Chapter 3043 The worst plan
The headquarters couldn't provide support, and Xu Kai's mood suddenly became heavy.The number of enemy planes on the aircraft carrier Chunqiu's air defense radar monitoring screen is increasing, and judging from the speed at which the enemy planes are moving, they are either the latest Japanese "Harrier" jet fighters or fifty special attack planes.After the Baiji Dolphin has been modified, although its ability to attack the ground and ship has increased, it has also weakened its air combat ability.If it is a purely fighter-type Baiji, even if it encounters the Japanese Harrier, it can at least withstand it for a while, but now, with the number at a disadvantage, Xu Kai has to prepare for the worst, that is, at the beginning of the war He will lose the most powerful combat power under his command.

Xiao Ge, as a newly promoted captain who just graduated from aviation school, was entrusted with important tasks as soon as he was assigned to a front-line combat unit. After the Anti-Japanese War in 11, although the training mechanism for pilots has been improved and the number of related schools has also increased, due to the long-term high sacrifice rate, the young Chinese Air Force still has no successors.

In fact, not only the Air Force, but also the Chinese Army and Navy now have such a phenomenon.Among them, the situation of the Jewish Army is the most serious.

Closer to home, after Xiao En received Xu Kai's order, he wanted to implement it immediately, but when he found out that the Japanese army was flying all [-] special attack planes and they were the latest [-] special attack planes, he knew that they had returned. not going.

"The little devil took off so many fighters, it's impossible to just drive us away. It seems that the little devil is going to attack our fleet!" Sean discussed with his wingman Chang Huairen.

"Brother, tell me what to do!" Chang Huairen is Brother Xiao's classmate, and he admires Brother Xiao more in school, and he can be regarded as Brother Xiao's best friend in the Changchun Air Squadron.

"Brothers! Remember our vows at the graduation ceremony?" Brother Xiao suddenly switched to the command channel and shouted.

The pilots of the Spring Aviation Squadron have a characteristic, they are all fresh graduates of the 45-year aviation school, so Sean can ask such a question.

After a brief silence, uneven roars erupted from the command channel: "For the motherland and China, guard the sky with blood!"

"For the motherland and China, the blood guards the sky! Fight!" Xiao En also shouted in a high voice.

The sound of "war" exploded in the command channel, and in the next moment, the Chinese fighter planes that were still facing the Japanese army all pulled up and turned around, and then rushed towards the surging enemy plane group.

The counterattack of the twelve white-flag dolphins, Hatoyama's ribs were not at all in his eyes.Living in the middle of the fleet, he witnessed the Chinese Baiji Dolphin making a climbing and turning movement, and he grinned coldly and ordered: "Shanshan, the China Fighter is handed over to you!"

"Hayi!" Sugiyama responded loudly, and then rushed towards Brother Xiao and the others with his [-]-drive [-] special attack aircraft.

"It's been said in the military academy, and I'll repeat it here. There is one secret to dealing with the little devil's [-] special attack aircraft! Maneuver!" Brother Xiao shouted, then pulled the fighter plane and climbed again, trying to get the suppression altitude first.

As the head of the Spring and Autumn Aviation Squadron, Sean was of course the first to fly.Coincidentally, Sugiyama Toshihiko also flew first in the Sugiyama Squadron.Naturally, the two stared at each other.Toshihiko Sugiyama saw that Brother Xiao wanted to seize the altitude, he snorted "stupid" in his heart, pulled up the nose of the aircraft and suddenly accelerated, and drove the [-] special attack aircraft under the seat to hit Brother Xiao's baiji directly.

Using collision to kill enemy aircraft is the unique skill of the Fifty Special Attack Aircraft.After loading the cannon, the unique attack method of the Fifty Special Attack Machine has an additional function, that is, it can paralyze the enemy and facilitate sneak attacks.

If Brother Xiao doesn't know enough about the performance parameters of the new Fifty Special Attack Aircraft, it's hard to say whether he can escape Sugiyama's trick.Fortunately, the existence of "stealing the sky and changing the sun" agents allowed the Chinese army to know the improvement of the new 5000 special attack aircraft by the Japanese army in the first place.Now that he knew that the little devil was hiding a trick behind his rampage, Brother Xiao naturally couldn't be fooled.The nose part of the Fifty special attack aircraft is very strong, let alone cannons, it is difficult to blow it up even with air-to-air missiles.However, compared to the nose part, the fuselage of the Fifty Special Attack Aircraft used for loading bombs is its cover door.Brother Xiao continued to raise the fighter plane calmly, and then when the distance between the two sides was only about [-] meters, he suddenly released the accelerator and pressed the putter to the bottom.

It was a very dangerous action, because at this time, if Sugiyama reacted quickly and pushed down the nose of the aircraft, he could easily get a chance to fire.Brother Xiao's baiji dolphin was out of control for at least a few seconds under such a violent maneuver.A few seconds, for a high-intensity air battle where life and death can be determined in seconds, it is no different from disarming and surrendering.

Of course, since Brother Xiao dared to make such a dangerous move, he couldn't let it go for nothing.What he relied on was that the [-] special attack planes were far less maneuverable than normal fighter planes.

Sugiyama obviously didn't expect Brother Xiao to do something like this at all, so although he made a maneuver immediately, he could only watch Brother Xiao's baiji disappear from his vision. "Eight grids!" He cursed angrily, then suddenly realized something, and immediately pulled up the nose of the plane again, almost pulling the fuselage to a position at ninety degrees to the ground, and jumped straight up.

"Boom boom boom..." There was an explosion sound under him, and Sugiyama couldn't help but rejoice while breaking out in a cold sweat.

Brother Xiao didn't expect the ghost pilot's reaction to be so fast.Losing a chance to succeed with one strike, he was not in a hurry, but changed his attack target naturally, and flew towards the [-] special attack plane behind Sugiyama.

Seeing Xiao En's fighter plane entangled with the little devil's fighter plane on the radar screen, Xu Kai immediately realized the inappropriateness of his command just now. "This brother Xiao is really talented, what a pity!" With a sigh in his heart, he cheered up and asked the communications staff to call the submarine force, telling them to come and meet up immediately.Then, he stepped onto the deck, ready to personally command the Chunqiu's air defense operations.

The reason why Xu Kai dared to lead the South China Sea Fleet to wantonly provoke the Japanese was that his greatest confidence came from the air defense network that had just been constructed shortly before the fleet set off.The main weapon of the network is the "Gunner" short-range ship-to-air missile just developed by Xuebing Research and Development Institute, which can carry out precise strikes on all fighters including fifty special attack aircraft within a distance of [-] kilometers.

However, there were too many enemy planes attacking this time, so Xu Kai did not have the confidence to repel the enemy.The purpose of calling the submarine force over is actually to allow the submarine force to rescue as many people who fell into the water as possible at the last moment.

(End of this chapter)

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