Chapter 1672 Contact War

Emmons waved his hand, and the French mortar gunners who had been waiting for a long time also joined the battle.Nearly twenty mortars fired at the Japanese landing fleet at the same time, and were immediately counterattacked by the little devil's ship-borne machine guns.The artillery shells whizzed back and forth for about a quarter of an hour, and the first group of devils waded into the water and launched an attack on the defenders.

Mortars were not very effective in attacking the sea, so the Japanese army's wading landing appeared to be quite smooth.Both Li Jiansheng and Emmons realized this very quickly, and in a tacit understanding, both ordered the shelling to stop, and ordered their subordinates to prepare for battle.

As the order to prepare for battle was conveyed, many French soldiers immediately became tense, and many of them breathed heavily, sticking out their tongues and licking their lips from time to time, and the hand holding the trigger trembled slightly, as if they would pull it off at any time.Cao Bixiao and other students from the teaching regiment seemed to be the reassurance of the French soldiers at this time - he opened the insurance, took out the grenade on his body and put it in front of him, and said to the French soldiers on the left and right: "Don't be nervous, we have planted landmines. Wait for the Japanese army to step on the mines!"

A group of devils waded out of the water, and they immediately lay down on the ground to set up firepower points. Soon, five machine gun positions were set up.Here, the distance from the garrison fortifications is only about 150 meters.In fact, this distance can already be used for sniping, but considering the unbelievable marksmanship of the French officers and soldiers, Cao Bixiao suggested to Emmons earlier that they should move closer before shooting.The French army was relatively well-disciplined. Without an order from the officer, everyone could refrain from firing, but there was sweat on their foreheads, and even Emmons' breathing became heavy.

More devils rushed onto the beach, and after accumulating to the size of a squadron, Iwamura Zuobei, who was far away on the command boat, gave the order to attack.As the order was conveyed, a Japanese army sergeant on the beach commanded the sword with one stroke, and the devils of the two squads formed a skirmish line and launched a tentative attack.

The [-]-type heavy machine gun and the crooked sub-machine gun rang out, mixed with the whistling sound of grenades-this was the most Japanese grenadier firing.

The gunfire sounded, and the French soldiers became even more impatient. Seeing this, Cao Bixiao reminded: "Don't panic, you haven't passed the minefield yet!"

Emmons nodded, turned around and said to the left and right: "No one is allowed to shoot without my order, and those who violate the order will do so according to military law!"

Just as he finished speaking, a grenade exploded five or six meters behind him, and a piece of shrapnel hit his helmet, startling the guards around him.The guard jumped on him belatedly, making Cao Bixiao laugh uncontrollably.

"Duran, you're slow to react!" Emmons scolded, and gave Cao Bixiao an embarrassed look.

Cao Bixiao glanced at Emmons, whose face was a little pale, and said, "It's nothing, once the fight starts later, we will give priority to attacking the Japanese grenadiers and machine gunners!"

The Japanese's offensive direction focused on the west. To the dismay of the French, it was they themselves who asked to defend the western position when they first assigned the defensive direction.

"Did the Japanese see something? Know that we are easy to bully?" The colonel next to Emmons said to him, and Emmons gave him a big roll of his eyes: "Since you are on the battlefield, don't take chances , Victory belongs to the brave, and this will never change!"

The major gritted his teeth and remained silent, while the French soldiers around him looked at the cadet army's position, with envious expressions still in their eyes.

Cao Bixiao noticed this and could only shake his head and smile wryly.Emmons just turned a blind eye so as not to get upset.

The defenders stood still, but the Japanese army became more cautious.They bowed their waists and held their guns and moved forward slowly. Only about a minute later, as a devil stepped on a landmine and was blown into the sky, they all lay on the ground and did not dare to move rashly.

The gunfire became more intense, but because of the existence of the minefields, these were just to create momentum.

"Use a grenade to blow up a passage for me!" The devil's soldier Cao was also brave and resourceful, and gave an order to his opponent.Hundreds of grenades were thrown out, and the sound of explosions sounded one after another. Emmons couldn't bear it anymore. He said to Cao Bixiao: "Fire, we can't let them blow up the passage!"

Cao Bixiao: "No rush, just wait."

"Still waiting!?" said the head colonel.

Cao Bixiao: "If you want to fight, you must repel this wave of enemy attacks. Otherwise, what's the use of just scaring them off? The Japanese army attacked from a long distance. Don't look at their huge momentum now. In fact, they have limited troops. We killed all of them. Criticize them for one less batch. Didn’t you see it? The Japanese army’s attack this time is tentative!”

Emmons glared at the colonel, and shouted: "Listen to Captain Cao, remember, we are students now, understand?"

The colonel saluted and closed his mouth.

The Japanese army used more than a hundred grenades and blasted a passage about five meters wide in front of the French position. Immediately, the sergeant raised his sword again, and the devils of the two teams gathered in one place to launch an attack.

When they rushed to the distance of only about 50 meters from the fortification, Cao Bixiao glanced at Li Jiansheng not far away, waved and said, "Hit!" and pulled the trigger first.

Cao Bixiao had aimed at a devil grenadier early on, and the devil was shot in the head and fell down, startling the devil soldiers around him.

"Da da da——" The six Hotchkiss 1914 heavy machine guns of the French army immediately went into battle, and four or five of the devils who rushed to the front fell down at once.A large number of F1 grenades were thrown by the French soldiers, and the explosion sounded, disrupting the Japanese attack sequence.

After being fiercely attacked by the defenders, the devil soldier Cao was not afraid. He half squatted on the sand and waved his knife and shouted: "Lie down! Fight back!" The devils all lay down on the ground and raised their guns to fight back. Soon, the French army There were many casualties.

Under Emmons' command, only one regiment was equipped with the standard weapons of the Cadet Army.This regiment is Emmons' treasure, and he hid it in the rear as a reserve team. Now the regiment defending the front line uses old-fashioned equipment from the French army.Only about 10 minutes into the battle, the weaknesses of these equipment were exposed.The French usually do not maintain enough equipment, and many firearms are not durable, and soon jammed.Your side is stuck, but the Japanese side can perform normally. Many French soldiers rushed to repair their guns after they found that their guns suddenly failed to fire. They were shot in the head by the Japanese army and died in just 10 minutes. More than fifty French soldiers died in battle, which dealt a great blow to their morale.

"Sir, my gun has jammed!" A soldier shouted at Emmons, sweating profusely.

Emmons gritted his teeth and shouted: "If the gun jams, then use the grenade to fight. If the grenade is empty, then prepare for hand-to-hand combat! Those who retreat will die, and the only way to survive is to stand firm. Understand?!"

The soldier fell silent, put the bayonet on the gun and put it beside him, and turned to the grenade tactics wholeheartedly.

(End of this chapter)

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