Chapter 3121 Preaching
When the Far East Army was formed, during discussions, Russian military officers once put forward such a condition that they would not participate in future wars with the Soviet Union.

All eyes were on Yevgeny's face, and the latter asked stiffly: "Your Excellency, when we were training our Far East Army, you promised that we would not be allowed to participate in the Sino-Soviet war. Excuse me, would you Is this promise still valid?"

All eyes turned to Zhang Zizhong's face again.The biggest characteristic of Zhang Zizhong in governing the army is integrity and taking the lead. Yevgeny's questioning like this is no different from a slap in the face?
There was no change in the expression on Zhang Zizhong's face.In an old-school army like the former Northwest Army and the No.20 Ninth Army, Yevgeny's approach is tantamount to rebellion, and the result will definitely be extremely miserable.But in the Xuebing Army and the National Defense Army, it is very common for subordinates to question their superiors.In a democratic army, apart from the occasion of war, a few words from the upper and lower levels questioning the superiors in the military meeting can actually explain the civilization and progress of this army.

"I once said such a thing," Zhang Zizhong's reaction was as expected by his old subordinates, and he simply admitted it. "However, what I need to clarify is that, firstly, this is an order from the Supreme Command; secondly, this is to seek justice for our citizens who died innocently in the bloodshed! General Yevgeny, have you thought about it, if not In this military uniform, we are, first of all, ordinary citizens in the Far East. If our home happens to be on the shore of Lake Baikal, then we may not become innocent victims of bloodshed. Conflicts between countries, whether political However, this does not mean that one side has the right to kill the civilians of the other side arbitrarily! A person who only dares to point his guns at civilians, and a person who dares to kill civilians The army, to tell the truth, I have no interest in defeating such an army, because their actions have sullied the sacred term of the soldier..."

Yevgeny's doubts in just two paragraphs triggered Zhang Zizhong's long speech, which was unexpected by all the participants.Zhang Zizhong has a cynic complex in history, but under the framework of the coalition government, because he doesn't need to worry about the opinions of the upper class, he seems to be even more cynic.

"...This battle has nothing to do with the promise I made. What we are asking for is nothing more than justice! In the Republic of China, all people are created equal, and all lives are protected by the country. As a country It is our bounden duty to protect our people and prevent our people from dying unjustly! General Yevgeny, you can question my character, but as a soldier, what you should consider now is How to lead your own troops and get this justice back for our people!"

Yevgeny stood there and listened to all of Zhang Zizhong's speeches. Then, when everyone's eyes were on his face again, the expression on his face underwent a complicated change. Finally, he bit his lip and sat down. go down.

After all, the Russians were the ones who died the most in the Lake Baikal bloodshed. As a Russian, he was also a general in charge of the army. It seems that it should be his bounden duty to seek justice for his compatriots.

"The Far East belongs to China, but we relied on our own strength to take back the land that should belong to us. At the beginning, the country gave you the opportunity to choose whether to stay or not. Since you choose to stay, then, You have naturally become the citizens of this country and the masters of this land. So in this battle, maybe we still have reasons to slack off, but you, even for the sake of your own children and grandchildren, should use all your strength to fight. Only In this way, decades or even a hundred years later, when our evil neighbors want to touch this land again, the blood we left behind will also make them weigh again and again."

What Zhang Zizhong said again was not his own "invention and creation".

How to maintain the long-term peace and stability in the Far East, after taking back the Far East, senior officials of the coalition government have been thinking about this issue.For this reason, Ouyang Yun even selected a few people from his staff who were familiar with the geography and human relations of the Far East to organize a Far East Zan Painting Bureau.It should be regarded as the luck of China in this era, that is, no matter what field, there are one or two or more talents who are among the best in the world even if they get it.As for the relevant policies in the Far East, a large part of them came from a former central government official named Zhang Qian in the Zanhua Bureau.

What Zhang Zizhong said now was actually prepared by Zhang Qian for Ouyang Yun.However, with the formation of the anti-China alliance in the world, Ouyang Yun had no choice but to visit the Far East. Therefore, Zhang Qian's article made a wedding dress for Zhang Zizhong.

Under the framework of the coalition government, with the support of a strong military, the ethnic policy generally appears to be relatively tough.For example, in southern Xinjiang, the troops left by Zhang Zizhong are still pursuing a high-pressure policy. If the local people take a little rebellious action, what awaits them is bullets and bayonets.Under such a general environment, the coalition government pursues a soft policy in the Far East. Ordinary Russians may not feel anything, but Yevgeny and others who can grasp the latest domestic information at the first time feel completely different.

In Soviet Russia, the Far East was a place of exile and a concentration camp for political prisoners and criminals; while in China, the Far East enjoyed the best local policies, and the central government provided financial subsidies every year.Comparing the two, as Zhang Zizhong said, it seems that they really have to use all their strength to defend it.

"Anyone else have any other comments? If not, then let's move on to the earlier topic!"

Zhang Zizhong waited for 5 minutes, but before anyone else could speak, his hanging heart finally fell back into his stomach.

In modern warfare, especially wars at the level of national warfare, the Air Force is naturally the first to bear the brunt.The Far East is far away from the center, and the distance determines that it is difficult for the center to provide immediate support in wartime.Therefore, Ouyang Yun made a decision to give Zhang Zizhong a super-supervised aviation regiment, and transferred Zhuang Houzhong to take charge of the overall situation.The Far East Aviation Corps has seven aviation divisions, including three fighter aviation divisions, two medium-range aviation divisions, one long-range aviation division, and one helicopter aviation division.Incorporating the helicopter unit into the Air Force is the power that Tielin Fei won for the Air Force during the last military reform.The advantage of this is that in a national war-level war, the aviation unit can control the whole process of sight from low altitude to high altitude, from short distance to long distance.

"Our army's strength is far inferior to that of the Soviet Union, so let's use the superiority of the air force now to blow up their defense system. Commander Zhuang, I will leave it to you how the air force will fight. I only have one request. At that time, I don’t want things like fortresses and fortresses to appear on the enemy’s positions!”

The importance attached by the Supreme Command to the Far East made Zhuang Houzhong actually the strongest in the local aviation regiment.As a general, naturally no one thinks he has too many troops under his command.Zhuang Houzhong was sitting on Zhang Zizhong's left. Hearing this, he stood up and accepted the order generously.

(End of this chapter)

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