Chapter 2608 Brandenburg Troops
Almost all senior officers were kicked out by Guderian, and when only he, his adjutant and a few communications staff were left in the tent, Guderian showed a look of fatigue.Sitting on a folding chair, he tapped the table with his right hand, and said to the adjutant while pondering: "It should be those Chinese people, you should contact Gaidag again to confirm the news, these flies must be eliminated as soon as possible."

The adjutant walked to the communication area according to the order, and Guderian looked back and forth on the map in front of him, and then fixed his eyes on the small and inconspicuous place of Big Ula and said to himself: "Is the elite army's harassment tactics? It seems that I still underestimated the strength of the Chinese."

In this time and space, the so-called special forces and special forces are only a vague concept compared to most countries in the world.Of course, although there is no clear classification like the later generations, it is certainly impossible for a behemoth military giant like the German Wehrmacht to not have a similar organizational system.It’s just because German military officers have a unique understanding of military honor. For example, they feel that as a soldier wearing the military uniform of a hostile country is a desecration of their own military uniform, and because of the relationship of the SS, they particularly hate irregular troops. Therefore, special tactics did not develop smoothly in Germany, at least not with the support of the Supreme Command.This limited the development of the German special forces to a certain extent, and also prevented the vast majority of German officers from recognizing the role of the special forces.

Among these people, Guderian and Manstein are exceptions.When it comes to the German special forces at this time, you have to talk about the Brandenburg troops, and when you talk about the Brandenburg troops, you have to mention Paul?Feng?Wright Walker and his former subordinate Theodore?Feng?Sipple.Because of these two people, the Brandenburg Army was established, and it was able to cooperate with the Army's blitz tactics, which was noticed by Guderian and Manstein.

The establishment of the Brandenburg Army was not affected by the butterfly effect. It was still established in 1939. The initial scale was only one battalion, and it was a voluntary force.However, as it played an "irreplaceable role for conventional troops" in the Polish offensive and then became a blockbuster in the Western Front offensive, it entered the sight of Manstein and Guderian and was valued by them.

In the Second Panzer Army, there is a battle group of the Brandenburg Army, the size of which is about one battalion. To "spit like a Russian".

The speaker is not interested, but the listener is interested. When Guderian mentioned the elite troops, the adjutant asked with interest: "Your Excellency, do you want Major Shipum to come over?"

Guderian thought for a while and then said: "Tell him to come here, let him send a small team to Biggulla to have a look. If it is really the elite Chinese troops who attacked Biggulla, Gaidag may not be able to attack Biggulla. Annihilate them."

The adjutant walked out in response, and soon he appeared in front of Guderian with a major officer about 27 or [-] years old.

Seeing this particularly tall and straight major, Guderian's expression softened a lot, and he said, "Sipum, did Gein tell you about the situation?"


"I'm worried that Gaidag may not be able to completely wipe out the Chinese, and the supply station behind us will not suffer any more losses, so your task is to wipe out this group of Chinese. Even if you can't wipe them out for a while, please keep the rest Supply depot security. Can it be done?"

"Yes," Xi Pumu cherished words like gold, still a single word.

"Okay, then I'll wait for the good news!"

Shipum paid Guderian a military salute and strode out.

About 10 minutes later, at a place less than 100 meters behind Guderian's command tent, Shipum said to a group of soldiers who were urgently called up: "...the Chinese can carry one of our regiments with the strength of a company. , and now still have the ability to make waves in our logistics line, it is no doubt that it is a wolf tooth. Gentlemen, don’t you always clamor to know how to be a wolf tooth? Now the opportunity has come...Buger, I don’t doubt you You can completely annihilate the Chinese Spikes, but I hope you can bring everyone back safely, do you understand what I mean?" Xipumu, who was as precious as gold in front of Guderian, was like a chattering old woman in front of his subordinates , because he valued the confrontation with Langya too much.

Guderian has actually heard of the name of Chinese Spike, but compared with Shipum, Guderian knows too little.It is precisely because he knows a lot about Spikes that Sipum paid special attention to this operation, and even wanted to let the world re-understand the Brandenburg troops through this battle—our Brandenburgs are by no means better than Chinese Spikes. Difference!
When Shipum was talking about Wolf Fang, the real Wolf Fang was flying to Petrobapur in a sky fortress led by Xiao Yi.And quite coincidentally they were also talking about the Brandenburg troops.The direct flight from Chongqing to Petrobapur was proposed by Xiao Yi, because Petrobapur had already been occupied by the German army at this time, so when he proposed this proposal, he was opposed by the Supreme Command.Now the scale of the Spike has expanded to the size of a division, and if other special forces such as the Unity Brigade and the Taiwan Special Operations Brigade are included, the size of China's special forces is actually nearly the size of a Type B army, that is, nearly 2 million people.It is said that the concept of "rareness is the most precious" no longer exists in this scale, but Ouyang Yun still has a good eye, and he is not willing to sacrifice one of them easily.

However, because Xiao Yi proposed that he had full command and responsibility, in the end, Ouyang Yun agreed to this plan.

The advantage of flying directly from Chongqing to Petrobapur is real, that is, it can reach the operation area at the fastest speed, and then start the rescue operation as quickly as possible.For Ouyang Yun, who intends to direct a Chinese version of "Saving Private Ryan", this is actually the right idea.After all, time is of the essence in rescue operations.It would be unbeautiful if the special operations team paid bloody sacrifices and found only Zhang Xuyun's body or tomb.

With a straight-line distance of nearly [-] kilometers, and with a cruising speed of [-] per hour, the flying fortress will take nearly eight hours to fly.Sitting dry for eight hours is not difficult for the special forces who can stay in the cesspit for three or four days, but because they will face a brand new enemy, and it is an enemy that enjoys the reputation of the world's most powerful army, so As far as Xiao Yi, who had already become a general, was eager to try, he couldn't help himself.

(End of this chapter)

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