Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 2933 The ignorant is fearless

Chapter 2933 The ignorant is fearless

Looking at the history of World War II in that time and space, among the countries that passively responded to the war, China, the United States, and Soviet Russia are all the most resistant to fighting.Sadly, China relies entirely on people and anger; the United States relies entirely on money.Therefore, the Chinese can only add millet and rifles, and can only use all kinds of attrition and wretched warfare.As for American soldiers, they can smoke cigars and drink Coke, hold the best weapons and equipment, and drive the world's most advanced tanks, fighter planes, and ships forever.

Among the three countries of China, the United States and the Soviet Union, if you insist on saying who is the unbeatable Xiaoqiang, it is definitely the United States.After all, human factors are indispensable in determining the outcome of a modern war, but the country's economy, technology, and industrial strength are the most important (don't deny this problem, the Iraq war, the Libya war, these examples are not rare enough alive).In this regard, the United States is called the second child, and absolutely no country in the world dares to call it the boss.

Therefore, not long after the Pearl Harbor incident, the American Pacific Fleet lived again, then died again, and then lived again.If this kind of thing happens to China's Pacific Fleet, there will be only one result, and the Chinese National Defense Force will become a complete army.

In this time and space, because of the appearance of two traversers, things have changed a bit.For example, China caught up later and took the lead in technology, but in terms of overall industrial strength, the United States is still the leader.That's why Nimitz has such confidence that he can still maintain such ambitions in the face of inevitable failure.

Nimitz was already imagining revenge, but what Chen Shichang wanted was to beat the dog in the water and ruin the Atlantic Fleet completely.The exact time was 23:[-]. At that time, on the battleship Oklahoma, Dyson habitually looked at his watch after urinating, and saw the time freeze at this point. "It's dawn, isn't the local reinforcements coming soon?" Dyson was thinking like this, and was busy zipping up his pants when suddenly he heard a sound similar to the call sign of the northwest wind.He had heard such a voice before, and when he heard it again, his heart immediately tightened—"Rocket! Another Chinese rocket!"

In this era, missiles are not a common word, so most people's understanding of missiles is still at the level of rockets.Having seen the power of missiles, Dyson didn't want to leave the toilet at that time.And his decision saved his life.

Unlike the previous round of missile salvo, which had extremely poor accuracy, this round of missile salvo was extremely accurate because the Chinese missile speedboat was launched at a distance of less than [-] kilometers from the US fleet.After the two aircraft carriers, the battleship Oklahoma is already one of the US ships that Chinese sailors most want to sink.Therefore, of the nearly sixty missiles that attacked the Atlantic Fleet in this wave, at least twenty of them were aimed at the battleship Oklahoma.

The violent explosions of "rumbling" came one after another, and the one closest to Dyson was almost outside the toilet where he was hiding.From the sound of the first explosion, the unique American screams rang out, and then, this kind of scream entangled Dyson's nerves, and at the same time, he didn't dare to rush out again.

"Missiles! The Chinese missiles are coming again!" Suddenly, a voice shouted in the command channel of the Atlantic Fleet.The missiles of this era are much worse than those of later generations in terms of speed, accuracy, and destructive power. The more so, the more tormented it is for Nimitz and Spruance—they can clearly Seeing the flight trajectory of the Chinese missile with the naked eye, it is even possible to judge the direction in advance and warn the target ship, but the target ship has no way to avoid it.

The first wave of nearly sixty missiles was just the beginning.China's Exocet missile boats can each carry six Poseidon missiles.The guided missile speedboat brigade of the Genghis Khan aircraft carrier fleet has a total of 28 flying fishes. That is to say, if necessary, they can launch all the 160 eight missiles they carry in a very short period of time.

At this time, if Nimitz could have a bird's-eye view of the sea area where the Chinese flying fish missile speedboat troops are located, he would have noticed that as two flames burst out on each speedboat from time to time, the next moment, love would appear on these speedboats. Two smoke columns about tens of meters long.Immediately, two flames stood out from the smoke column, turning into two fireballs and flying towards the sea area where the Atlantic Fleet was located.

"Spread! Scatter! Free to evade!" Nimitz's adaptability is quite strong. Seeing only one round of missile attack, several ships on his side were fatally hit. Before the second round of missile attack, he Loudly ordered that all capable ships disperse immediately.

This time, it was a major pilot named Sun Haimin who provided target guidance for the missile speedboat department.Sun Haimin immediately notified the commander of the speedboat force of the latest movement of the US ship, and kindly reminded them: "Americans are very cunning!"

The commander of the guided missile speedboat was a lieutenant colonel named Feng Aisheng. Hearing Sun Haimin's reminder, he laughed and said, "The Americans only want to disperse now, it's too late!"

It is indeed too late. The Poseidon ship-to-ship missile adopts a heat-seeking guidance method, and the maximum self-adjustment range is about 3000 meters.At the speed of Poseidon, the distance of 3000 kilometers is only a little more than one minute, but in just over one minute, can the American ship sail [-] meters?No way.

The White House meeting in the United States is still going on, and as Nimitz sends back a new battle report, reporting that the Atlantic Fleet has been precisely hit by Chinese missiles, the atmosphere in the meeting room has become depressing.

Military leaders such as Stimson and Knox, after hearing the news about missiles, terms such as "super bombs, satellites, submarine-launched torpedoes" and other new weapons related to China naturally appeared in their minds.Why is the U.S. military hesitant to confront China?The big reason lies in their ignorance and fear of China's new weapons.

"The ignorant are fearless, and only a guy like Truman who knows nothing about military affairs can make such a stupid decision. However, even just because of the existence of super bombs, can the secret agreement between the United States and Japan really save more American boys? No, in my opinion, this will only kill more American boys..." These words came from an American general named Buck Farley.

Bark Farley became famous because he later became the President of the United States.Before that, the most famous move he made was to lead his troops to surrender to the Chinese army.

(End of this chapter)

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