City, this is tantamount to a severe slap in the face.

Xia Wenyun worked beside He Zhiyinger all the year round, and with the promotion of the latter's title, he also rose, and gradually became a consultant on China issues who enjoyed high prestige among the top Japanese troops stationed in China.He Zhiying II's current title is the headquarters of the Dispatched Forces in China, and he is stationed in Shanghai to be responsible for spy work.Although he does not have the power to directly command and mobilize the Mei Agency and No. 76, as long as he makes instructions, Nakajima Nakajima, Shibuya, and Ding Li must execute them carefully.For this reason, even if Xia Wenyun deliberately avoided it in order to avoid suspicion, relevant information would continue to trickle into his ears.Therefore, if we only talk about the way of obtaining information, he is really blessed.He Zhiying II does not participate in the decision-making, but he will provide reference opinions for the Mei Agency and No. 76.The killing of two groups of gendarmes and secret agents greatly angered the high-level Japanese army stationed in China headed by Hata Shunroku. They believed that this was a deliberate challenge to the imperial army's dominance in Shanghai, and instructed He Zhiyinger to investigate the matter.Under the staff of Xia Wenyun, He Zhiying Er came to the conclusion after investigation that the military command was the most suspected, so he ordered the Shanghai Gendarmerie Command, the Mei Agency, and No. 76 to focus on encircling and suppressing the remaining forces of the military command in Shanghai.

On the surface, Xia Wenyun thought that the military command was the most suspected, but in his heart he concluded that it was the work of the Xuebing Army.But the basis for him to make this correct judgment was Ouyang Yun's personality.Although Xia Wenyun had not been in contact with Ouyang Yun for a long time, he knew his character very well.He thinks: What kind of general will send out what kind of soldiers, it is precisely because of Ouyang Yun, a commander with a flamboyant personality, that Hu Tong's people will be bold and willful.

Since he thought it was done by the Xue Bingjun, he remembered his agreement with Ouyang Yun and decided to "go home" to have a look.

After careful calculation, He Yizhi hadn't contacted Ouyang Yun for a long time.It is true that the most dangerous place is also the safest place, but there is a premise, that is, the lurker behaved in a well-behaved manner and did not do anything that might reveal his identity.Since Xia Wenyun heard by chance that the Japanese bought back several telecommunication signal source detectors from the United States, he did not dare to take it lightly, so he smashed his small transmitter and buried it that night.The transmitter was destroyed, and since then, he has lost contact with Ouyang Yun.

He Yizhi is not Japanese, but now he enjoys the treatment of some high-ranking Japanese military officers. When he travels every day, the Japanese will send people to protect him. Most of the time, there will be four or five people, and at least two people will be arranged.But today, when he proposed to "go home" to take a look, it was useless to tell Zhiying Er that a leader of the special high-tech department in charge of their safety sent two capable men to escort him back, and took care of him again and again, asking for every step Unwaveringly follow "He Sang (Xia Wenyun's pseudonym He Yizhi)" to ensure his safe return.

Xia Wenyun went home by car with two tails. When the car was driving to the door of the house, he looked up and saw that the flower plate on the window sill was gone. He immediately asked the driver to stop, and then said to the special agent named Chi Tianhao: "I just remembered that there is no food at home. Ikeda-kun, please go to the deli opposite to buy some braised vegetables. By the way, bring a bottle of wine. I often trouble you during this time. I want to treat you to a good meal." Said Finished, handed Ikeda Hao a stack of money.

Ikeda Hao didn't doubt that he was there, took the money and got out of the car to buy cooked food and wine.Xia Wenyun got out of the car, took out a cigarette and gave it to another special agent named Kuto Youhei, leaned against the car, lit a cigarette and smoked it leisurely.

The reason why Xia Wenyun chose to stay outside before entering the house was to show the students who were hiding in the dark.However, his painstaking efforts were in vain.Killing nearly twenty devils and traitors in a row, he thought that it could not be done by a few people, but he never expected that it was only Hu Shisan who committed such "heinous crimes".If there are a lot of Xue Bingjun entering Shanghai this time, they will definitely send someone to watch at the door of his house.But what if there is only one person?
Eight minutes later, with Xia Wenyun in front, Ikeda and Jiu Teng in the back, the three walked into "Xia's House".

As soon as Xia Wenyun opened the door, Hu Shisan upstairs felt it.He hid himself behind the door of the original room, listened quietly to the movement from below, and quickly made a judgment: there were three people who came in. "I don't know if there is Xia Wenyun inside!" He thought so, looking out through the crack of the door.

After the three entered Xia's house, they immediately sat down in the living room.Then, Xia Wenyun washed out some dishes, Ikeda Hao divided the cooked food, and the three of them began to eat and drink.The three chatted while eating and drinking, and now their identities were exposed to Hu Shisan.

"Are these two devils here to monitor Xia Wenyun, or for other reasons?" Hu Shisan guessed while enduring his hunger.

"... I'm a little worried. I don't know if the gang from No. 76 will come in and search my house. I won't worry about the Gendarmerie Command. The quality of the imperial army is much better than that gang of local hooligans. My house Although there is nothing valuable in the house, after all, it has been decorated with effort, and I don't want to be destroyed by them—" Xia Wenyun said.

"It is necessary for He Sang to be worried. There is no decent person among the people in No. 76," said Ikeda Hao.

Kuto Youbei replied: "They can serve the empire, that is because of the glory of using China to control China. If it was in the past, there would be no place for them in Shanghai! He Sang, don't worry, no one would dare to come to you You savage. Come, in order to thank you for your hospitality, I would like to offer you a toast—Zhi Liu!"

In the downstairs living room, cups and cups were intertwined. Hu Shisan listened carefully, and suddenly admired Xia Wenyun from the bottom of his heart.

An authentic Chinese can win the sincere trust and respect of the arrogant Japanese, what a price he has to pay for it.I just don't know, can he complete the task entrusted by the commander-in-chief?
(Old Poison: There are a few minor problems in the development of the plot later. This chapter seems to be saliva...Hold on to the brothers...Well, I hope everyone will regard it as a pit)

(End of this chapter)

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