Chapter 1668 Ambition
On the afternoon of April 4, in Chittagong, Wavell, Commander-in-Chief of the British Indian Army, met Degu and Captain "Gomand" and his party.As soon as Degu and his party returned to Jingdong, Myanmar, Wavell received relevant information. He learned that Degu returned without success and Clary voluntarily stayed in Hanoi. He didn't understand the reason, but he was still worried for Clary.And after reading Clary's report and talking with De Gu, he understood Clary's painstaking efforts, but he didn't see it.As for what Clary mentioned at the end of the report about Ouyang Yun's ambitions for the French Far East Fleet, he sneered with disdain: "Wishful thinking!" He slammed the report on the table, and he arranged for Degu to wash up and rest, and called Come to Captain "Gormandel" to learn about the situation in detail.

Captain "Gormandel" has been completely convinced by the teaching group, and with Clary's special explanation, what he said is naturally no different from the content of the report.Wavell didn't hear a few words, his face became serious, and asked: "Is the weapons and equipment of the apprentice army so advanced?"


Interested, Wavell decided to find out. "Go, take me to have a look! Logenbauer, you go and call Seshev and the others, and let's go see it together," he ordered to his adjutant after leaving the house.

Ten minutes later, in the French camp, dozens of British generals surrounded a Jiguang tank and a Great Wall light armored vehicle and began to explore curiously.

"I've seen tanks used by the Cadet Army themselves, which are even more advanced than this one," Captain "Gormand" said on the side.

A major general yelled: "What? You mean, this kind of tank is not the best for the Chinese?"


"Vicente, you're not lying, are you? This tank should be more advanced than Hitler's Panzer IV!" shouted a colonel who was familiar with the "Gormandel" captain.

Vicente said with a wry smile, "Why should I lie? It's not something glorious."

A colonel got into the car, and after a while he climbed out and shouted to Wavell: "Your Excellency, if what Vicente said is true, I think we should immediately purchase this tank from the Chinese. "

"If our troops have such tanks, the morale of the troops will definitely be greatly improved. At that time, no matter how crazy the Japanese offensive is, as long as there is a regiment-level tank unit, they will be able to smash their attack in one fell swoop! "

... All the British officers talked eloquently, and they all became very interested in the Jiguang tank in front of them.The Jiguang tank under the auspices of Ouyang Yun places special emphasis on armor protection.Even this old-fashioned Jiguang model that has been phased out by the main force of the Xuebing Army, its armor thickness can still withstand most of the Japanese attack weapons at close range, especially the kind of human bombs-the British were fighting with the Japanese army. The British themselves concluded that the reason was that the troops could not adapt to the Japanese style of play. They believed that what the troops needed to improve most now was to come up with a way to counter the Japanese's human attack tactics.

"Japanese military officers can ignore the life and death of their soldiers, but we can't do it. The life of every soldier in our British Empire is priceless"-this is the excuse that British military officers used to order retreats at every turn.

The tank was first invented by the British and played a huge role in World War I.Ordinarily, the British tanks should be the most advanced in the world, but in fact, not only are they completely inferior to the Germans in terms of tank technology, but their tank tactics have also lagged far behind their opponents.

In many ways, the Japanese regard Britain as a model to learn from, so they did not pay much attention to the development of tanks before.Later, although they began to increase investment because of the big loss of Jiguang tanks, so far, they have not yet formed enough combat power.Yamamoto 56 led the Western Expeditionary Fleet to attack Southeast Asia this time, and the Marine Corps under his jurisdiction did not have a sufficient number of armored troops.What makes people feel incredible is that in the Battle of Singapore, the British army with division-level tank corps actually lost to the Japanese army without a tank.The Japanese army only used human bombs of hundreds of people to blow up the white flag of the British army.And as the Japanese army used the captured British tanks to form their own tank divisions and formed a lightning attack chain, the British were dumbfounded, and they didn't even dare to send tanks to the front line.

In this general environment, the British army is extremely eager for tanks that can withstand the attacks of Japanese meat bombs.

The generals under him showed great interest in the chariot of the Xuebing Army, and regarded it as a magic weapon to defeat the Japanese army. Wavell watched and listened quietly, without expressing any opinions.Wavell and his subordinates have different ideas. He believes that although the British army's poor equipment is true, what is more worrying is the morale and fighting will of the troops.His philosophy is: no matter how good a weapon is, it is useless if it is not used by the right people.That's why he wasn't very enthusiastic about Clary's proposal.

Behind the two chariots were Wei Qing and Qubing firearms.Seeing the Qubing general-purpose machine gun, the British exploded: "Isn't this the German MG42? No, there are some differences!"

"Is it an improved type? It should be more refined!"

"Automatic rifle? What's the range?"

"I'll see, I'll see!"

"Vicente, is this really a Chinese weapon? You tell me that it is a German, I believe it even more! China is such a backward country. Moreover, with the advanced level of these two firearms, it is impossible for us to get any information in advance. I can't hear you!"

"Then ask the Commander-in-Chief, who has General Clarley's report."

"Where's Clary? Why didn't you see him?"

"He stayed in Hanoi."

The generals under his command pay more attention to Jiguang tanks, but Wavell pays more attention to Weiqing and Qubing guns.He felt the changes that these automatic weapons could bring to the combat power of the troops, and he couldn't help but loosen his persistence in his heart.

Half an hour later, he summoned Captain Vicente of "Gormandel" again in his temporary command post—"Were you there when the cadet major asked to see Clary?"


"Does Commander Degu know about this?"

"He doesn't know, he lives in the city. Commander-in-Chief, I watched the cadets train the French. Actually, I think you should have let the generals see the French soldiers just now. Those French soldiers met our soldiers a month ago. It's all the same, but now you see—"

"Are you saying that we should also ask the cadet army to train our soldiers?"

"No, I just think that their experience can be promoted. What the Chinese can do, why can't we do it? In some respects, the Chinese have indeed gone ahead of us. There is an old Chinese saying—"

Vicente spoke more and more vigorously, Wavell couldn't listen anymore, he waved his hand and interrupted him: "Vicente, how did I find out that you went to Hanoi, it seems that you have been brainwashed by the Chinese?"

"Commander-in-Chief, I, I just feel too deeply."

Wavell took out the report written by Clarley from the drawer and handed it to Vicente: "You also read this report."

Weissent nodded, took it and scanned it at a glance, and finally took a breath and said, "This Ouyang Yun is so ambitious?!"

"Do you think so? Vicente, you are a sensible person. As you said just now, we should pay the most attention to those French soldiers who have received training from the cadet army. No matter how good the equipment is, it is useless if it is not used by suitable people. ——Do you want to give it to the Japanese again? It is enough to do this kind of stupid thing once! The weapons and equipment of the Xuebing Army are really good and worth buying. But I want to give priority to fighter planes. Fighter planes are the least likely to be captured, and our aviation is still very good. Brave. Now there is a problem, what should we do if the Chinese insist on the conditions they have determined and do not let go? I can see that the Chinese really have the idea of ​​attacking the French Far East Fleet-"Singapore retreat", you know? That was planned by me. Bai Sihua must have confessed me, and that Ouyang Yun has made it clear that if we don't help them plot against the French, then we must apologize and compensate for the relevant losses, otherwise they will not agree to this deal... ..."

"Commander-in-Chief, what do you mean?"

"I want to wait."


"Yes, let's talk about it after they pass this test—next, the Japanese will definitely use their troops against the Indochina Federation first! If the cadet army can't pass this test, is there any need to talk about it?"

"I understand!"

"Vincent, work hard, I need you 'Gormandels'."


(End of this chapter)

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