Chapter 1609 Reconstruction Army

When the riots broke out in Kampong Dela, Ang Bosi, Yi Wen and others were in Hanoi arguing fiercely about the future of the French Indochina Federation.Since the assassination of Raffarin, the French in the Far East have actually split into two parts.Some of them are headed by financial officer Roland. Their philosophy is to muddle through and just keep the one-third-acre land of the Indochina Federation; while Ang Bosi and others are now concentrating on forming an army to restore the country, hoping that one day they can kill Go back to Europe, liberate France from the Germans, and be a national hero.

When Ang Bosi was still in Chongqing, he was persuaded by Mu Jiandie, and he had the idea of ​​forming the National Restoration Army.But now, after seeing the neat military appearance and advanced weapons and equipment of the Xuebing Army, his mood is even more eager——

There is an old Chinese saying that goes well: Don’t be afraid of not knowing the goods, but be afraid of comparing goods.Before seeing the Xuebing Army, although Ang Boss found out some information about the Xuebing Army through other channels, he knew that the Xuebing Army was better than the Central Army, but it was just heard, and he didn't have a deep understanding of it in his mind. impression.It wasn't until he saw the Xuebing Army with his own eyes that he really realized the difference between the French army and the opponent, and he also thought: Can he also build the Far East French army into such an army?

After reaching a tacit agreement with Ivan and Sachimon, Onbos began to lobby, trying to persuade Roland and others to support his decision, so that he could use the colonial income to buy equipment from the student army.

One wanted to be conservative, while the other wanted to forge ahead. Unable to convince Roland for a while, Ang Boss simply called the French elites from various departments and industries to hold this meeting.

The meeting has been going on for three days, but there is no progress at all.At this moment, Ivan was arguing with a big gardener named Dudley, when suddenly, Borg, the adjutant of Emboss, rushed in.He walked straight behind Umbers, lowered his head and whispered something in his ear.

Emboss only listened to a few words, and his face became extremely serious.The change in his expression was seen by Ivan, who was questioning Dudley loudly. The latter stopped immediately, and looked at Emboss quietly with the others.

When Borg raised his head, Roland couldn't help asking, "What happened?"

"There was a riot in Koundra," Umbers said in a deep voice.

"What?" Roland exclaimed, and then asserted: "It must have been secretly instigated by the Chinese. Ambers, you should believe it now? The Chinese are really forming the so-called 'National Independence Liberation Army', hum! With this name, we should know what Chinese people think, do you still have illusions about Chinese people?"

Roland had just finished speaking, and a group of politicians, businessmen, and large garden owners who supported him expressed their opinions one after another. Everyone agreed, pointing their finger at the Xue Bingjun and Anbosi, and they all thought that Anbosi let the Xuebing army enter the country. It is an act of pioneering wolves and backward tigers.Some were even more indignant and even threatened to expel the Xuebing Army by force, and drive these yellow-skinned monkeys out of the Indochina Peninsula——

The meeting room turned into a vegetable market, and Ivan couldn't stand it any longer. He slapped the table and shouted, "Quiet! Listen to what the governor said—"

Ang Bosi stood up, glanced at everyone and said, "Commander-in-chief Ouyang greeted me about the 'National Independence Army'. The purpose of their establishment of the 'National Independence Army' was not to target us, but to deal with the Japanese. 'National Independence Army'."

Everyone was startled when they heard the words, and then they heard Roland roar: "You actually know about this? Well, I said that there have been several incidents of mobs attacking the garden in Kampong Dela in a row, how can you ignore it? It turns out You have colluded with the Chinese? Ladies and gentlemen, have you all heard? Our lord governor is actually going to help the Chinese deal with us now——Ambers, so to speak, your so-called purchase of weapons and equipment for the soldier army The transformation of the local division is also to help the Chinese fight the Japanese, right?"

After Roland finished speaking, Dudley suddenly stood up and shouted: "Everyone, in view of the fact that the governor has betrayed us, I propose to re-elect the governor immediately."

"I agree!" Someone immediately echoed.

The crowd actually took advantage of the Kampong Dela riots to force Gong Anbosi, which was beyond the expectation of Anbosi, Yiwen and others.Emboss was already flushed with anger, while Yiwen and the others had even more veins on their faces.At this time, Sachimon, who had always been reticent, suddenly slapped the table and said coldly: "Gentlemen, you seem to have forgotten one thing—even if the riot in Kampong Dela was instigated by the student army, even if The Chinese want to invade the Indochina Federation. I want to ask, what do you use to stop them? Do you rely on the local divisions of the three divisions we have and those local police forces? Guys, it’s not that I want to destroy my own prestige Let the Chinese have the ambition, the real situation is that if the Chinese really want to use force against us, we will be powerless to resist."

"This, this is not caused by you, it is you who brought in the army of apprentices - you are the standard way to lure wolves into the house! You should be responsible for this!"

"Isn't there still the British? We are allies with the British. And the Americans, the Americans will help us—"

"British? The British are now being beaten like bereaved dogs by the Japanese. They can't protect themselves, so they will have the energy to take care of us? Americans? Ladies and gentlemen, you don't know? Just a few days ago, the Americans just helped the cadet army Completed a big rescue of Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia—wake up, everyone, if you want to keep your wealth, there is only one choice now, and that is to support us and cooperate with the Xuebing Army!"

"Joke, I support you in cooperating with the Xuebing Army? The wealth accumulated by generations of talents in our family——"

"What's the use of being rich if a person is dead?" The quarrel between the big garden owners and Sachimon became more and more intense, and gradually turned to personal attacks—Suchmon immediately sent a message Roland was completely enraged. He stood up and pointed at Satchmon and said, "Satchmon, what are you talking about? Are you still French?"

"Of course I am French, and a truly patriotic Frenchman. But you, are you still French? If you are still French, has your conscience been eaten by dogs? Seeing the country fall and the people become subjugated slaves, you Just be indifferent?" Sachimon said loudly, aggressively.

"Sachimon, you are just messing around. As a Frenchman, you should protect the rights of your compatriots, but what have you done? Now you are helping foreigners bully your compatriots!"

"Okay!" Emboss couldn't stand it anymore, and suddenly slapped the table and shouted: "General Saqimon, sit down! And you——I will investigate and deal with the turmoil in Kampong Dela." Yes—I can assure everyone that we will never lose control of the Indochina Federation. Now, let’s vote! Those who support us in forming the Restoration Army, please raise your hands!"

(End of this chapter)

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