Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 1657 The Contest Between Chinese and British Special Forces

Chapter 1657 The Contest Between Chinese and British Special Forces
The French army disguised by the British had a tacit understanding. Dozens of soldiers rushed up and directly surrounded Ang Bosi and others.

Seeing that, Ang Bosi, Ivan, and Sachimon were shocked and angry. Ivan stared at Degu and asked, "Degu, what do you mean?"

Degou squinted at him without speaking, and turned to the French soldiers who were "suffering abuse" and said loudly: "French soldiers, I, Commander of the Far East Fleet Jean Degou, come to rescue you! You, we When did the pride of France fall to such an extent? These yellow-skinned monkeys, what qualifications do they have to serve as your instructors? The Indochina Federation belongs to France, and it was bought by our fathers with blood sacrifices. How can we allow him to be your instructor? I lost my hand! Your officers were coerced by the Chinese, and now I have rescued them! Soldiers, now follow my orders and drive these yellow-skinned monkeys out!"

The Degu hero usually yelled at the French soldiers who were being "battered", feeling better and better about themselves, while a row of British "Gormanders" behind him, directed by a captain's wink, pointed their guns at the French soldiers. The apprentice training group approached, wanting to give them a little bit of a show, so as to help Degu hold up the scene.

Emboss shouted: "Soldiers, don't listen to him, this is a conspiracy!"

Sachimon looked at Degu, and said coldly: "Degu, your guards are British, right? I advise you to let them come back quickly, otherwise—" Among the three, Sachimon was the calmest. I saw the flaws in the Degu guards.Although the British wear French military uniforms, their firearms are standard British military uniforms.Sachimon knew how powerful the apprentice teaching group was, and this was actually a kind reminder.But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the British colonel.His identity was exposed, and the latter did not intend to continue to hide it. He said to Degu: "General, you don't have to worry, they are absolutely capable of taking down these Chinese people."

The French soldiers who were being trained felt very innocent at this time.If there were no quarrels or even fights between the big shots at the top, if there were no more than a thousand eye-catching allies staring at them, they would be obliged to stand up and support the chiefs of the department such as Ang Bosi.But now, they don't know what to do.As for following Degu's call to fight against the Chinese—"God, you might as well let us commit suicide!" They cried out in their hearts, look at me, I look at you, but no one responded to Degu.

On the training ground, there are only 13 members of the apprentice training group here. Thirty-four British people (they already knew that the so-called Degu guards were pretended by the British) walked towards them with steady steps. Shouted: "Continue training!" Then he waved to the other Spike and Unity brigades, and took the lead to greet the British.

Emboss stared at Degu and said, "Degu, you will regret it!"

Degu also saw the extraordinaryness of these thirteen low-ranking Chinese officers. He was a little nervous and said: "Ambers, I don't want bloody conflicts. In order to avoid escalation of conflicts, I suggest you let the Chinese withdraw obediently and voluntarily." good!"

Saqimon sneered: "Bleeding? Who is bleeding?" Then he looked at the British colonel standing behind Degu, and said solemnly: "Colonel, I warn you, don't let your men shoot. Otherwise, , we will not be able to guarantee your safety!"

The focus shifted to the training ground, but Ang Bosi and the others calmed down, which made Degu faintly uneasy. He looked at the British colonel with worried eyes.

The British colonel was very sure. He first gave Degu a confident look, and then responded to Sachimon: "General, it is the Chinese who you should worry about. Don't worry, our soldiers are gentlemen. They will never Will shoot first! But if the Chinese dare to shoot, then, at your own risk!"

There are 34 people on one side and 13 people on the other side. The two sides have similar temperaments. They walked to the edge of the training ground under the watchful eyes of everyone and stood at a distance of two or three meters.

The British captain and Chang Jian looked at each other expressionlessly, the former gradually increased his strength, and his eyes became sharper.

The corner of Chang Jian's mouth turned away slightly, revealing a sneering smile.

The British captain narrowed his eyes, pointed to the gate of the camp, and said in English, "Get out of here yourself, or we will throw you out!"

Chang Jian replied fluently in English: "British, I will return my words!"

Unexpectedly, the other party could speak fluent English. I was a little surprised, and at the same time put away a little hostility.He looked at Chang Jian and said: "Everyone is a soldier, so let's solve it in a soldier's way. I will compete with you, and the loser will quit!"

Chang Jian let out a "ha", raised his right index finger and shook it, saying: "No, you are not my opponent!"

The British captain's face turned red at first, and then he forced himself to restrain his anger, and said calmly: "What's the use of talking and talking, let's see the truth in your hand!"

"Humph! I can't ask for it!"

The British captain took off his equipment and threw it to his subordinates behind him, then strode over.

"Come on, let's go and have a look!" The British colonel suggested to Degu.

Degu nodded, and signaled for the British soldiers surrounding Ang Bosi and others to disperse, and a group of people walked over.

The captain of the British army and Chang Jian had already stood up relatively, he waved his fist as a warm-up, and he swung his big fist vigorously and vigorously.

Chang Jian just shrugged.

"It's started!" The British captain shouted, stepped forward, and smashed his right fist towards Chang Jian's face.

Chang Jian wanted to show his prestige, he didn't dodge or dodge, he also threw his right fist and collided with the opponent. With a muffled sound of "pong", the two people's bodies shook at the same time. Chang Jian exhaled and swung his left fist out like lightning. step.

It's just a trick, and the judge will be judged.Behind the British captain, all the "Gormanders" stared at each other, their eyeballs almost protruding - the British captain was a famous strongman among them, he could knock down a bull with one punch, but now he was the first to retreated.The scene that happened next made many of them exclaim even more—the British captain kicked with his left foot after avoiding a punch, and was hit on the foot by Chang Jian, who had quick eyesight and quick hands, and only heard "crack bang!" "There was a crisp sound, and the British captain's left foot cracked, and the latter sat on the ground with a muffled grunt, as if he couldn't bear to fight any more.

"I said so!" Emboss had something to say at this time.

Degu's complexion changed and he looked at the British colonel.The latter's face was flushed, and there was a trace of panic in his eyes.

Chang Jian stood firmly one meter in front of the captain of the British army, pointed his right index finger, and said, "Come again!"

The captain of the British army was flushed with shame and anger. He struggled to stand up with his teeth bared, stared at Chang Jian and said, "I lost with fists and kicks, let's compete with marksmanship!" After finishing speaking, he seemed to realize that he had the suspicion of breaking his promise, and added: "We are soldiers, of course we have to try our marksmanship!"

"Fucking shit!" a Wolf Fang shouted.

"Haha!" Spike and the Unity Brigade laughed, and a Unity Brigade said: "If the marksmanship loses again, is it going to be a gang fight? British, I said, let's just gang fight, whoever comes first If you fall, whoever loses!"

The British captain lost his temper. Thinking of the legend that the Chinese know kung fu, he gritted his teeth and said, "Now is the era of hot weapons, let's compete with marksmanship! Five people each, how about it?"

"What if you lose?" Chang Jian looked at him with a half-smile.

The British captain was even more ashamed and angry, and said in a panic: "How could we lose? You Chinese know kung fu, but we British invented the musket first!"

"We invented gunpowder! Ha, compare!"

(End of this chapter)

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