Chapter 3013 Target Battleship

The standard configuration of all missile speedboats is six medium-range and six short-range. The reason why only the medium-range is left is because of the battle last night. close shot.The consequences of doing so are, first, the short-range missiles are exhausted, and the second is that the missile speedboat troops have suffered considerable damage.

Larger aircraft carriers are easier to target than battleships.Of course, one night and one day, the weather factor evened out this difference, so for the missile operators of the raid fleet, if they want to achieve a good record, it still depends on their respective computing power and overall quality.

"Bang bang bang..." Following Huang Tianxun's order, five missile speedboats launched their first missiles one after another.Unlike launching a torpedo, which can only stir up a wave on the sea, the scene of a missile launch is much more spectacular.From the perspective of Luo Chunjian and Fu Xiaoyu, they only saw five thick pillars of smoke suddenly rising from the sea in the distance, and then saw a few balls of gorgeous fireworks flying towards the sea where the US ship was.

On the Alabama, the Americans were in a mess.

There is no way not to mess up.With the stern slowly sinking and the bow upturned, all Americans on the Alabama, including Jin, would have to hold on to nearby objects unless they reached out, or there happened to be cabins, railings, etc. behind them. Obstacles, otherwise it will be hard to escape the fate of rolling gourds.

After three rounds of torpedo strikes in a row, the heartstrings of the American soldiers on the Alabama have been adjusted to the tightest state. At this time, the state of the hull suddenly changed, and many people failed to respond correctly at the first time.Well, at once, only screams and exclamations were heard on the deck, and then there was a whole deck of ground gourds.

"Your Excellency, you must transfer as soon as possible! The sooner the better!" The officers under Jin's command persuaded Jin again.

Jin firmly grasped the railing in front of him with both hands. Looking back, he saw the Chinese torpedo boats rapidly dispersing in all directions. Not far away, against the background of five pillars of smoke, five "light spots" (from Jin The angle of view, the naked eye can only see five light spots) was approaching rapidly, and realized that it was the killer missile of the Chinese, he groaned in his heart, and said to the captain Kuley on the side: "Get ready to abandon the ship!"

"General!" Kuley seemed unwilling or delusional, but when he met Shang Jin's dead fish-like eyes, he stopped after shouting "General"—whether the target of these missiles was Allah or not. As for the Obama, in the case of the Alabama, is there any hope of leaving?Jin didn't ask himself to be martyred, which is considered magnanimous. Could it be that he wanted to propose martyrdom on his own initiative?No, no, it wasn't his fault the Alabama was what it was.Why did he have to be buried?

The Americans reacted quickly. Of course, this does not rule out that they were afraid of being bombarded by the defenders' fortresses. They felt that this was a good opportunity to evacuate from the dangerous sea area.When the flagship is killed, it is incumbent on the escort ships to provide rescue.There was no need for Jin to issue an order, and the small boats were released one by one. At the same time, the large and small naval guns of each ship independently searched for targets, and fired wildly at the "escaping" Chinese torpedo boats.

It was too late to say, but it was fast at that time. The five light spots that were still in the distance when I looked back one second ago, turned into dazzling fireballs when I looked back at the next second—five missiles came across the sea. Recently, the American soldiers on the USS Alabama and USS Arkansas, who were on the missile flight track, only felt that their little hearts were jumping wildly. Many people looked around, hoping to find a solid bunker to accommodate them. hide.

"Missile missiles! Chinese missiles!" Many American soldiers on the destroyers and cruisers watched eagerly, and for a few seconds, they all lost their minds.Among these American soldiers, the vast majority of them have only heard the name of the missile and have never seen the real body.The more so, the more they are in awe of this weapon, which represents the highest military technology in the world today.For them, the torpedoes launched by the raiding fleet are terrifying and hateful, but after all, they are "visible" and know their destructive power, so although they are afraid, there is a bottom line.But the missiles, because they don't know what their destructive power is, and how they can carry out precise strikes from "flying from outside the sky", so they are even more disturbed, for fear that they will be the unlucky ones targeted by the missiles.

The five light spots turned into five fireballs, whistling in the intensive artillery fire organized by the US ships.After confirming that its direction was the Arkansas aircraft carrier, many American soldiers on the Alabama who had already buried their heads on the deck let out a sigh of relief.On the Arkansas aircraft carrier, starting with Captain Brad, everyone tensed up and joined the battle.

"Full left rudder! Get rid of it, get rid of it immediately!" This was Brad's voice.

"Shoot! Shoot!" This was from the first-line commander on the deck.

There are also some obscenities, which belong to the frontline soldiers who are under psychological pressure.

And as a fireball hit the stern of the USS Arkansas with lightning speed, the American soldiers there scattered like birds and beasts who were suddenly stabbed in their old nest.

"Boom!" A cloud of fire exploded, and amidst the deafening explosion, several American soldiers who could not run were lifted up by the air waves, screaming and flying around with the hull parts around them.

Of the five missiles, only three hit their targets in the end, while the other two mysteriously fell into the water by rubbing against the stern of the Arkansas, almost blowing up the propeller of the Arkansas.

These five missiles are just a prelude, and they are used to modify the parameters of the missiles that follow. Following Huang Tianxun's instruction: "Not bad! Continue!" The remaining Fourteen Missiles flew up one after another, startling the Arkansas. The American soldier's scalp is numb and his name is Lian Lian.

"Cunning Chinese!" Jin had already been taken to a small boat at this time. He watched the fourteen fireballs fly over the top and flew towards the Arkansas, his face was ashen, and he said angrily.

The purpose of the raid fleet has been very clear so far. They are to make Jin's battleship formation lose the ability to continue fighting through the attack on the US battleship.

A new round of visual feast, amidst the continuous explosions that made the Americans scalp tingle, eleven of the fourteen Poseidon hit the target, and three of them hit the island of the USS Arkansas directly from the middle to the island. It broke.After this round of attacks, although the power system of the Arkansas was still intact, it was obviously unable to continue to be used for combat because the superstructure of the ship suffered varying degrees of damage, and there were nearly 100 casualties.

(End of this chapter)

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