Chapter 1620

Because Dudley and other Frenchmen who participated in the ambush were wiped out, Roland and others, who were waiting in Hanoi, were more than five hours behind Ouyang Yun and the others before they learned the news of the ambush failure.After deciding to ambush the Emboss convoy in Pakse, the French headed by Roland gathered in his apartment, preparing to launch a coup as soon as the operation was successful, and took over the two French army divisions stationed in Hanoi with lightning speed. , so that he has the strength to protect himself to withstand the thunderous wrath of Ouyang Yun, Ouyang Yun's ally.

More than 2000 people ambushed 1000 people, and as long as they could kill Emboss, they would be able to guarantee the initiative. Roland and the others believed that this battle must be won, and they never thought about what would happen if they failed.They gathered in the lobby of Roland's house, listening to music, drinking coffee and smoking cigars, talking in a gentlemanly manner, all of them looked like old gods.When Roland's butler suddenly paled and rushed into the hall, Roland and Jean Deju were talking about an interesting incident with a chuckle.The pale butler rushed into Roland's sight, and the French old man couldn't help but startled.The butler hadn't lost his composure yet, so he walked quickly behind Roland and whispered to him, "My lord, something is wrong, Mr. Dudley has failed."

"What?" Roland was in a panic, he stood up in a panic and shouted. With a "bang", the wine glass in his right hand hit the ground and broke into pieces.

Everyone was attracted by the sudden abnormal noise, and they all tuned in and looked over. When they saw the shocked Roland and the pale butler, they immediately had a bad feeling in their hearts and became extremely nervous.

"Wav, what happened? You speak slowly," Jean Deju stood up and asked Roland the housekeeper.

Waff looked at Roland and dared not answer.

Roland looked at Rang Deju, and then at the others. Feeling his lips were dry, he stuck out his tongue and licked it, and said slowly, "Gentlemen, very bad news, the ambush failed!"


"How is this good?"

... There was an exclamation in the hall, and many people were stunned.

Rang Deju looked at Waf with a tense face, and asked sharply, "Wafu, where did you get the news?"

Waff: "Mr. Hermes told me on the phone." Looking at Roland, he continued: "Mr. Hermes called to find you, sir. He knew it was me who answered the call, so let me pass it on for you. He also said , he will bring his remaining guards over immediately, and please gather the guards of other plantations as soon as possible, my lord."

When Deju questioned Waff, many people once again rekindled hope, secretly praying in their hearts that this was just an oolong news.However, after Wav said these words, everyone's hearts sank to the bottom of the valley, knowing that the ambush operation had indeed failed.

"More than 2000 people ambushed 1000 people, how could it fail?" Someone said unwillingly.

This sentence reminded many people, and some people went on to say, "Did Umbers detect it in advance? Could it be that there is a traitor among us!"

The Spike and the Unity Brigade struck so hard and fast that the guards who ambushed Emboss thought they were defeated by the guards of Emboss.The captain of Hermes' guard "truthfully" telegraphed the news of the failure of the ambush to his master, making Hermes also think that the ambush troops were defeated by the troops of Amboss.This aroused mutual suspicion among the French.

Roland is a civil servant and knows almost nothing about war. Under the influence of others, he can't help becoming suspicious.Among these people, only Rang Deju understands military affairs and truly has the demeanor of a general.Just when the others began to look at the companions around him with scrutiny, and they all fell into the state of being suspected of stealing the axe, he patted the coffee table in front of him and shouted loudly: "Shut up, don't stop before the matter is cleared up." Feel free to doubt your partner. Gentlemen, to use an old Chinese saying, we are now grasshoppers tied to a rope, and we should help each other in the same boat. Therefore, please focus on practical actions and stop useless fantasies Come on. Finance officer, I see that you are out of energy, if you don't mind, let me deal with the current crisis?"

"Of course, my mind is really a bit messed up now," Roland replied quickly.

With Roland's approval, Deju didn't hesitate any longer, stood in the center of the hall, looked around everyone and said, "Gentlemen, please listen to me. It is indeed a pity that the ambush was not successful. However, the matter has not yet reached the point of no return. , we still have a chance."

As expected of the hero who once provoked the Siamese-French war, after Deju took over the leadership from Roland, the first sentence made everyone feel at ease, and also aroused everyone's interest in continuing to listen.

"We have already parted ways with the military group headed by Emboss, and the ambush is only a further demonstration of our determination. If Emboss and the others do not want to provoke an internal struggle among the French, then he should choose to compromise. I think we He and the military group should also be given a chance. I regret that I came back late and missed the meeting that decided the fate of the Federation of French Indochina. Tomorrow, I will go to see Ambers in person for the last persuasion. If he still If you are stubborn, you can only solve it through war. Gentlemen, what do you think?"

"I agree."

"Minister Jean Deju's decision is correct. The French should not break up easily. We should also give Ambers and the junta a chance."

... After being affirmed by everyone, Deju waved his hand and said: "Whether I can persuade Emposs or not, we must strengthen our guard next to prevent the soldiers from using the same fierce means to deal with us. Hermes is good, and it is very good Regarding the situation, I suggest that when I am not here, let him be in charge of the military affairs. Now, we must hurry up and do two things. The first thing is to get in touch with the Sustaining Government and express our respect to Marshal Petain Obey. Gentlemen, the future of Southeast Asia will definitely be decided by the Japanese. Japan and Germany are allies. If Petain can help us mediate from it, we will not fall into a completely passive situation. The second thing, we must do our best No matter what the final choice of Umbers is, there is still an enemy we should not underestimate—yes, it is the Chinese army of soldiers. If it is not possible, I suggest asking the Japanese for help—this matter It can also be handed over to Hermes. Mr. Financial Officer, the Japanese Minister Kobayashi can find you through Hermes, right? If he comes forward, the confidence will be greater."

When the German sentence mentioned Hermes and Kobayashi, Roland's captain of the guard opened the door and stood at the door to report to Roland, saying that Hermes was here, and he brought his Japanese friends with him.

Roland and Rang Deju exchanged glances, and the latter nodded slightly. Roland stood up and said, "Gentlemen, let's go, let's meet our Japanese friends together!" Then, he and Rang Deju walked away first go out.

(End of this chapter)

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