Chapter 3017
The general offensive of the Expeditionary Third Army was launched around 10:30 in the morning. The reason why it was delayed until this time was because it took a long time to gather troops from other directions to the target area.Before the Chinese army launched a general offensive, the Japanese army had already begun to encircle and suppress Kim Jong-hwa's brigade.

Hundreds of thousands of troops were stationed outside, but a small Chinese army sneaked into the hinterland and destroyed an artillery position.When Koizumi Toshiichiro received the report, his nose was almost crooked.Since the source of troops had problems and had to absorb a large number of Nanyang natives into the front-line troops, Koizumi knew that the combat power of the Japanese troops in Southeast Asia had declined compared to before.However, the army standing in front of that artillery position has two divisions of nearly 10 people. With such a large number of soldiers, let alone they are armed to the teeth, even with bare hands, they can destroy China with only a thousand people. The soldier was crushed to death.Really couldn't figure out how such a thing could happen, Koizumi had to face the reality after getting angry, and immediately started to encircle and suppress the matter.

"The actions of this Chinese army are definitely not isolated. The Chinese people must have follow-up means. The top priority is that the Chinese people must not be allowed to occupy this stronghold. Honma-sama, I will give you two hours. After two hours, I hope to be able to Good news!"

Koizumi put pressure on Masaharu Honma, and Masaharu Honma personally supervised the formation, ordering an infantry brigade and a mountain regiment to launch an encirclement and suppression campaign against Kim Jong-hwa's troops overnight.

The artillery position captured by Kim Jong-hwa's brigade was not very conducive to defense because the Japanese army considered that the artillery needed a relatively flat ground when selecting the position.However, because there are dense forests all around, it is not conducive for large troops to charge in groups. For Kim Jong-hwa, it is not a problem to resist for a while.

When the battle started, Masaharu Honma first mobilized the artillery of nearly one regiment to bombard. After about half an hour of indiscriminate bombardment, he felt that it was enough to destroy the fortifications of Kim Jong-hwa's brigade, and then dispatched the infantry brigade and the mountain regiment. The team attacked.The indiscriminate bombing by the Japanese artillery regardless of the cost did cause a lot of damage to Kim Jong-hwa's brigade.However, because the first thing Kim Jong-hwa did after capturing this position was to strengthen the defense, so although there were losses, the extent was within an acceptable range.

The gunfire stopped, and under the illumination of flares one after another, densely packed devils appeared in the field of vision.Kim Jong-hwa saw that many of the devils were black, thin and short, and realized that the "Second Nanyang Devils" among them had more moisture. He immediately ordered a targeted order, ordering the company to fight randomly.

Ordinarily, when Kim Jong-hwa's brigade was at an absolute disadvantage in terms of strength, it would be serious to hold a group and rely on fortifications to fight positional warfare. However, because of the current system of the Japanese army, only one-tenth of the devils are serious, and this is very important. Only half of them can be called veterans.Compared with the Japanese army, any soldier under his command can be called an elite, so his style of play is actually a clear example of bullying the Japanese army's poor individual combat effectiveness, and fighting with scattered forces can make better use of its own strengths.

Although Yaqing Honma personally supervised the battle, he was not at the scene. If he had been at the scene, he would have been able to see through Kim Jong-ho's schemes as soon as the formation of Kim Jong-hwa's brigade appeared.The on-site commander of the Japanese army was a newly promoted major general named Shicunkan.It is worth pointing out that Kan Ishimura is only 32 years old this year, and he was only a lieutenant officer three months ago. The reason why he was able to rise to the Rockets was because of the failure of Minichiro Koizumi's "seed project" and the twisting of Kampong. The strangulation of the meat machine led to monopoly among the middle and lower ranks of the Japanese army in Southeast Asia. In order to maintain the stability of the command system, Toshiichiro Koizumi had to relax the restrictions on the promotion of officers.As a result, Zhongzuo Ishimurakan became one of the many lucky ones in the Japanese army in Southeast Asia. He was promoted to major general in one month, and directly promoted to major general in two months.

As the saying goes, there are three fires for a new official to take office. As a newly promoted major general, Shicunkan naturally requires performance.In his view, the appearance of Kim Jong-hwa's brigade is tantamount to military merit handed over.It is not surprising that Shicunkan has such an understanding.The position that Kim Jong-hwa's brigade and the others are currently in is surrounded by heavy Japanese troops. Not to mention that they only have more than a thousand people, if there are five times as many people, they have no hope of breaking out of the encirclement in the face of nearly 20 Japanese troops.Backed by an army of nearly 20, with nearly 6000 elite troops in hand, and a regiment of artillery to help out, the encirclement and suppression of Kim Jong-hwa's brigade in Shicunkan is like twisting the snail with three fingers, and it is a sure thing. .

When Ishimura Kan received the order, he was already full of belief in victory. At this time, Koizumi issued a curse to solve the problem within two hours. Naturally, Ishimura Kan didn't care about tactical issues, but only wanted to crush with strength alone. , with a view to solving the battle this morning.

Shicunkan didn't even keep the reserve troops, and directly ordered the whole army to rush forward, which is a big taboo for military strategists.Thus, the battle lasted less than an hour before an accident occurred.

It was a battalion commander named Xiang Yuliang under Kim Jong-hwa who created this accident.The Japanese army swarmed forward, and the absolute superiority in military strength forced Kim Jong-hwa to use all of his troops. After the death of the former company commander Zhang Hao, Xiang Yuliang, the battalion commander, was automatically downgraded to a company-level officer, replacing Zhang Hao as the less than Frontline commander of a small unit of 50 men.

At this time, there were only about a thousand soldiers left in the defenders. According to Kim Jong-hwa's order, they were divided into about [-] units to fight each other.And because Zhang Haolian was originally on the front line, when Xiang Yuliang parachuted into this company, they had already entered the depths of the Japanese army. At this time, they were forming an offensive and defensive alliance with the other two small troops to jointly fight against the surrounding area. The attack of one Japanese squadron and two Japanese squadrons.

Kim Jong-hwa chose to fight in chaos from the very beginning. This strategy is quite clever. The Japanese army, which mixed with quite a few Nanyang devils, did not have a tacit cooperation. Fall into a situation of fighting each other.The chaotic situation is naturally more conducive to the performance of the combat units of Kim Jong-hwa's brigade, which has stronger individual combat effectiveness.The two sides fought fiercely for an hour, and what made Shicunkan feel angry and unwilling was that although his side was still maintaining an offensive posture, it had lost the dominance of the battle.On the contrary, although the defenders seem to be fighting on their own and are still at a disadvantage in terms of strength, they are like rocks in the raging waves. They seem to be weak, but they can stand upright.

It should be because he realized the situation that the troops should strengthen their command. Shicunkan stepped forward and began to personally command the battles of the various units. It was okay for him to hide behind and command by remote control.Xiang Yuliang realized that this was a "good opportunity for beheading", and immediately communicated with the two combat units next to him, asking them to cooperate with all of them to launch the beheading battle.

(End of this chapter)

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