Chapter 1635
Roland and Jean Degu fled, the mutiny planned by the Japanese failed, and the cadet army attacked the plantation owners more recklessly. The Federation of Indochina immediately entered a new era of military rule.Ouyang Yun avenged the blood of the fourteen apprentices in a different way, and the French plantation owner interest group who colluded with the Japanese took the blame. They paid a high price for this, and half of the colonial land was confiscated It was "nationalized" and became the collateral used by Emboss to repay the various debts of the Xue Bingjun.

The Xue Bingjun sharpened their knives and showed great ambitions, aiming at the strategic resource of rubber.The Japanese needed rubber, and so did the cadets, and, as the troops modernized more and more, the demand would increase.At present, the rubber needed by the Xuebing Army mainly relies on imports from the US-owned Philippines, but once the US and Japan go to war and the Philippines is captured by the Japanese, then this route will be cut off.On this matter, Ouyang Yun had planned a long time ago - after Chen Ce gave his sincerity to the Xue Bingjun, he immediately asked Fan Xudong to organize people to plant rubber in Hainan Island, and after nearly two years of hard work, the current Hainan rubber plantation has formed a certain scale.Of course, there is still a long time before the harvest.The United States and Japan will go to war by the end of this year at the latest, and it will take at least five years for the rubber in Hainan Island to be harvested. How will the demand for rubber be resolved during this period?Ouyang Yun originally tended to hoard, but after the Western Expedition, he had a new idea.This is one of the reasons why he sought to control the Federation of Indochina and become the behind-the-scenes listener to the French.

The Xuebing Army marched west under the order of the Chongqing government. From the outside, it seemed that the Xuebing Army had compromised with the central government, which was a diplomatic failure.But in the eyes of Ouyang Yun, Jiang Shuren and others, this is an opportunity to open up the Southwest international market.

Looking at China at present, the Xuebingjun Special Zone is the one with the best economic development and the wealthiest people.This has resulted in the following embarrassing scene. In China, the high-tech products produced by the Xuebing Army have a relatively good market in Fujian, Guangdong and Qiong, but it is difficult to form a scale in other places, even in Chongqing.Seeing that the local markets in Guangdong, Fujian and Qiongxia have become saturated, Ouyang Yun has no choice but to consider opening up new markets for the long-term.

Originally, the British and the French refused to allow the products of the Xuebing Army to enter Southeast Asia, but now they can't help them.

Under the planning of Jiang Shuren and Niu Yuehan, a Southeast Asian economic development team headed by Fan Xudong was secretly established.The task of this group is to formulate relevant plans to help the various enterprises of the Xuebing Army dump various commodities that are unsalable locally in Southeast Asia.

The establishment of the French Restoration Army is an opportunity for enterprises in the Xuebing Army Special Zone to enter the Southeast Asian market.In the cooperation rules signed by Ouyang Yun and Ang Bosi, although there is no mention of things other than weapons and military cooperation, as long as the French really want to develop and strengthen the National Restoration Army, and want to march into Europe, they will eventually be embarrassed It was discovered that their troops were made in France except for the people, and everything else had been printed with the imprint of "Made in Guangzhou".

When the Xuebing Expeditionary Army was steadily implementing Ouyang Yun's Indochina Federal Economic Colonization Plan, on February 2th, the two warring sides finally decided the outcome of the persistent Buddha-Lao defense line.After the coalition forces of China, Thailand and Britain held on for more than half a month, the British army was the first to be defeated.Then, Wan Fulin, commander of the 11rd Army, the frontline commander of the Northeast Expeditionary Force, decisively chose to withdraw from the battlefield when he might be flanked by the Japanese army.

The British can run away without saying hello, and the Chinese army naturally has no obligation to stick to it to the end, and it only suffers from the Thais.As a result, in addition to the [-] Thai troops who died in the battle, the others actually collectively surrendered to the Japanese army, which immediately changed the war situation in the entire Indochina Peninsula.

Before the outbreak of this battle, Thailand and Japan maintained a fairly friendly relationship.In the nineteenth century, China, Japan, and Thailand were the only three countries in Asia that were not colonized by the West.The reason why China and Japan can avoid it is that the former is too big to talk about, and the latter is too strong. As for Thailand, it made full use of the contradiction between France and the United Kingdom, thus becoming a buffer zone for the Asian colonies of these two countries.

Living in the cracks between two Western powers is naturally difficult.This makes the Thai people yearn to be as strong as Japan and can defeat giants like polar bears.The extreme dislike of Westerners led the country to move closer to its powerful Asian "far neighbor" Japan after the country implemented a constitutional monarchy in 1939 under the control of the military regime, which led to a very important "Japan-Thailand goodwill".

It is well documented that when the League of Nations condemned Japan for making a resolution because of the Manchurian Incident, Thailand actually chose to abstain.In addition, in the past, when Japan was troubled by the ABCD encirclement network and lacked resources, Thailand's military cabinet at that time was very sympathetic, and not only provided Japan with a large amount of rubber and cotton fabrics regardless of international public opinion.What's even more absurd is that he also appealed to Lao Jiang, saying that China, Japan and Thailand are all Asians and should unite against white Westerners.

