Chapter 3045 Dilemma
When Hatoyama Chuanri led the main force of the first echelon of 150 special attack aircraft to attack the South China Sea Fleet, at a distance of about [-] kilometers behind them, people seemed to have forgotten that a fierce aerial battle was taking place here .On the part of the Japanese army, after receiving the report of Hatoyama's arrangement, Toshiichiro Koizumi immediately turned his attention away from the unknown battle, and turned his attention to this battle that should be one-sided in his opinion.

It should be influenced by Neiji Okamura. After Toshiichiro Koizumi completely controlled the situation in Southeast Asia, he changed his previous simple and rude rule and turned to assimilation politics.That is, it is committed to building a so-called "peaceful and prosperous" overseas Japan.It has to be said that, perhaps because the natives in Southeast Asia lack a sense of national identity and honor, under the double temptation of the so-called "Japanese citizens" and "citizen privileges", Koizumi's assimilation policy has achieved great success.For example, in most places in Southeast Asia, the vast majority of Southeast Asian indigenous people are proud to be "Japanese citizens".This also made the center of Japanese rule in Southeast Asia, such as Singapore, present the illusion that the Japanese and local residents lived in peace and harmony.

"As long as the local people really agree with us, it will mean that we have hundreds of millions more people and tens of millions of reserve soldiers. Therefore, even if you are extremely despised deep in your heart, you must pinch them on the outside." Put your nose up and put on a gesture of goodwill! This is a political task..." These words came from the teachings of Koizumi Toshiichiro's capable generals and confidants.Since Toshiichiro Koizumi was able to do such things as smiling and holding a photo with an indigenous child, the Japanese generals, officers and soldiers below naturally did not dare to disobey this matter.As the political and military center of the Japanese army in Southeast Asia, Singapore, regardless of whether there were things like buying and selling people in the dark corners of the city, forcing good men into prostitution, etc., at least on the surface showed a peaceful phenomenon in which the Japanese soldiers were polite and the natives of Southeast Asia could support themselves.

"If all towns can be like Singapore, then I can proudly say that from now on, we will never have to worry about local rebellions. In the long run, the entire Southeast Asia will become another piece of the Great Japanese Empire. It's not impossible... Gentlemen, Singapore is a sample for you to build other places in Nanyang, and I hope to turn all Nanyang towns into 'Singapore' by the end of this year..." Through the above text, it is not difficult to find that Toshiichiro Koizumi is right Singapore has a soft spot as well as attention.

But the real situation is that the Battle of Malan has been fought for so long, because the Chinese Air Force has never launched an air strike on Singapore. From the anxiety at the beginning to the calmness now, the Nanyang natives in Singapore actually believed the so-called war fabricated by the Japanese army in Southeast Asia. The nonsense of "The Imperial Japanese Army is invincible, and the Chinese will never be able to fight in Singapore".At this time, Xu Kai suddenly asked Brother Xiao and the others to bomb Singapore. It is conceivable how this will affect the local Southeast Asian aborigines.This is also the fundamental reason why Toshiichiro Koizumi especially hates the South China Sea Fleet.Yes, this kind of behavior of the South Sea Fleet is like the pure child in "The Emperor's New Clothes", which immediately exposed the lies carefully fabricated by Toshiichiro Koizumi.

"Your Excellency, Colonel Hatoyama and the others have already launched the first wave of attack!"

"Your Excellency, the good news just came back from the front line. Mr. Hatoyama and the others successfully sank a Chinese destroyer. Yes, it was indeed sunk! They detonated the ammunition depot of the Chinese destroyer with crazy strafing, and the Chinese destroyer died. , was directly blown into two pieces!"

"Your Excellency, another good news has been sent back. Mr. Hatoyama and the others have successfully slaughtered the soldiers on a Chinese destroyer. This Chinese destroyer has become an empty ship!"

"Aircraft carrier, I want to know the news about the Chinese aircraft carrier!"


Hatoyama Funeri understood Koizumi Toshiichiro's thoughts very well, so he specially arranged a [-] special attack aircraft to report the battle situation to him in real time.For the same reason, he knew that the Chinese side would definitely concentrate on defending their aircraft carriers, so he targeted the outermost Chinese destroyers in the first round of attacks.

As he wished, they gained something in only about 10 minutes after the war started.After sinking one destroyer and severely damaging another destroyer, he then turned his target to the aircraft carrier Chunqiu.

Only a few minutes after the battle started, Xu Kai realized the seriousness of the problem.Although he had expected before that the Japanese might use the new skills of the new [-] special attack aircraft to implement new tactics.But he never imagined that they would not be able to contain the Japanese attack with such a big killer as ship-to-air missiles.

Between offense and defense, the Yamato Soul Team was not without losses, but compared to two destroyers, the cost of three [-] special attack aircraft was too low.Even when Sun Liren was worried and sent an inquiry telegram, Xu Kai was embarrassed to report the results of this victory.

During the battle, the probability of the South China Sea Fleet's anti-aircraft firepower hitting the enemy plane is not low.The anti-aircraft firepower is dense enough to a certain extent, not to mention the [-] special attack aircraft, even the aerial bombs may be hit.It's just that this kind of effective attack can't effectively kill the [-] special attack aircraft because most of the places where it hits the [-] special attack aircraft are in the nose. Therefore, compared with the hit rate, the actual combat result is too embarrassing.

All the achievements of the South China Sea Fleet were obtained by the missile force. What made Xu Kai also feel embarrassed was that they fired a total of 36 gunners before and after, and only then did they get three [-] special attack aircraft.If the cost of people is not counted, that is to say, they can exchange [-] gunner missiles for a [-] special attack aircraft.The cost of a gunner is [-] times that of a [-] special attack aircraft. That is to say, in terms of the cost alone, in order to shoot down three [-] special attack aircraft, the South China Sea Fleet paid six times the price of the opponent.

The number of gunners equipped by the South China Sea Fleet is not small, more than two hundred.This was originally Xu Kai's greatest reliance, but it was calculated according to this ratio.Not to mention two hundred, even one thousand seems to be far from enough.You know, this is the first wave of attacks launched by the Japanese army!

"I can't go on like this, is there any good way? Everyone use their brains to think about it," Xu Kai didn't care about being reserved, and directly asked everyone for advice in the command channel.

"Zizizi..." There was only the sound of electricity in the microphone.And just when Xu Kai felt extremely disappointed and depression began to appear in his heart, a slightly weak female voice suddenly said: "Boss, I have an immature idea——"

(End of this chapter)

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