Chapter 2958
At this time, the Malay Peninsula, the Indochina Peninsula, the Philippines, Indonesia, and New Guinea were different from the over-exploitation of human beings in later generations and made them suitable for living. Many places are still uninhabited wilderness.Therefore, in that time and space, words such as savage mountain and uninhabited mountain frequently appeared in the words and diaries of officers and soldiers of the Chinese Expeditionary Force.In comparison, among the above places, the population density of the Malay Peninsula is relatively high, so the Malay Peninsula is fairly well developed.However, this still cannot change the harsh natural environment unique to Southeast Asia, and can turn Malay into a "paradise" suitable for human habitation.Unlike later generations of human beings who have developed a sufficient number of targeted agents that can resist the invasion of various mosquitoes and poisonous insects, they can walk unscrupulously in the tropical jungle. Avoid being harassed by the harsh natural environment of the Malay Peninsula.

Mosquitoes, leeches, poisonous snakes, wasps... In a war environment, these guys who are usually not enough to pose a fatal threat to people can often become the trigger for a murder because of people's negligence.

Compared with the Japanese army and the National Independence Army, the soldiers of the Chinese Expeditionary Army are undoubtedly lucky.Because they have a supreme commander from later generations, because their supreme commander has personally fought in Southeast Asia, he not only knows the local conditions, but also has in his mind the knowledge learned by later generations to survive in these regions.Therefore, whether it is medical conditions or the configuration of targeted equipment, the Chinese Expeditionary Force is far stronger than the Japanese Army and the National Independence Army.

In peacetime, these preparations by China may not be of much significance, but in wartime, this will become an important factor in determining the outcome of a war.

When Xiaolin Heights was still in the hands of the Japanese army, enough bunkers and fortifications were built. After it fell into the hands of the expeditionary army, the expeditionary army adhered to the concept of learning soldiers sweating more in leisure time and bleeding less in wartime. On the basis of fortifications, they will be reinforced, deepened and complicated.Therefore, in the eyes of the little devil, the appearance of Xiao Lin Heights did not seem to have changed much, but in fact, murderous intentions were hidden everywhere.

The definition given by the Supreme Command to the expeditionary force was originally pure infantry, but as the situation developed, after jungle warfare and mountain warfare became more and more frequent, out of the need for survival, the expeditionary force has actually become an infantry force. Very professional mountain troops.

The reason why it is used to describe it as a profession is that firstly, the daily training subjects and unit building of the expeditionary force began to revolve around mountain warfare and jungle warfare, and secondly, the equipment and combat methods they required were becoming more and more mountainous.

The two-month-long war almost destroyed all the vegetation on the Xiao Lin Heights. From a bird's-eye view at this time, you will find that the Xiao Lin Heights looks particularly abrupt in a green Malay jungle.

The green vegetation was destroyed by artillery fire, which more or less weakened the concealment of the defenders' fortifications.Of course, everything has two sides. From the point of view of the defenders, the loss of green vegetation certainly weakens the concealment of their fortifications, but at the same time it also allows them to obtain a better shooting interface, which can give the enemy more accurate firepower hit.

The sound of shells piercing the air is still ringing incessantly. This is the extended firing of the devil's artillery, and under the bombardment of bombardment everywhere, Kim Jong and his brothers, the cats, sprinted in the traffic trenches. On the mouth, shouts in various dialects rang out one after another-"No. [-], No. [-], the devil is coming up, fight!" Authentic Beiping dialect, if nothing else, this lookout soldier is from Beiping or Hebei.

"Yaowa, direction at eleven o'clock, opponent, kill him!" In the intonation of Sichuan dialect, there is no doubt that this lookout soldier is from Sichuan.

"Yihaomei, set fire, set fire!" This is Cantonese.

Dividing and numbering the defense zones is a common combat method used by the learning army, and setting up lookout posts in places with better viewing angles but not easy to hide large-scale troops, and letting the lookout soldiers take charge of commanding the battle is the exploration of the officers and soldiers of the expeditionary army in actual combat. Come out with combat experience.The devils injected with stimulant rushed very fiercely, and the soldiers of the expeditionary army would not fire outside the optimal range. Therefore, this required the watchmen to be able to release the most appropriate information at the most appropriate time.The sound of guns and cannons on the battlefield is deafening, which requires the watchmen to have a good voice. In order to avoid being heard by the devils, it has been used for reference. Gradually, commanding battles in local dialects has become a major combat feature of the third army of the expedition. .

The gunfire began to roar intensively, and because every battle group was at least at the squad level, and the reaction of the devils seemed a little slow, the effect of this attack was particularly shocking.

The devils and the soldiers of the Independence Army fell down in groups, and behind them, more devils and soldiers of the Independence Army rushed up without any scruples, as if they hadn't seen the tragedy of their comrades.

If Kim Jong-hwa's brigade is a rookie who has just entered the battlefield, no matter how well-trained they are, facing such a situation, they will definitely have a normal but potentially collapsed reaction, that is, they will be overwhelmed by the stupidity of the devils and their own Surprised by the cold-blooded killing.And once you can't bear it psychologically and hesitate in your hands, you will be approached by the enemy, and then you will be defeated like a mountain.

On the Southeast Asian battlefield, such battles have not happened before, but similar things will never appear in the expeditionary third army.The soldiers of the Expeditionary Army, who had put life and death aside for a long time, had already gone through hundreds of battles of various scales to make their hearts hard and hard enough to adapt to the cruel environment in front of them.

Based on past experience, Kim Jong-hwa knew that the more ferocious the devils charged at this time, the closer the delivery fighter cluster was to the Xiaolin Heights, and in order to leave a wide enough airdrop area for the delivery fighter cluster, they must not retreat at this time. Withdraw a little.

"Hold on! The little devils want to die, we will fulfill them!"

"Li Guangming, do you want support?"

"Xie Debao! What the hell is going on with you? You forgot what I taught you in Java? Just squat in the trenches and hug the fire with all your strength. What the hell are you showing off?!"

"Gao Jun! Where's your steel helmet? Damn it? You think the bullet is your relative..."

"Then who, damn it, who told you to loosen your leggings? Damn it, don't you know that there are poisonous bugs everywhere in Malay?"

Ordinarily, Kim Jong-hwa, as the supreme commander of the defenders of the Xiaolin Heights, did not need to and absolutely could not appear on the front line.However, because he knows the cruelty of this kind of offensive and defensive battle, he is worried that if he is not careful, he will lose all the games, so from the moment he switches defenses to Xiao Lin Heights, he will come to the front line in person no matter the big battle or small battle.

Facts have proved that this choice of Kim Jong-hwa is correct, such as this time——

(End of this chapter)

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