Chapter 2589 Variables
It was not what Guderian wanted for the blitzkrieg to become a regular positional battle.In fact, even if the logistics supply line may encounter a sneak attack, it is not that he does not have the determination to carry out the blitz to the end.So far, the situation of the Sabie decisive battle has become clear-for the time being, although the A group army is on the defensive in an all-round way, and the Chinese and Soviet troops are on the offensive, but because the Chinese and Soviet troops do not have a reserve team, it means that as long as the main force is defeated , then it doesn't matter if you lose all the fuel.Because at that time, Yanauer's enemy army was only scabies compared to the A Army and the Second Armored Army, and it was not enough to turn the tide of the battle.

As one of the initiators of blitzkrieg, Guderian has never lacked the spirit of adventure.However, after fully seeing the war wisdom of the commander of the Chinese Far East Expeditionary Force, he realized that his opponent was by no means as incompetent as in the legend. His belief was shaken, and he lost the courage to gamble.Guderian's hesitation is also related to a battle report sent from the decisive battlefield today.

On the front line of Sabi, when the Japanese Peace Army filled the front line, neither Zhang Zizhong nor Manstein was optimistic about the Japanese.Zhang Zizhong is actively mobilizing and selecting second-line troops, and is ready to replace the Japanese at any time; Manstein is responding to all changes without change, strengthening the defense of the northern front while accumulating strength on the eastern front, while dragging time, On the one hand, I hope to seize the opportunity to fight a wave of counterattacks when the Japanese can't hold on.

The previous performance of the Japanese was amazing enough, but because their weapons and equipment were just like that, and their straight attack method seemed to have no tactics at all, it seemed very primitive.That's why Zhang Zizhong and Manstein surprisingly maintained a tacit understanding on this matter, as if the two had been close friends for many years.

The accident happened in the early hours of this morning. After two days and one night of fighting, both the Germans and the Japanese were a little tired.As for the German army, Manstein's idea was to delay time and continue to consume the Japanese army's combat power and then wait for it to show its flaws. Therefore, he not only uncharacteristically ordered the front-line troops to reserve their strength, but also made a decision as soon as the front-line troops became tired. switch.Here, Manstein was really careless.Changing the defense of front-line troops is a taboo on the battlefield, and it needs to be extremely cautious.However, perhaps because he felt that the Japanese army was vulnerable, Manstein's handling of this matter was very rough.He actually just gave an order and ignored it.

The Germans were careless, the Japanese happened to be thoughtful, and then the drama happened.

Neither Zhang Zizhong nor Manstein took the Japanese Peace Army seriously, but the Japanese themselves did not think so.Of course, there is credit for the anti-war alliance-this at least proves that their ideological education courses are very efficient, but the most important thing is that it comes from the Expeditionary Army Command's generous rewards for "big ambition".

From Zhang Zizhong's point of view, he had no choice but to put on a stance. Not only did he personally commend "Great Ambition", but he also personally asked about his injuries and medical conditions, showing a gesture of inquiring about his health.In the eyes of the Japanese, this is something that is enough to make them feel grateful.All the officers of the United Army, they knew Zhang Zizhong was one of the most Japanese-hating Chinese generals when they were still in Chongqing.And after they came to Soviet Russia, the face of Zhang they saw had always been expressionless and cold.They were all old men in the Japanese army who invaded China, so they naturally knew the discipline of the Xuebing army on the battlefield, and many of them were worried, always afraid that they would be suffocated by Zhang Zizhong's order at any time.

Da Yewang and his No.14 brigade brought hope to their gray life at this time.

There are actually quite a few officers like Oh Nomo in the Japanese Peace Army, but they can't do what Oh Nomo did, completely ignoring the lives of their compatriots and just trying to please the Chinese.When Da Yewang first led the No.14 Brigade to "fight bloody battles" for the Chinese, many of them scolded Da Yewang in private for Japanese traitors and beasts.However, after Da Yewang was promoted at the speed of the rocket class, and the treatment of the Japanese Peace Army also made a qualitative leap, most of them were immediately tempted.The ethnic characteristics of Yamato people already have the characteristics of gamblers. Since working hard can really bring about changes in treatment and even prosperity and wealth, why not take a gamble?

Da Ye Wang fled back alone!

Da Yewang won the award again and was promoted to the commander of the division!

Da Yewang was admitted to the field hospital of the expeditionary army!

... Witnessing the miracle of Da Yewang, the officers of the Japanese Peace Army could no longer remain calm.Many of them started plotting to become No. [-] in Dayewang, so there was this magical raid in the early morning of this day.

"Everyone should be clear that although we are free now, the crimes we committed against the Chinese have not been eliminated. In other words, once we leave Soviet Russia and go to China, some of us will be punished." Liquidation, maybe you will be shot because of it! Gentlemen, you must still want to go back to Japan, and you still want to hug your wives and children to support your parents? Me too. What? Surrender to the Germans? Sergeant Suzuki, your head is Wasn't it kicked by a donkey? Don't you know what happened to the No.14 travelers? Don't you think they were all killed in battle? No, absolutely impossible, I dare say that there must be some of them who surrendered to the Germans. But Huh, the Germans don’t even need to shoot, they just use tanks to crush them—gentlemen, I’m definitely not alarmist. You should know that I am from the same town as Ohno-kun. Yes, this is indeed what Ohno-kun told me. Be a deserter? Hmph, where can you escape to this unfamiliar Soviet Russia? I heard that the vast land and sparse population of Soviet Russia are wolves and tigers. Do you want to be buried in the belly of wolves? What should I do then? My opinion is to take a gamble! We not only want to survive, but also return home. Ono-kun is our role model!"

The person who said these words was a young assistant named Junye Kiyota.As a head of the Japanese Peace Army, Kiyota Junye has all the characteristics of a Japanese junior officer, that is, enough ambition, arrogance and ignorance, and a head of savagery.

"Everyone has experienced today's battle. How is the performance of the Germans? No, it's not that the Germans didn't do their best, but that they were frightened by us! The Germans are exhausted, and we, anyway, are full of fighting spirit. You have inexhaustible strength, how about you gentlemen? Very good! As a man with ambitions and ideals, who doesn’t want to make a name for future generations. And today is our chance! Gentlemen, believe me, we will succeed!” After saying this sentence with shining eyes, Qingtian Junye drew out his command knife and slashed fiercely on the bullet box in front of him, looked around and said viciously: "There are no cowards in my Qingtian regiment! Gentlemen, let's fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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