Chapter 2926 Breakthrough
When Nimitz was giving various orders continuously, on the sea less than 3000 meters away from him, following Huang Haiqiang's order, three Song-class submarines fired at the same time, twelve heavy torpedoes jumped out of the launchers, and shot at Niimitz. Miz's aircraft carrier galloped away.In the other direction, the same three Song-class submarines, also with twelve heavy torpedoes, killed another aircraft carrier of the Atlantic Fleet.

The distance of 3000 meters, not to mention that the Americans did not notice it before, even if they knew in advance, it would be very difficult to escape this catastrophe.The heavy torpedo made a lot of noise, and it was discovered by the American sonar soldiers almost as soon as it entered the water.Huang Haiqiang and the others chose the attack location to be in the air above the US aircraft carrier and escort ships.When many American sonar soldiers suddenly discovered through sonar that a torpedo suddenly appeared between their ship and the escorting aircraft carrier, their first reaction was disbelief, and then howled like a pig: "Report sir! Torpedo! Spotted the torpedo!"

Almost at the same time, the sonar soldiers on the two US aircraft carriers also detected the signal of the torpedo.The six Song-class submarines led by Huang Haiqiang used anti-sonar detection skins just developed by Xuebing Research and Development Institute. Therefore, for the sonar soldiers of the US military, these torpedoes seemed to appear out of thin air. One can imagine the terrifying atmosphere.

After Nimitz issued the order, he was thinking about his negligence, when his adjutant suddenly paled and shouted: "Your Excellency, the sonar detected torpedoes at nine o'clock, a total of twelve !" The adjutant finished the above words with some difficulty, and then swallowed subconsciously.

"Torpedo, nine o'clock direction?" Nimitz was worthy of the title of a famous general. He was not shocked when he heard the shock at first, but immediately turned his attention to the defense map in front of him.Then, he quickly made a decision. First, he ordered other nearby ships to immediately approach the San Francisco aircraft carrier at nine o'clock, and then ordered all searchlights to immediately shine on the sea surface at nine o'clock, firing flares continuously.When he learned that another aircraft carrier was also attacked by torpedoes, he changed his request, requiring ships near the two aircraft carriers to immediately protect the ships as the top priority, and required all gunners and machine gunners on the two aircraft carriers to attack the torpedoes. The attackers are on guard against the sea, and can shoot freely according to the situation.After finishing this, he took a deep breath and asked the first officer on the side: "Johansson, it's up to you now!"

Johansson was a middle-aged man. He nodded, holding the rudder with both hands, and at the same time wanted to call the engine room: "David, from now on, you listen to me!"

After all the arrangements were made, Nimitz took the time to care about the specific situation and asked the adjutant, "How far was the torpedo from us when it was discovered?"

"3000 meters!"

"3000 meters?!"


Nimitz was about to take out his cigar to smoke, but when he heard this, he let go of his hand and the cigar fell to the ground. At a distance of 3000 meters, based on Nimitz's understanding of the performance of the torpedoes produced by the Cadet Army, that is to say, if there is no accident, ten seconds later, his aircraft carrier will have close contact with the torpedo.And because the aircraft carrier is not in a state of high-speed navigation at this time, the possibility of suddenly accelerating away or making a sharp turn can basically be ruled out.

"Where are the submarines? Have you found any Chinese submarines?"

"No, the enemy's torpedo seems to have fallen from the sky suddenly—"

"Can Chinese submarines avoid the detection of our anti-submarine sonar?!"

Ten seconds is not short, but it has absolutely nothing to do with length.As all the front lights of the San Francisco aircraft carrier were almost concentrated on the sea surface at nine o'clock in front of the aircraft carrier, the hideous figures of the twelve torpedoes were immediately exposed to the sight of the Americans without any cover.

Seeing the figures of these torpedoes cutting through the wind and waves, Johansson immediately took a breath. "It's a heavy torpedo! Left full rudder! Quick! Quick! The son of a bitch, the speed of the torpedo is too fast, there is no way to dodge it!" he roared, hysterical.

"When the hull shook violently, time seemed to stand still, and then, as a ball of fire rose from the port side of the aircraft carrier, the violent explosion almost deafened my ears..." This is a famous A passage written in his memoirs by a second lieutenant of the U.S. Navy named Grew a few years later described the scene when the San Francisco aircraft carrier was attacked by a Chinese submarine force.

The real situation was far crueler than what Gru described, because none of the twelve heavy torpedoes launched by Wang Haiqiang and the others went off track, and all of them hit the San Francisco aircraft carrier.Explosions sounded one after another, amidst the flames and water, the San Francisco aircraft carrier immediately began to tilt to the right and began to sink at the same time.

At the same time, another aircraft carrier of the Atlantic Fleet was also hit by nine heavy torpedoes at the same time, and because one torpedo directly hit the aircraft carrier's ammunition depot, it was even worse than the USS San Francisco. It was blown into two pieces, and in less than 5 minutes, the stern part of the ship sank to the sea due to too much water.

When the first flames erupted from the San Francisco aircraft carrier, all the Americans were stunned, and then, without Nimitz's order, they immediately turned around and approached the San Francisco aircraft carrier regardless of their own safety.At this time, the Americans no longer considered how to thwart the Chinese raid and counterattack. They only thought about saving as many people as possible, especially Nimitz.

When two US aircraft carriers were attacked by torpedoes, other US ships also began to attack six Chinese Song-class submarines.

Among all the ships involved in the siege, several American destroyers were the most active.

As the most important anti-submarine force in the fleet, six Chinese submarines actually broke into the security circle, not to mention how this will make the officers and soldiers of the US destroyer face accountability afterwards. I can't tolerate Chinese submarines continuing to dangle under my nose.

Commodore Buckley, the commander of the destroyer squadron, shouted in the command channel: "I don't know how the Chinese fooled our sonar, but now, they are all dead! I want the son of a bitch to feed the sharks!"

Through the periscope, Huang Haiqiang witnessed the whole process of the San Francisco aircraft carrier being hit by a torpedo and tilted.After judging that the US aircraft carrier could not escape the torpedo attack, he did not order to continue launching torpedoes to the USS San Francisco, but turned his attention to the battleship USS Oklahoma a little further away.

What the Americans don't know is that from the moment they received the combat mission, the officers and soldiers of the submarine submarine led by Huang Haiqiang never thought that they could retreat unscathed after completing the mission.Therefore, facing the aggressive US destroyer squadron, they had no intention of diving to escape, but just continued to search for valuable attack targets according to the pre-war arrangements.

(End of this chapter)

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