Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 1648 One More Aircraft Carrier

Chapter 1648 One More Aircraft Carrier

In March 1941, there was a lot of trouble in Asia because of the farce of the Japanese so-called "Japanese Army Asia Camp" preparation meeting, and almost all the media in all countries were reporting Xuebingjun and Langya (Guo Muyi and Langya) In the West, a major event that directly affected the course of World War II took place—the U.S. Congress passed the "Strengthening the American Defense Act" ", allowing President Roosevelt to provide weapons and military supplies to countries that are of great significance to the security of the United States in the form of sales, transfers, exchanges, and leases.

When Yamamoto 56 was mobilizing troops and preparing to attack the Indochina Federation from land and sea at the same time, Ouyang Yun and Guo Muyi were studying the so-called "Strengthening the US Defense Act", and Guo Muyi also heard about the Xuebing Army for the first time. The matter of forming an aircraft carrier fleet in the United States.

Hearing this news, even though Guo Muyi is famous for being calm, she couldn't help blinking her one eye, opened her mouth wide, and exclaimed after a long time: "Commander-in-Chief, really?"

"Of course! Our own aircraft carrier has now formed a combat capability and is intensifying training. The one supplied by the Jews has also been launched into the water for sea trials. If we count the one controlled by the Jews, we will have three aircraft carriers !Three aircraft carriers, together with supporting ships, are not enough to compete with the Japanese combined fleet, but they have the power to protect themselves after all. And if there is no accident, we should have one more by the end of next year ship!" Ouyang Yun said confidently.

The aircraft carrier is a super weapon that only a truly powerful country can equip.Owning an aircraft carrier means that China has the ability to build a deep blue line of defense, and it is possible to keep the flames of war far away from home.And the most important meaning is that China can realize the expedition and be able to attack the Japanese mainland.Although Guo Muyi was born in the army, she has never worked in the navy until now. Hearing this, she couldn't help but feel itchy. She wished she could fly to the United States immediately so that she could become a part of the aircraft carrier fleet of the Xuebing Army.

Ouyang Yun could imagine the impact of this news on Guo Muyi, he looked at Guo Muyi with a smile, and was quite proud in his heart.Three days ago, he received a telegram from Gu Lianyun and learned that the "Yandi" aircraft carrier fleet had formally formed a battle order and started live ammunition drills. Liu Kui and the others drove away, and then went straight into Pan Meiren's room——

Guo Muyi woke up very quickly. I don't know what he thought of it. Suddenly he stood up and saluted. He said to Ouyang Yun seriously: "Commander-in-Chief, this should be the top secret, right? Thank you for your trust in me!"

"Sit down, sit down, this is indeed top secret. Let me tell you, there are only four people in the expeditionary force who know this news. Hey, it's like a stick in my throat, so I can't spit it out!"

"Commander-in-Chief, isn't it just that simple?" Guo Muyi asked tentatively.

Ouyang Yun nodded and smiled, and said with a thumbs up: "As expected of the No. [-] military division of our Xuebing Army, you can see through it at one point. I want you to go to the United States!"

"Huh? Now?"

"Yes, you go to Hainan first, and I will ask Zhang Liangfeng to wait for you at the Haikou base. He will accompany you to the Philippines, and then arrange for you to take an American ship to the United States. Do you know why you are sent to the United States?"

"Is it related to the Strengthening America's Defense Act?"

"Smart! Mu Yi, this matter is very important, and I have to clarify some things. I have observed you for a long time, and you are very good. You have not disappointed me in the Northwest! Americans must support countries that are closely related to their own security. This is our fortune. An opportunity for the Japanese to enter Southeast Asia, and sooner or later they will use force against the Philippines. The Americans have to take into account the European battlefield and are beyond their reach. They definitely hope that there is a force that can hold back the Japanese offensive. We will be the best if we establish a military base in the Indochina Federation The choice - of course, this is not up to us, we need to be recognized by the Americans. Your mission to the United States is to facilitate this. Gu Lianyun, do you know?"

Guo Muyi said seriously: "I know, she is your eldest wife!"

"Uh!" Ouyang Yun had a sip of tea in his mouth, and almost spit out when he heard this answer—Madam?He himself didn't dare to rank his women like this, but his brothers actually helped to solve it first.A little embarrassed, he quickly swallowed the tea, rubbed his nose and said, "I mean her official identity, she is the general manager of our student army stationed in the United States. After you see him, help me to get this letter Bring it to her. I have written your mission in detail in the letter, and she will fully cooperate when she sees the letter. You must not let the fourth person know your purpose of going to the United States, otherwise it will be counterproductive if the Americans know about it. After finishing speaking, he took out a letter from the drawer and handed it to Guo Muyi.

Guo Muyi took it silently and put it away, then suddenly looked up at Ouyang Yun and said, "Commander-in-chief, can I make a request?"

"Say!" Ouyang Yun waved his hand, and said cheerfully.

"That, I, I," Guo Muyi suddenly became stuttering, "I" a few times, he gritted his teeth and said, "Can I have someone to accompany me?"

It's rare to see Guo Muyi like this, Ouyang Yun felt suspicious and asked, "Tell me first."

"If I go to the United States, there should be guards, right?"

"of course."

Guo Muyi said quickly: "Can I appoint a candidate? I would like to ask Tour Chief to accompany me."

"Traveler?" Ouyang Yun didn't react for a while, and said, "Please explain clearly, which tour leader?"

Guo Muyi blushed, and said: "Commander-in-Chief, there are no other brigade commanders, that's the one from the Niangzi Yunwei regiment."

"You mean You Xiaolian? God, you won't fall in love with her, will you?"

Guo Muyi's face was flushed, she lowered her head and said softly, "Commander-in-Chief, don't laugh at me, I, when I first met her in Guangzhou, I fell in love with her!"

"Haha!" Ouyang Yun laughed loudly: "I didn't expect that our Cyclops General is actually a passionate seed! In the middle, I can decide this! But I want to remind you that although You Xiaolian is very beautiful, she has a lot of love. A famous violent woman, if you want to chase her, you have to be prepared to be kicked!"

"Commander-in-Chief, since I dare to say this, I naturally have the confidence to conquer her."

"Okay, it's what a man should say! Now, I'll call Shui Hongxiu right away and ask her to give You Xiaolian the order to escort you to the United States! Well, do you have any other requests?"

"there is none left!"

"Okay, I wish you a smooth journey! You go back and prepare, and leave as soon as possible! I will let Guo Kui send someone to escort you to Hainan."

"Yes! Commander-in-Chief, goodbye then!"


After saluting and shaking hands, Ouyang Yun sent Guo Muyi to the door.Watching his back disappear into the shadow of the barracks, Ouyang Yun remembered what he said just now, and whispered with a smile: "Madam?!" A beautiful figure appeared in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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