Chapter 3040

"... when our President received a telegram from Commander LeMay, knowing that they had done their best, he decided that no more innocent sacrifices could be made for our brave young Navy boys, and decided to take full responsibility. He addressed Commander Li Mei ordered them to give up their resistance and surrender to the Chinese navy! 'You have done your duty for the United States, and it is time for the United States to repay you. As the current president of the United States, I have the responsibility to let our heroes continue to live If you go on, you can continue to serve the United States, so I order you to give up resistance and surrender to the Chinese immediately! Heroes, I must remind you that you surrendered for the future of the United States, so this is also a brave combat action! Finally, may God bless you all!'”

Kong Lingyi only saw the relevant reports later, even though she is not too politically sensitive, she still knows what the central government's reports mean.The Americans made a secret treaty with Japan and then sent troops to the Pacific to provoke the Second Pacific War. This was fundamentally a decision-making error by the Truman administration.Naturally, the Truman administration should bear all the blame.However, after such a whitewash, Truman is no longer a sinner but a hero. "Politicians are really thick-skinned, shameless, and extremely shameless!" She made such an evaluation of Truman in her heart. That night, she sent back relevant information through secret channels, and attached her own opinion on this matter , I believe that the United States should continue to gather forces to continue to confront China in the Pacific region.

There is no doubt that this is a perfect crisis public relations.In this way, although all the officers and soldiers of the US Pacific Fleet headed by Li Mei became heroes, Truman also successfully established such an image that he is willing to give up personal honor and disgrace for the benefit of the country, and he is really a qualified and great president.

Leaving aside the United States, which has entered a political cold war due to its defeat in the Second Pacific War.On the Japanese side, when Koizumi received two consecutive battle reports, he learned that both the US Pacific Fleet and the Japanese Combined Fleet were defeated, and the Japanese Combined Fleet headed by Yamaguchi Monta could only rely on the waters near Oshima to survive the attack of the Chinese Navy. , The little devil first sighed deeply, and then sighed twice, saying that the American mud cannot support the wall.Then he gritted his teeth and looked at the map in front of him, and issued a series of orders, asking Masahiro Homma to step up his offensive immediately and try to drive the Chinese army out of the Kampang area before the Chinese Pacific Fleet returned to aid the Malay Peninsula.

Before, even though he realized that the US-Japan joint fleet was about to be defeated, Koizumi was not too worried about the prospect of the Malan battle because they had restrained the Chinese Pacific Fleet after all.But now, realizing that China's Pacific Fleet may move westward to join the war at any time, he knows that if the situation cannot be opened up as soon as possible, then the Malan battle will inevitably come to a stalemate, and their largest military industrial base in Southeast Asia will be in ruins .

"Let the Chinese successfully send troops to the unnamed position. I can stop worrying about this negligence now, but I need you to come up with a specific timetable. When will you be able to take the unnamed position!"

Thinking of the fact that the Chinese army had successfully airdropped two divisions to an unnamed position in broad daylight, Toshiichiro Koizumi couldn't stop feeling angry.Today, airborne tactics are nothing new.Take the Japanese army in Southeast Asia as an example. Even though Koizumi faced problems in personnel and equipment, he still successfully trained a group of airborne troops, and almost played an important role in the surprise attack on Malan.Airborne tactics have become no longer unusual, and correspondingly, the means to counter this kind of tactics have naturally become more mature.What makes Toshiichiro Koizumi especially unacceptable is that he still assigned the Yamato Soul Volunteer Force to the command of Masahiro Honma even when the combined Japanese fleet was in an emergency, but the latter still failed to stop the Chinese airdrop operation—"Honma-kun !are you a pig?"

Special attack tactics may not be so effective against the Chinese Air Force in air combat, but the airdrop used to target the opponent, at least in Koizumi's view, is simply a natural nemesis.However, just under the nose, Honma actually let the Chinese people successfully complete the airdrop.

This was not the only thing that bothered Koizumi. At the most critical moment in the Sino-Japanese-US Pacific War, the South China Sea Fleet led by Xu Kai made its debut.And as soon as he showed up, he gave them a note of Mawei.

The South China Sea Fleet first launched a successful night attack to take away two Japanese shipyards on the west coast of the Gulf of Thailand, and then entered the Strait of Malacca, blowing up an inland port used by the Japanese army to block the Strait of Malacca.When the Japanese reacted and began to dispatch special attack ships to chase and intercept the Chinese ships that entered the Strait of Malacca, Xu Kai used the mines laid by the submarine force of the Chinese Pacific Fleet earlier in the western part of the Strait of Malacca to play with the Japanese. A "card game".

Xu Kai, who was born as a submarine commander, may not be good at commanding frontal combat, but unconventional tactics such as sneak attacks will definitely make the Japanese "impossible to defend against."

At this time, in the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea, the Japanese still maintain more than [-] destroyers, about ten light cruisers, and about fifty submarines (including special attack submarines).And counting the [-] special attack aircraft capable of attacking the sea, the Japanese sea power near the Malay Peninsula is actually still very strong.Moreover, because of the high-profile expedition of the South China Sea Fleet, everyone from Koizumi Toshiichiro to the commander of the left-behind fleet has already set up their spirits and are ready to fight.Therefore, under such circumstances, the South China Sea Fleet played tricks and was played around. It is conceivable what a heavy blow this will bring to the morale of the Japanese fleet left behind.

"The unnamed position must be taken back as soon as possible! There is also the South China Sea Fleet of the Chinese people, those Chinese monkeys have been active under our noses for too long, it is time to send them back to their hometown! Get me Dazuo Hatoyama!"


Hatoyama's call was quickly connected. Koizumi took the call and said in a deep voice: "Master Hatoyama! You should know the situation of the Pacific naval battle! Our joint fleet with the Americans has failed. In view of the fact that the Chinese Pacific Fleet We may participate in the Battle of Malan at any time, we have no time to play hide-and-seek with the Chinese people! I order you to immediately organize forces to launch a strong attack on the Chinese South Sea Fleet! No matter how many "Yamato souls" you pay, I only have one request, that Even when the sun goes down the day after tomorrow, I don’t want any ships of the South China Sea Fleet to be operating under my nose!"

(End of this chapter)

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