Chapter 3062
At this time, the Miyamoto Division has advanced to a place less than [-] kilometers away from the unnamed position, that is to say, they will be able to launch a surprise attack in about an hour.In this direction, just as Shin Miyamoto expected, Zheng Dongguo only set up a few observation posts, and did not deploy troops at all.

Even if it is discovered, there is no chance for Shin Miyamoto.Because even if the "devil reinforcements" were found, Sun Liren and the others failed to judge the exact direction of their attack in the first place.Due east, Zheng Dongguo had conducted a fire test a few days ago, which proved that the Japanese had turned it into a minefield. "Will the Japanese launch an attack from the direction of the minefield?" As long as there is a little bit of military common sense, this speculation will definitely be rejected immediately.Therefore, after his staff found traces of the Japanese armored troops from the reconnaissance photos, Sun Li looked at the map and believed that the attack point would be in the southeast direction, that is, the junction of the eastern minefield and the Japanese offensive position.

Zheng Dongguo had already sent someone to find out the geographical situation around the unnamed position and report it to them. Coincidentally, at this point in the southeast direction, there happened to be a relatively flat place suitable for the movement of armored troops. "The Japanese army is still about [-] kilometers away from the attack point, which means they can reach the battlefield in at most one and a half hours. Can Dai Anlan and Zheng Dongguo meet up in one and a half hours?" Sun Liren asked the team of the communications staff group. long high mountains.

"The battle report just received shows that the Japanese army's resistance is very tenacious. Moreover, it is still unknown how the Japanese army's fifty special attack aircraft units will affect our mandrill tank group. So it is not certain yet——"

Gu Zhutong: "It's a little troublesome. Can Zheng Dongguo take it back?"

Sun Liren smiled wryly: "It has been fully rolled out. If you really want to accept it, you will only lose more than the gain. Now there are two more divisions of the Japanese army blocked between Dai Anlan's department and Zheng Dongguo's department, and the enemy's troops are constantly increasing. Dai An Lan and the others rushed too fast, and the follow-up troops had no time to annihilate the defeated devils and the National Independence Army. Hyakutake Haruki was not mediocre, he organized his manpower to gather and gathered a lot of rout soldiers. The Japanese had enough The stimulant, as long as these broken soldiers can be gathered, they can become cannon fodder!"

The appearance of the Yamato Soul Fifty Special Attack Air Force was like a boost to the Southern Front Army. After recovering, they immediately began to regroup the National Independence Army under their supervision under the personal command of Hyakutake Haruki.And after gathering the broken troops of the National Independence Army under their supervision, they immediately injected these Nanyang devils with stimulants, which was equivalent to immediately getting a lot of cannon fodder.

"It seems that the artillery unit can only be used again, and now they are the only ones who have time! Order, let Chief of Staff Wen get in touch with the reconnaissance unit immediately, and prepare artillery fire to stop the Japanese armored unit!"

"Hit!" Liu Dasheng finally shouted the word after waiting patiently for about ten seconds.And as his order was spread in the command channel of the headquarters, all the "Sunset Bows" fired violently in the next moment, and then three [-] special attack planes were directly hit on the belly of the fuselage under everyone's gaze. , Immediately, a martyrdom explosion occurred, and the people and the machine volleyed into pieces.

Three [-] special attack planes exploded suddenly, which surprised Eryu Shanchuan.The fire from the China Armored Forces had been there since the first Fifty special attack plane launched a tentative attack, but in Shanchuan's view, it was almost non-threatening.Therefore, when three [-] special attack planes were suddenly blown up, it had to arouse his vigilance.

"The armored vehicles of the Chinese people are so powerful? How did they aim at the target?" He was thinking like this, when two balls of flames exploded in the front and lower, his eyes contracted for a while, and he immediately shouted: "Second The wave attack is suspended!" Then he thought for a while, and then ordered: "Kinno-kun, the Chinese armored force is not weak in air defense, your squadron will go down and sweep it first!"

Armored vehicles are different from tanks, which are mandrill heavy tanks. The cannons equipped with fifty special attack aircraft are still quite lethal.Naruto Konno responded, and then yelled to lead the twelve [-] special attack planes under his command to dive down towards Liu Dasheng's troops in a diamond formation.

Liu Dasheng was driving a Jiguang VI heavy-duty armored vehicle. He was standing on the turret and looking up at the sky. When he saw twelve [-] special attack planes suddenly swooping down in their direction, he smiled coldly. Report to Dai Anlan on the command channel: "Senior, the little devil has noticed us!"

Dai Anlan: "The reaction is quite fast! Then you guys beat me down! No problem?"

"Of course!" Liu Dasheng said of course, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he let go of his voice and shouted: "Brothers, did you see that there are fifty special attack planes flying towards us! Ha, only twelve What do you guys want to do? Do they think that twelve fifty special attack planes can defeat us?! Brothers, round defensive formation, pay attention to protect the 'Sunset Bow'!"

Using armored vehicles to defend against the air is a special tactic created by Ouyang Yun when the Xuebing Army's air force was insufficient. For this reason, the Xuebing R&D Institute has also developed a variety of tanks specially used for air defense.And "Sunset Bow" is a master on this basis.Correspondingly, in order to improve the air defense efficiency of the troops, naturally, corresponding battle formations came into being.

Most of the commanders above the school level in the Third Expeditionary Army have attended short training courses at the Guangzhou Army Academy. Armored air defense battle array.It was precisely because of this experience that when Liu Dasheng gave the order to form a circular defensive formation, all the chariots drove towards their new positions very skillfully without any sense of disobedience.

Liu Dasheng's troops were still in formation, and the fifty special attack planes that launched the attack first had already captured something.Although five of the [-] [-] special attack planes were shot down by Liu Dasheng's sniper, thirteen still managed to hit the target he was aiming at.And what followed was the sound of violent explosions, and the fifty special attack aircraft and the mandrill they hit either ignited a violent fire or were directly disintegrated.

Sitting in the car, Dai Anlan felt a violent explosion close at hand. Knowing that even a mandrill would not survive an explosion of this scale, his expression became very ugly.After being stunned for a few seconds, he suddenly shouted: "Don't worry about them, continue to charge, I want to see, can dozens of [-] special attack aircraft stop us?!"

(End of this chapter)

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