Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 2678 The Bad Effects of Defeat

Chapter 2678 The Bad Effects of Defeat

Leaving the North African Expeditionary Army to retreat alone, Emboss did not dare to think about it. The French Restoration Army can be said to have grown up with the support of the Xuebing Army and Ouyang Yun. No one in France knows the Xuebing Army better than him. Strength and Ouyang Yun's temper.But let him put all his eggs in one basket and put all the North African Army Corps of the Restoration Army into it, and he didn't have the guts.Emboss grew from a colonial army commander in the former French Indochina Federation to the current leader in France. The process seems simple. With the words of the Chinese standing behind him, he knew that it was absolutely impossible for him to get his current status.Knowing that everything is hard to come by today, Emboss naturally cares more. This is the reason why he firmly disagrees with using de Gaulle as the Marshal of the North African Army and even personally involved in danger. He got involved in the Restoration Army; on the one hand, it was because he hoped to establish a lofty prestige through this battle, thus laying the foundation for himself to become the supreme leader of post-war France.Of course, Ang Bosi was willing to risk himself because he overestimated the combat effectiveness of the student army, thinking that looking at the world, the student army was already invincible.The fact that he made such a misjudgment is naturally related to the repeated victories of the Xuebing army.But this time, for now, he deeply regretted it.The Chinese know that the war is difficult and still have high morale, which in his opinion is unwise courage. "Students and military families have a great cause and can withstand attrition. Our National Restoration Army has limited strength and shoulders the heavy responsibility of national restoration, so we can't spend it at will—" In order to make himself retreat with peace of mind, he comforted himself, and then called Chutian Song, euphemistically explaining his position and at the same time suggesting to withdraw from the battlefield.In order to persuade Chu Tiange, he even cited Montgomery and Leclerc's refusal to send troops to support, pointing out that the two sides facing each other in the North African battlefield are the Allied forces and the Axis forces. As part of the Allied forces, there is no need for them to carry the axis alone Xin Guojun.

"...If Rommel really invades Egypt, the Egyptians should be the most anxious. The British have always regarded Egypt as their traditional sphere of influence. General, since Montgomery refuses to cooperate with us, we will give him a difficult problem... "This is the telegram that Ang Bosi replied to Chu Tiange. The communication staff just read it here, and Chu Tiange's nostrils spewed out anger, and his eyes widened. "Does this Umbers have any brains? Doesn't he know that once the German army invades Egypt, the first thing they will threaten is our supply areas? The Egyptians are not friendly to us. If we carry the infamy of not doing enough to fight through the eastern defense line of Egypt , then do we still have a place in Egypt?" He cursed angrily, full of annoyance in his heart, and deeply regretted helping Emboss squeeze de Gaulle away.

Yes, originally according to Ouyang Yun's arrangement, Charles de Gaulle would be the commander of the North African Legion of the French Restoration Army.However, because Chu Tiange thought he and Ang Bosi were acquaintances, both sides had a certain understanding of each other, which would be beneficial to their cooperation, so when Ang Bosi revealed that he wanted to lead the army in person, he helped him in the Supreme Commander. Ministry spoke.Even though he didn't know anything about de Gaulle at all, Chu Tiange now regrets what he did at the beginning.As a general, no matter what his commanding ability is, if he lacks even the most basic courage, then it is definitely impossible to become an excellent commander.Don't you hear that the soldiers are raging and will be raging in a nest?That's what he said.

The French refused to take over the defense line of the North Route, and the North African Expeditionary Force troops on the North Route could not be withdrawn. In this way, even if the No. [-] Heights could be temporarily held, the German reserve forces would have to retreat when the German reserve forces pressed up. It would be better to escape in embarrassment Take the initiative to retreat before the situation deteriorates.Only in this way, the first battle of the North African Expeditionary Force in the true sense was defeated.

In Chongqing, Ouyang Yun received the battle report from Chu Tiange and learned that the North African Expeditionary Force lost more than 5000 people in the first battle. He was immediately angry.He has just reached a secret agreement with Guderian, and just needs a victory to consolidate China's active position in this secret agreement, but the North African Expeditionary Army has dedicated a defeat. The input is secondary, but what is worrying is that once the senior German generals on the list have other ideas or even get lucky, it will be very detrimental to Guderian's work.

The negative impact of the defeat of the North African Expeditionary Force in the first battle was far more than that.Internationally, the Allied North Africa Command headed by Montgomery reiterated the old story, believing that the defeat of the North African Expeditionary Force caused loopholes in the Allied defense line, and the Chinese government should be responsible for this, and took the opportunity to once again propose to unify the command of the Allied forces in North Africa. The North African Expeditionary Force should be assigned to the leadership of the Allied North Africa Command.

"...Under the unified command of General Montgomery, the Allied defense line in North Africa has been stabilized, but because the Chinese North Africa Expeditionary Force made arbitrarily assertive claims, it directly led to the opening of the defense line in southeast Egypt...We had to appeal to the highest Chinese authorities, For the sake of world peace, the Chinese government should give up the independent command of the North African Expeditionary Force and let him belong to the North African Allied Forces Command..."

"...It can be seen that there has never been an invincible army in the world. It is true that the Chinese cadet army performed well in the Australian War and the Soviet War, but they have never had experience in desert warfare. This newspaper believes that as one of the host countries of the Allied Forces , Chinese leaders should show generosity and make the North African Expeditionary Force under the command of the North African Allied Forces Command..."

Such articles appeared frequently in mainstream newspapers in the United Kingdom and the United States, suddenly making China's diplomatic environment unprecedentedly harsh.

Within the coalition government, other parties have always been opponents of sending troops overseas. The defeat of the North African Expeditionary Force just gave them the result of crusade against the Supreme Command.Some time ago, under the framework of the coalition government, there was already a call for military power and political control, and some people even talked about the old story of Dai Li spreading rumors and slandering Ouyang Yun as a "warlord".

In this harsh domestic and foreign political environment, the Supreme Command headed by Ouyang Yun was under considerable pressure.Chu Tiange's commanding ability was even questioned here, and some people even began to attack Ouyang Yun for cronyism and treating the country as his home. This is a blatant dictatorship.Even in a meeting, Song Ziwen, who had always followed Ouyang Yun's lead, suggested: "It seems that we have to do something, should we temporarily recall General Chu Tiange to the country?"

(End of this chapter)

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