Chapter 2990 Qi Xun
The devils didn't know that Yamaguchi and Ozawa were in the radar room at the bottom of the ship island at this time, so it was better to be mourned.As for the Chinese aviation force, they don't dare to think about giving the big boss of the Japanese United Fleet a "Game Over" at the first bombing, but for their own side, the first bombing can be heard, and the morale is obviously boosted !And as Wang Dagou yelled "Li Hao, boy, hit" in the public channel, the atmosphere in the channel became very hot immediately.

"It was Li Hao just now?"

"Li Hao! Well done!"

... Li Hao listened to the praises of his comrades in arms, and he was not too complacent, but it was quite useful. "Hey, brothers, I'm overwhelmed! Then it's up to you!"

Xia Quanyong was happy to see the high morale of the troops, but as the supreme commander, he was more concerned about what kind of target Li Hao was bombing. "Li Hao, report the results of the bombing!"

"Aircraft carrier! It must be an aircraft carrier! I blew up to the devil's aircraft carrier island!"

"Okay! Brothers, did you hear that? The first, second, and third formations are targeting the aircraft carrier that Li Hao bombed, attack! Han Lianyu, your mission is to find the other aircraft carriers of the Devil as soon as possible! Li Hao, you can return to the voyage ! Don’t forget to report the news of the victory to the chief and all the seats!”


When Xia Quanyong and the others began to launch a stormy attack on the Wujiu aircraft carrier, Toshiichiro Koizumi in Singapore had already realized that the situation was not good, and was communicating urgently with the White House by telegram.Toshiichiro Koizumi was still in a daze, and although Yamaguchi strongly urged him to send Yamato Soul to support him, his first reaction was to put pressure on the White House to get the US Pacific Fleet to the battlefield as soon as possible.

Truman and his generals did not expect the situation in the Pacific War to turn into what it is today.Of course Truman knew that no matter what conflicts there were between the United States and Japan, the Chinese fleet could not be allowed to eat them up.Because once the power of the Japanese Combined Fleet is lost, it will not be too long before the United States completely abandons the Pacific Ocean.And this responsibility is definitely not something he can bear.As a president who came from a commoner background, he very much hopes that his name will be recorded in history after he leaves office.But if the United States loses control of the Pacific Ocean in his hands, it will be a nightmare for him.

Jin and Li Mei are also ruthless enough.In order to be able to ambush the Chinese fleet, they even kept the White House a secret.As a result, Truman suddenly learned from Koizumi that the U.S.-Japan combined fleet existed in name only, and when Kim led the U.S. Pacific Fleet to attack Guam alone, he immediately became furious and was completely disappointed in Jin.Politicians see the situation much better than generals, so Truman could easily discern the dangers of King's actions in this situation.In his view, Kim's short-sighted behavior will not only harm the Japanese combined fleet, but also plant a huge hidden danger for the US Pacific Fleet.

"We will contact General Jin immediately and ask him to lead the fleet back to aid your army as soon as possible!" After giving this reply to the Japanese, Truman immediately contacted Jin, demanding him to lead the fleet back to aid immediately.

Only now did Jin know that the Chinese fleet launched an air strike against the Japanese fleet overnight. His first reaction was to think that the Chinese were crazy, because with his knowledge, he could not understand the behavior of Chen Ce and Bai Chongxi at all.In the words of his staff officers: "The Pacific Ocean is not land. In the absence of ground guidance, how can Chinese pilots ensure precise strikes? I think this may be a deception by the Chinese. Their real purpose is to do so." , It should be a cover for the fleet raid! It seems that the Japanese's intelligence is wrong, and the distance between the Chinese fleet and them will never be as they detected!"

"Mr. President asked us to return aid immediately, what should we do?"

"Call back, just say that we have returned for help. In addition, call General Li Mei and tell him, don't be influenced by the White House, and everything will follow the plan we set at the beginning!"

The telegram that Jin sent to Li Mei was critical and timely.Because Truman should really be completely disappointed in Jin, so he also sent a telegram to Li Mei while sending Jin a power.In his telegram to LeMay, Truman's tone was much friendlier.He first informed Li Mei of the current encounter with the Japanese fleet and the situation of Toshiichiro Koizumi's pressure on the White House, and then euphemistically proposed that when General Kim could not clearly judge the situation, he hoped that Li Mei could take responsibility and not allow the United States and Japan to jointly initiate This Pacific War has turned into a farce——"General Li Mei, you should know the purpose of the country's launch of this Pacific War. Yes, the Japanese are by no means reliable partners, as they were before, and they are still the same now. However, We are even more reluctant to see China dominating the Pacific region, or even embezzling the interests of our ancestors in the Pacific. So our biggest enemy now is China..."

Undoubtedly, without this telegram from Jin, Li Mei might have been persuaded by Truman to send troops overnight to provide support to the Japanese Combined Fleet immediately.But because Jin made it very clear in the telegram that he believed that the so-called night attack was a cover-up by the Chinese in order to cover the actions of their fleet, and Li Mei also believed that launching a night attack by fighter planes in the vast Pacific Ocean had little chance of winning, so he The decision echoes Jin's decision, that is, to act according to the original plan, and to launch an attack when the Chinese and Japanese fleets are fighting hard.So, like Jin, he also called back "already returned to aid".

After spending half an hour, Koizumi finally got the definite news from the White House.He certainly didn't think Truman would lie to him about this kind of thing, so he immediately called Yamaguchi after he breathed a sigh of relief, and while giving his own judgment, he asked Yamaguchi to retreat towards the Palau Islands, because the Americans were already adding reinforcements en route.

Toshiichiro Koizumi breathed a sigh of relief, because he had the same judgment as Jin and Li Mei on the matter of the night attack, that is, he believed that the night attack sent by Chen Ce and Bai Chongxi was fake and could not have much effect. Their real purpose In fact, it is to cover the fleet's actions.Therefore, in his reply to Yamaguchi, he also specifically said, "Be wary of the conspiracy of the Chinese people. I suspect that the Chinese fleet is approaching you at full speed."

An unprecedented night attack by fighter planes has alarmed the top leaders of the United States and Japan, and will naturally attract the attention of the Chinese Supreme Command.

Both Chen Ce and Bai Chongxi believed that the Supreme Command could not allow the air fortress cluster assembled in Kaohsiung to take off overnight and rush to the battlefield. In this matter, they really miscalculated.

At around 08:30 in the evening, after Ouyang Yun convened a meeting of relevant personnel and came to the conclusion that the sky fortress could conduct directional night flights, he immediately issued an order to let the sky fortress assembled in Kaohsiung immediately set off for the war zone.

"The last time you 'sink', your predecessors created a feat that future generations cannot surpass. This time, I hope you can carry forward the spirit of your predecessors and create another feat! I wish you victory!"

(End of this chapter)

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