From all the above, we can see how friendly the Thai government is to Japan.Yamamoto 56 led the Western Expeditionary Fleet into the Indian Ocean, playing the banner of expelling Western colonists and establishing the Japanese circle, which just catered to the meaning of the Thai military.If Wavell hadn't forced the Thais to go to war with a large army, and the Japanese had actually occupied a lot of Thai land, the Thais would definitely not choose to go to war with the Japanese army.

The Buddha-Lao defense line collapsed, the British army and the Northeast Army were defeated, and more than 56 Thai troops surrendered. This was just a step for the Binpun cabinet in Thailand at that time.When Binpun and Yamamoto [-] were in contact before, they still held the pipa and half covered their faces, but now they directly peel off their masks and go into battle naked.

On February 2, Thai and Japanese representatives reached a so-called "military cooperation agreement" in Bangkok. Immediately, the more than 13 Thai troops captured by the Japanese army changed into the so-called "Great East Asian Alliance Army."The Thais have changed their flags this time quite thoroughly.The next day, more than [-] British troops who had just received relevant news and had not had time to evacuate Thailand were blocked by [-] Thai troops from the northwest in Saiyuk.Then, before the British general could react, more than [-] Japanese troops suddenly appeared in the southeast direction.As a result, the Japanese yelled with a loudspeaker: "You are already surrounded, surrender without killing!" The [-] British troops actually put down their weapons obediently and surrendered to the Japanese army.

Naturally, the upheaval in Thailand could not escape the eyes and ears of Fox Tong lurking in the local area. A sealed telegram was sent to Bobie, and Ouyang Yun couldn't believe his eyes when he saw it.He is not omniscient, so he does not know that there has been an affair between Thailand and Japan.I really can't figure out why this Thai who was just an ally suddenly changed his flag and became a little devil's dog. When he thought that the Cambodia-Thailand border would become the front line, and the enemy had 10,000+ more people, his brows tightened Locked up, I couldn't help feeling a bit of pressure in my heart.

The originally quite simple situation suddenly became complicated, but the British army was too disappointing. As a result, the burden of stopping the Japanese army fell entirely on the shoulders of the Northeast Expeditionary Army and the Xuebing Expeditionary Army.

Ouyang Yun and Zhang Shaoshuai exchanged telegrams every day, because Thailand suddenly rebelled, and there were more than [-] telegrams sent back and forth between them that day.In the end, they reached a consensus.Thailand doesn't care about him, but Myanmar and the French Indochina Federation must not be lost.

"Brother, brother admires your methods, but you have just passed the crisis, and your methods should be softer when dealing with the French," the young marshal said in a subsequent telegram after discussing how to use troops against Japan and Thailand.

At this time, the British and Japanese media were criticizing the "atrocities" of the Xuebing Army in the French Indochina Federation, and the world's public opinion was also aroused. It is not surprising that the young commander heard about it.The young marshal obviously cared about the British as an ally, so he worried that Ouyang Yun's actions would anger the Westerners and would be detrimental to their Western Expedition.

Regarding this, Ouyang Yun had no worries at all.His reply was very interesting: "Brother, thank you for your kindness. Don't worry, the fist is big enough, the truth is on my side! If you are tight, I suggest you give it a try. The effect will be great!"

Ouyang Yun's words were three parts drama and seven parts serious.He didn't want to indoctrinate the young marshal, he just knew the current difficulties faced by the Northeast Army and gave him an idea to solve the logistics supply problem.

When Lao Jiang first selected the Northeast Army and the Xuebing Army to form an expeditionary army to go west, what he originally did was to kill people with a knife.And if the knife is not sharp enough, he will provide it with two whetstones.

In Lao Jiang's plan, the "King of Yunnan" Long Yun and the issue of supplies were the two whetstones.Long Yun was appointed to be in charge of the logistics supplies of the expeditionary army. As long as he became greedy, it would definitely cause disputes between the Yunnan Army, the Northeast Army, and the Xuebing Army.As a warlord, who would be a good bird? If it really broke out, it would definitely be a situation where all three losers. In that case, Lao Jiang would save a lot of trouble.However, the development of things was beyond Lao Jiang's expectation.This time Long Yun not only didn't take advantage of the opportunity, but also personally intervened in this matter, so he didn't let his subordinates have the opportunity to suppress the slightest.

When one strategy failed, Lao Jiang made another plan and simply reduced the extra supply to one-third.In this way, even if Long Yun is not greedy, the student army does not care about this little supply, but it is not enough for the Northeast Expeditionary Army.

The young marshal had already heard about the big movement made by the cadet army in the Indochina Federation.It happened to be difficult to supply, so it was impossible to say that he was not moved, but he always had scruples in his heart and did not dare to do whatever he wanted.

The Northeast Expeditionary Army and the Xuebing Expeditionary Army entered the Indochina Peninsula almost at the same time for the same purpose. Although they still maintained a close ally relationship, due to differences in philosophy, the two sides have drifted apart unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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