Chapter 1687
A grenade fired a grenade almost simultaneously, and the target was Qiu Liancheng, who had been exposed early.

The little devil's attack was quite vicious, and he aimed not at Qiu Liancheng's hiding place, but at a big tree two meters behind him.Qiu Liancheng's judgment was more accurate than that devil's. He quickly switched the shooting function of the sniper rifle, and the grenade flew out with the sound of piercing the air. He fired a shot in midair, and fell into a bush the next moment.

As soon as he showed his figure, three ghosts disguised as Xuebing pulled the trigger at the same time, and one of them was actually using a sniper rifle equipped by the Xuebing army.

Qiu Liancheng's pounce was very dangerous. Three bullets almost slid past his body, and he felt three waves of scorching air. There was a sudden pain in his left ear, but the earlobe was knocked off.

"Damn it, these devils are powerful!" Qiu Liancheng didn't dare to stay in the bushes for a long time, and immediately rolled to the recess on the left hand side, secretly startled.

As soon as the little devil opened fire and exposed his hiding place, Wang Yongsheng immediately seized the opportunity and fired two shots.

And Wu Dazhi, who came over for reinforcements, threw out a sweet potato grenade.

The battle started in an all-round way, and for the time being, the exposed strength of the two sides was nine to three, and one of the devils died, and Qiu Liancheng's right ear was also torn off.

In the contest between special forces, the gunshots are unique, basically bursting and rarely coherent.And the occasional explosions are not mainly to kill the enemy, but to provide comrades with the opportunity to escape from danger and move their positions.

After listening for a while, Kinoshita Danro concluded that their opponent was Langya, which made him very excited: "Yaoxi, it's Langya, gentlemen, the Chinese people finally couldn't bear it anymore, very good, give me a hard fight!" Pick them off!"

The lurking devil, Yamato Soul, was sneaking in to try to outflank the students on the opposite side, and the same was true for the other Spikes and Unity Brigade of Naizhi's team.

The first contact was on the right side of Wang Yongsheng.The two united brigades met the three Yamato souls.The united brigade is a cover formation of one light and one dark, and the spirit of Yamato is a character formation.The United Brigade and Spike, who were in the front, spotted each other at a distance of about 30 meters. The two fired almost simultaneously, and then dodged behind the nearby big tree at the same time.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, the chief officers on both sides felt a bit of pressure.There were those who expected more than one enemy to be exposed, but after being confirmed, what Wu Dazhi thought was: How many devils are there?Could this be the scouting vanguard of the little devil's army?But Kinoshita thought: This is the control area of ​​the student army, they can call for tactical guidance at any time, if they can't make a quick decision, they can only retreat.

Thinking of this, he waved to Asano who was following closely behind him, and ordered: "Use the secret weapon!"

"Hi!" Asano, who followed closely behind him, responded, took off the tactical bag on his body, and took out a grenade gun from it.

Toshiichiro Koizumi has been planning for "Operation Wolf Picking" for a long time, and this grenade gun is one of the sharp weapons he designed for Yamato Soul.Asano then carefully took out a grenade with a skull painted on the body, carefully pulled out the safety catch, and put it into the barrel.

Mu Xia pointed forward and said, "That tree is a good attack point!"

"Hayi!" Asano responded, and ran over with a cat waist.

The battle lasted for about 10 minutes. Two of the nine Yamato souls who were exposed first died, one of the Yamato souls who sneaked in on both sides died, and Nazhi's team also sacrificed a united brigade.

Everyone is a master shooter, and they all use automatic weapons. At this time, the competition is not about marksmanship, but about consciousness and luck.

Apart from throwing a sweet potato grenade at the beginning, Wu Dazhi didn't make another move afterwards.He listened quietly and analyzed, and soon he had a rough data result in his mind.A little bit surprised by the fighting power shown by these devils, he changed the combat order after finding out that there were no less than 20 devils in this group.

A yellow flare rose into the sky, and when the other five saw it, they immediately changed their fighting style.

Qiu Liancheng withdrew first.As a sniper, keeping the distance allows him to better control the overall situation and support his comrades.The others also began to retreat, and at the same time planted booby traps without a trace.

Wang Yongsheng and Wu Dazhi were the last to withdraw.The two retreated alternately. In the end, Wang Yongsheng stopped 100 meters in front of Qiu Liancheng, while Wu Dazhi climbed a big tree five meters behind the trap after laying a simple warning trap.

The enemy is powerful, so annihilating the enemy in motion is the first choice.

The contest between the Jungle Special Operations Brigade and Yamato Soul, which seems to be a life-and-death competition between two special forces teams, is actually a competition between Ouyang Yun and Koizumi Toshiichiro's understanding of special operations.

As for which of the two is superior, in fact, it can be judged simply from whether they have actual combat experience.

Ouyang Yun had participated in many actual combat operations before crossing. Among the enemies were not only those cunning and cruel big drug lords, but also very rampant separatists known for daring to risk their lives.

What about Koizumi?He did participate in the peacekeeping operations of the Japanese army in many places, but he never even got the chance to kill someone.

The single hero came out of Langya, and the united brigade he created has the same training method as Langya, which ensures the unity of the jungle special warfare brigade's combat philosophy.In the training methods of special forces, Ouyang Yun not only emphasized the advanced training methods and the use of advanced weapons, but also paid more attention to the training of soldiers' combat awareness and traditional hunting skills.

Koizumi didn't know that when he was obsessed with advanced weapons and advanced training methods, he gave up the characteristics of the times and regions related to special operations, and this is definitely the fatal weakness of the powerful team of Yamato Soul.

Yamato Soul also has a trap mechanism course. Their technique of laying out booby traps is no worse than that of the jungle special warfare brigade, but the specific application is far less flexible than the jungle special warfare brigade.

Of course, Kinoshitabe Yamato Soul's underestimation of the enemy may have something to do with his desire for a quick victory.

The enemy on the opposite side suddenly retreated, and Kinoshita could make the same choice at this time. In that case, although they missed a chance to confront Spike in depth, they could still preserve their strength and maintain their continued presence in the enemy-occupied area.

Kinoshita didn't make that choice. He looked at his watch and decided to fight for another 10 minutes.

Walking under the big tree where Asano was hiding, he beckoned him to come down, and said face-to-face: "Asano! Take the opportunity to fight, our purpose is to kill and hurt them! After 10 minutes, everyone retreats immediately!"

Commands are quickly conveyed through gestures.Twenty Yamato souls formed seven combat teams to search and advance, among which Kinoshita and Asano led the Thai guide to the rear.

Asano directly hugged the grenade gun to his chest, waiting for the best time to appear.Kinoshita is a [-]-style sniper rifle. His dark eyes glanced at the suspicious places on both sides from time to time, and he didn't realize that "Spike Fang" had already laid many booby traps right under their feet.

Two minutes later, there was a loud "boom" from the front left. He was startled, and his face became gloomy.

Soon some of his subordinates reported to him with gestures, and learned that someone had stepped on a booby trap, he gritted his teeth and confirmed the identity of the enemy even more.He whispered to Asano solemnly: "As expected of Spike Fang, it is really difficult to deal with!"

On his behalf, Asano sent orders to both sides to make everyone beware of booby traps and traps.

The Yamato souls woke up, and their forward speed was suddenly slowed down.

(End of this chapter)

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