Chapter 1690 Joint Interview Team

Wu Dazhi did not order the pursuit.It's not that I don't want to, but that Naizhi's team has lost this ability.

In less than 10 minutes of fighting, the Kinoshita Yamato soul team again confessed to ten people, nine of whom were Xiongfengxin's reserve Yamato souls who had passed the selection.Although no one in Naizhi's team has died yet, five people were seriously injured. Only Wang Yongsheng was uninjured, and the situation is not optimistic.

Kinoshita's decision was correct. As soon as they left, reinforcements from the Xuebing Army arrived.A company of students rushed to the scene of the battle, and they were all shocked when they saw the bloody scene on the battlefield.

In the first match between Yamato Soul and the Jungle Special Warfare Brigade, Yamato Soul lost ten people and injured two people, and the Jungle Special Warfare Brigade killed one person and seriously injured five people. After calculating the strength ratio of the two sides, the Jungle Special Warfare Brigade can be regarded as a complete victory.However, when the battle report was submitted, Guo Kui didn't feel the slightest bit of joy—this part of the Devil Special Forces is much stronger than Xiongfeng!The geographical characteristics of the tropical jungle limit the possibility of mobilizing soldiers to encircle and suppress them, and if the jungle special warfare brigade is used to carry out the encirclement and killing, how many special forces will have to sacrifice their lives to completely wipe out these devils?These are all secondary. After this contact battle, Guo Kui can basically conclude that although the little devil's slogan is to challenge the wolf's teeth, there must be some ulterior motive behind it.The question is, what is its real purpose?

An hour and a half after Guo Kui received the report from the Noshi team, the Yamato Soul Temporary Headquarters in Bangkok also received the report from the Kinoshita team.The supreme commander of this headquarters is a lieutenant named Heijiro Ikeda, who is directly responsible to Toshiichiro Koizumi and is the direct person in charge of this "Operation Wolf Picking".

The telegram was submitted by a major named Takemura Sakai, who was also one of Yamato Soul's instructors and had experience in studying special operations in Germany.

Ikeda read the battle report three times, and then said to Sakai: "Spike lives up to its reputation!"

Sakai was more optimistic than Ikeda. He said: "The main reason for the broken jade is to prepare the spirit of Yamato, and the strength of the Kinoshita team is still there. After such a commotion, the upper echelon of the academy army must have noticed them. This will make it easier for them to completely muddy the water and confuse them." In this way, the Yasuda team will have more opportunities to find the main base of the Spike and destroy its newly equipped special warfare weapon helicopter by surprise."

"What you said is very reasonable. The radio station of the Yasuda team has been silent. They must have entered the depths of the enemy's army!"

"Commander, Yasuda is a special warfare elite that even His Excellency Koizumi is full of praise for. With him commanding this operation, you and I have nothing to worry about."

"Sakai-kun, the words are true, but the opponent is Langya after all! Didn't the imperial army suffer less from Langya's hands? So we must not be careless!"


Five days later, in Phnom Penh, Ouyang Yun finally received a detailed report on the "Jade and Stone Burning Together" plan in anxiety.This time, it was Jiang Yunyan, who broke into the Japanese expatriate living in Shanghai as Yoko Kubota, who did the meritorious service.Jiang Yunyan's status in the Xuebing Army's intelligence system is similar to that of the dead chrysanthemum in the Japanese army's spy system, and there are no more than four high-ranking Xuebing Army officers who know her true identity.There is a price for using Jiang Yunyan——Since Hu Shisan killed the No. 1 Japanese Kendo Yagyu Quansai in Shanghai and slapped the arrogant Japanese fiercely, the new head of the Mei Agency, Nakajima Nakajima, and Shanghai Commander of the Gendarmerie Headquarters, Colonel Yang Tamura also strengthened his control over Shanghai.And as the Japanese army went west to Southeast Asia and declared war on Britain and France, the British and French concessions also fell into the hands of the Japanese army. At this time, Shanghai can be said to be full of ghost soldiers and white dogs of the Wang puppet government, and there is no safe place.

Not only Hu Tong of the Xuebing Army, but also all the agents of the Central Command, the Military Command, and the Communist Party were forced to withdraw, which made the work of transmitting intelligence extremely dangerous.Jiang Yunyan's identity is a top secret. In order to cover her, Chang Gen mobilized two fox pupil teams near Shanghai and smuggled the information out at the expense of six fox pupils.

With the information provided by Jiang Yunyan, Chang Gen made a comprehensive analysis based on the deciphered Japanese military telegrams, and came to a conclusion that the Japanese army would implement the tragic "Jade and Stone Burn" plan in Taiwan at the latest in June.

After deliberating over that report for more than two hours, Ouyang Yun finally came up with a way to stop the Japanese from implementing this plan, and actively prepared for it.

He was in command in Phnom Penh by remote control, and Ji Xingwen and Li Tieshu in Guangzhou and Jiang Guangnai in Fujian were operating simultaneously. Soon, a large-scale joint interview team of international journalists was established.

In this joint interview team, there are not only reporters from several major domestic newspapers, but also reporters from the United States, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and Germany.What is more striking is that there are also representatives from the Refugee Commission, an agency of the so-called League of Nations.

The delegation of the Refugee Committee, composed of two British and one Swedish, originally wanted to pass through Guangzhou to the French Indochina Federation at the request of the British to investigate the living conditions of "French refugees". Was included in the interview team to Taiwan.

The status of the League of Nations at this time and the United Nations later in the hearts of the world is not the same, but after all, it was considered the largest international organization in the world at that time. Coupled with those journalists from big countries full of a sense of justice, the deterrence against Japan cannot be tolerated. Underestimated.Before Japan declared war on the United States and the Soviet Union, they would have some scruples if they wanted to use biological and chemical weapons in front of these reporters.

Before the trip of the joint interview team, Jiang Guangnai held a grand send-off event for them in Fujian. Not only that, but also telegraphed the whole world in the name of the Xuebing Army and the military government to build momentum for this joint interview activity, saying that he would use the power of justice in all countries Its reporters and editors exposed the despicable face of the Japanese invaders to the world, and let the world know how miserable the people of Taiwan are living in.

It is an open conspiracy to organize a joint interview team to go to Taiwan for interviews, and to make the Japanese use the mouse.And in order to prevent the Japanese from jumping over the wall in a hurry, Ouyang Yun has another plan.Under his orders, Tie Linfei's air force increased its attendance and began to expand the air dominance radius to cover the entire Taiwan Strait.At the same time, Kaohsiung's air force also increased the number of sorties to Taipei, and began to focus on bombing the Japanese dock facilities in Taipei.

As soon as the news about the international journalists' joint interview team's visit to Taiwan was reported to the Japanese military intelligence, Mitsumasa Yonei and other high-level Japanese military officials realized that the "Jade and Stone Burning Together" plan had been exposed.In this regard, Mitsumasa Yonei and others were quite annoyed. Mitsumasa Yonei ordered the intelligence department to thoroughly investigate which link had a problem that led to the leak of this top-secret plan, and at the same time called Hideki Tojo and others to discuss countermeasures.Although the old devil is a soldier, his political sense is extremely sensitive.Realizing that launching the "Burning Jade and Stone" plan under such circumstances may make Japan's already besieged diplomatic situation even worse, and may trigger a series of adverse reactions, he was about to order the suspension of the operation, but an urgent telegram from Yamamoto made him change his mind. got the idea.

(End of this chapter)

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