Chapter 3072 Confrontation
There is absolutely no shortage of wise people among the high-level U.S. officials. Naturally, it is clear that the most important thing to solve at this time is the South American issue rather than increasing troops in Southeast Asia.It's just that sometimes, the correct thinking is not necessarily the most correct way.Therefore, Stimson, the No.1 of the US Army today, would say such nonsense.And Truman and others did not raise any objections.

The congressmen are anxious to lose, and they are eager to get back their money. What about Truman?For political purposes, we can only make mistakes again and again.And the most important reason why they go further and further down the wrong path is that they still have illusions about defeating China.In the words of a senator named Effenberg: "The United States alone cannot defeat China, and Japan cannot defeat the United States, but what about the United Kingdom and Soviet Russia? The four of us combined can still defeat the United States." Is it impossible to win against China? No, there is absolutely no such possibility! A strong China is not in the interests of the United States. American industrial and agricultural products need a vast market, and this emerging market can only be found in Asia..."

The Americans responded fairly quickly this time.When Toshiichiro Koizumi learned from Narumi Inoue that the Americans had agreed to their request to build a factory in Australia, he breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he had finally encountered a satisfactory thing.Then, seeing that Inoue's expression was wrong, he asked, "Americans are very demanding?"

"Truman wants us to give them the Philippines."

"Nani?! Bage! The Yankees are too bullying!"

"My lord, I have a different opinion on that."

"Huh?" Koizumi looked at Inoue and narrowed his eyes.

Inoue obviously thought for a long time before deciding to say this. He pinched his nose and said, "Your Excellency, do you think we can win this battle?"

Koizumi frowned, vaguely, he had already guessed what Inoue was going to say next.

"Of course I hope we can win, but according to the current situation, it will be very difficult. In fact, it doesn't matter even if we lose. After all, we still have strategic depth and enough troops. However, would you consider Ever? Once the Chinese Pacific Fleet recovers and joins the fray, what will we do then? At that time, I think we will not be able to defend against the Chinese army alone. So I think if the Americans can send heavy troops into the Philippines , which should be a good thing for us. At least for the time being!"

After pondering for a long time, Toshiichiro Koizumi looked up at the map hanging on the wall and said, "What you said makes sense. However, I heard that the Americans did not have an advantage in the South American War, and their Atlantic Fleet was also blocked in the South American War." The Americans have the heart to get out of the Caribbean, but how do they come? After the destruction of the Pacific Fleet, it is no longer possible for the Americans to take the route of Hawaii!"

"The Americans mentioned this issue in the telegram, and they said that they will discuss it with you at the summit meeting of the four countries to be held soon—"

"I didn't want to participate in the four-nation summit meeting. After all, I am not the head of the empire at all now."

"Your Excellency, I think your worries are completely unnecessary. We all know the situation in the mainland. How long do you think the mainland can last without you maintaining the situation in Southeast Asia? If the Chinese attack the mainland with all their strength, I think the mainland has already fallen. So, in fact, you are already the last hope of the empire. At this time, you are attending the four-nation summit meeting as the head of the empire, and I think His Majesty the Emperor must have no objection!"

"Let's talk about this matter, at least after the battle of Malan is decided. Now, we haven't reached the end of the mountain, have we?"

"Your Excellency, I think so too."

A reconnaissance plane landed on the flight deck of the Watergate aircraft carrier. Five minutes later, when the reconnaissance plane was towed by a tractor to the side of the hangar, another reconnaissance plane took off and flew southeast.The reconnaissance of the Japanese aircraft carrier Mizumon on the South China Sea Fleet began after sailing out of Diamen Island.Although Toshiichiro Koizumi was in a hurry, but with the lessons learned from the past, Egami Yuto decided to adopt a steady and steady tactic. He would conduct full reconnaissance at almost every point he advanced, for fear of being ambushed by Chinese submarines.

"Your Excellency, at this speed, we will be able to catch up with the China Fleet around three o'clock in the afternoon. The China Fleet has completely lost its air defense capabilities, and its guns have been destroyed. Before sunset, we will definitely wipe them out. "Beside Jiang Shang, Chief of Staff Yokota Shaozuo said softly.

Jiang Shang nodded, and also responded softly: "The Chinese still want to take away their aircraft carrier, this is our chance! Hehe—" The behavior of the South China Sea Fleet at this time is indeed a bit silly, and it is indeed worthy of Jiang Shang's chuckle. However, as soon as he said "hehe", he heard the watchman above his head shouting like crazy: "Enemy attack, enemy attack! China submarine! The China submarine was found at three o'clock! Distance, distance 100 meters! No! , 800 meters! 800 meters!"

"Ba Ge!" Jiang Shang roared immediately, looking down, didn't he?Just over 800 meters in front of the left, two submarines were slowly floating up, and at the moment when their bridges were completely exposed to the water, several ripples suddenly appeared on the sea in front of the submarines. He knew that it was the launch of the Chinese submarine. torpedoed. "Shoot! Shoot!" he hissed. "Back, back!"

Jiang Shangyoudu and the lookouts on the Minato were sharp-eyed and quick enough to respond, but they were still a step behind.

After the two submarines, more submarines appeared. Although some of them were more than 5000 meters away from the Mizugate aircraft carrier, which seemed very far away, the distance was rapidly increasing when the two sides were facing each other. shortened.So, when all the Japanese ships reacted, the devils above were faced with the scene where the Mizugate aircraft carrier encountered a gang fight with six Chinese submarines.

For Liu Xiaoshen and his subordinate Erlang, there is no doubt that this was a successful ambush.However, the devils in the Watergate aircraft carrier fleet are not low in tactics, nor do they lack the will to fight, so although their ambush was successful, the process was dangerous.

Four water marks were visible to the naked eye and quickly hit the port side of the Watergate. They were the torpedoes launched by the first two submarines that appeared.Seeing them getting closer and closer to the Watergate, the Chinese watchmen who saw this scene couldn't help cheering. Suddenly, a light patrol driving on the left side of the Watergate directly rammed into the Watergate.So, when the Chinese watchmen opened their mouths wide and were about to cheer, what they saw was that the light cruiser blocked the four torpedoes with its body.


"What the hell!" At the same time, the watchmen on several submarines cursed in unison.In the command room below them, the Chinese submarine captains who saw this scene through the periscope frowned tightly.

From micro to see!This battle is not easy to fight!
(End of this chapter)

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