Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 1294 "Neutrality Act"

Chapter 1294 "Neutrality Act"

So far, the two fleets of Xuebing Army - Dongshan Fleet and Haikou Fleet have been quite large.Although the combined total tonnage is not even comparable to that of a Japanese aircraft carrier, the advantage lies in the large number and fast speed.Moreover, in terms of submarine technology and torpedo boat technology alone, the student army is far ahead of the world.The submarines of other countries are still equipped with naval guns, and the Xuebing Army has all changed to torpedo tubes.Moreover, due to the improvement of metal technology, the diving depth of Xuebing Army submarines is also amazing, which has surpassed the cognition of other countries in this regard.

Ouyang Yun planned ahead and set his sights on the Pacific War that will take place two years later, while the Americans have no concept of this aspect at all. Because they passed the revised "Neutrality Act", they have become Japan's biggest weapon at this time supplier.The United States amended the "Neutrality Act" originally to take care of its two allies, Britain and France, but because it implemented the principle of "cash and carry", it made Japan cheaper in Asia.

Just when the group of ghost soldiers in Cangjingma began to become welders in the Haikou Shipyard and began to serve the Xuebing Army Navy, the United States on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, Gu Lianyun, Gu Yu and others were discussing some recent events in the United States Take countermeasures.Gu Lianyun and Ouyang Yun will communicate regularly, and all her activities in the United States have a clear purpose because of Ouyang Yun's support behind her.The last confrontation between the underground forces of China and Japan ended with a big victory for the Xuebing army.After causing great damage to the Japanese in the United States, Gu Lianyun did not restrain herself, and the reason why she continued to direct her subordinates to assassinate the Japanese at the risk of being expelled by the US government was to Weaken Japan's ability to operate in the United States.But now it seems that her cruelty has not reaped enough results.After the new "Neutralization Act" was passed, the Japanese increased the scale and intensity of purchasing materials in the United States, and a large amount of war resources were continuously transported from the United States to Japan, which will undoubtedly make it more difficult for the student army to resist Japan.

"I got angry with Wallace, but they didn't care at all. I figured out that between national interests and personal interests, Skull and Bones only cares about personal interests. Godfather, do you have any good ideas? "Gu Lianyun asked Gu Yu.

Ouyang Yun didn't know, because Koizumi couldn't be rectified, and because of his vigilance, the Japanese intensified their purchase of American resources, and now the monthly purchase volume is more than three times that of that time and space.According to their purchasing power, when the Pacific War begins, Japan should be able to store enough strategic resources such as oil.

The army of students is developing, and the Japanese are also developing, and because the Japanese have a strong industrial foundation, a high enough starting point, and strong capital, the army of students and even China will definitely be drawn more and more under the circumstances of coming and going. Far.

This is what Gu Lianyun is worried about now.She was friends with President Roosevelt and his wife, so she had the opportunity to show them the crimes committed by the Japanese in China.Therefore, Zhong Enough did gain their sympathy.However, things in the United States are not as good as in China, and the president is not the only one. Therefore, although Roosevelt agreed to restrict the Japanese business, he was restricted by the "Neutrality Act" and Congress, and could only exert personal influence on some merchants and manufacturers. For China, it is a drop in the bucket, not enough to solve the problem.

Gu Yu has a deeper understanding of the US political system. He said: "Only by persuading more members of Congress to introduce a certain bill can it be effective. However, with so many members of Congress in the United States, even if a small number of members are persuaded It is really too difficult for the Japanese to introduce a bill. In fact, there are other ways. For example, we first buy the scrap steel that the Japanese value. However, our current money is invested in the aircraft carrier project. There is simply no excess funds.”

Almost every day, Japanese freighters leave the United States with a full load of goods, which stimulates Gu Lianyun too much.But as Gu Yu said, things in the United States are more complicated, and there are some things that even the president cannot intervene in, so so far they can only do it in a hurry.

Gu Lianyun: "Godfather, that White came to me again the day before yesterday. I think the path of the US government will not work, and the military may be the way."

White is from the U.S. Navy, and he came to Gu Lianyun for the missile.As a representative of the U.S. Navy, White hopes to cooperate with the Xuebing Army to develop the "missile" weapon. To put it bluntly, they just want to get something for nothing and obtain some missile research data that the Xuebing Army has already mastered.

Gu Yu: "Is it for the cooperation of missile research again? It seems that the Germans are also thinking about what kind of weapon this missile is."

"I don't know what the missile is. Ouyang said that he couldn't explain it in secret language, but he mentioned that once the missile is launched, there will be no guns in the world. Since the missile is more powerful than the cannon, it is no wonder that the United States and Germany are bound to get it. Godfather, do you think that if the U.S. military intervenes, it may restrict sales to Japan?"

"It's hard to say. If there is no war, it is difficult for the US military to influence government decision-making, let alone influence those businessmen. Of course, if it is a supplier of the US military, it is not impossible. However, since this missile is Advanced, I am afraid that Ouyang will not give it to the Americans. You have to ask him about this first. By the way, you must not disclose relevant information until you get a letter. The nose of the Skull and Bones is too long for them to know Now, if they take the aircraft carrier as a threat, then we will be passive."

The missiles of the Xuebing Army were actually only a flash in the pan, but they failed to fool those spies with a keen sense of smell.

Following Ouyang Yun's instructions, Dai Yongqiao made missile research underground again. Although many spies temporarily lost the direction to continue spying, but because the army of soldiers has grown into a towering tree, the troubles caused by it have not been resolved. How much can be reduced.While Gu Lianyun and Gu Yu's father and daughter were discussing what to do to make the Americans sell less military resources to Japan, Ouyang Yun was continuously harassed by George and Connor, the consul general of the German Consulate in Guangzhou, and he was on the verge of going berserk.

George is okay, he is an old friend after all, although due to domestic pressure he has to go out and out of the general headquarters of the cadet army frequently, and stay in Ouyang Yun's office, fortunately he will not do anything out of the ordinary, so at most It just annoyed Ouyang Yun.That Connor was different. Germany won successive victories in Europe, beating Britain and France to the point where they couldn't lift their heads, which fueled his momentum.The German devils frequently claimed that the cadet army harbored and sheltered a large number of Jews, and even claimed that in order to eliminate these Jews, the Third Reich did not rule out the possibility of sending troops to the Far East.The implication is that at that time, the Third Reich might destroy the student army by the way.

Ouyang Yun is not afraid of Japan, but he is sincerely afraid of Germany.Are the Soviets fierce?In the Far East, he fought several battles with the Japanese army, which is known as the second strongest army in the world, and almost all of them were victorious.But so what?If you meet a German guy, you will be defeated like a mountain!I am a time traveler, a butterfly that has traveled through time and space, so there is no guarantee that it will not induce some terrible things.If it was because of this that the German devils were lured to China - just thinking about it, Ouyang Yun felt quite terrible.

Therefore, this Connor became the only guy that Ouyang Yun traveled over and gave him a headache.

(End of this chapter)

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