Chapter 3128 Frustrated
The artillery preparations of the Far Eastern Army are so adequate that the Seventh Army spent about half a year building the Baikalsk defense line. If you look at it from the sky at this moment, you can only see one big hole after another, and some are completely torn apart. The walls are also wood.

The casualties were quickly summarized to Bokarev. Although Bokarev was already mentally prepared, when it was discovered that there were more than [-] people in the [-]st Division, including the reserve team, only [-] people were left. When he was alone, his heart couldn't help but tremble a little. "The Chinese are so cruel! Don't they need money for their shells?" Thinking this way in his heart, he couldn't see the slightest fluctuation in his expression.What came out of his mouth was completely different: "How many bombs did the Chinese put on our positions? One hundred tons? Or one thousand tons? But our heroic Red Army soldiers, so many people are still alive! The Chinese want to use hellish bombing and shelling to crush our will to resist. I have to say to General Zhang Zizhong-I am so disappointed! Send the order down, I, the commander of the Seventh Army-Nipech, will stay at The fifth line of defense, I will stay here until the Chinese attack is defeated!"

There are only five lines of defense in Baikalsk. Nipech's words like this show that he vowed to live and die with the position.It has to be said that his courage to break the boat can really boost morale.

The bombing and shelling of the Far Eastern Army was too violent, and once their ground offensive was launched, the "turtle tank" was the first to start, which was a fatal blow to the morale of the [-]st Division (the turtle tank said, Naturally, it has a particularly strong defensive attribute against the mandrill. The first to give the Chinese mandrill this name was the tank soldier under Manstein).

"Commander Nipech is right behind us. He has already let go. He would rather die than retreat. Great Red Army soldiers, let us use our steel bodies to teach the Chinese a profound lesson! Our Soviet Red Army It will never be defeated!" With Nipech's words as a foundation, the front-line commanders of the [-]st Division were able to shout out various slogans with enthusiasm. Soviet and Russian soldiers picked up their weapons one after another and poked their heads out from the dust raised by the explosion. Among them, many who faced the Chinese mandrill directly took out the cluster grenades and blasting barrels in the trenches under their feet, and prepared to bet their lives. It is also necessary to deter the offensive of Chinese tank troops.

"Don't shoot without my order! Bring it closer, bring it closer!" Soviet Russian sergeants, sergeants, second lieutenants, even majors and lieutenant colonels lay in the dust and yelled loudly at their subordinates.

The Soviet Russian Red Army officers and soldiers who had undergone the baptism of the Great Patriotic War were comparable to the Far Eastern Army in terms of fighting will and fighting wisdom.And as the defensive side, it seems that they represent the righteous side. Therefore, although Zhang Zizhong had the foresight and knew that this would be a very difficult battle, it seems that he and Ouyang Yun, who is far away in Chongqing, seem to have underestimated The fighting will of the Soviets and the true strength of the Soviet Red Army have been confirmed.

"What the hell are the Soviets doing? Have they already given up on these frontier positions?" Qian Wanjun asked in a muffled voice, unwilling to be lonely.

"Keep an eye on the front! If the Soviets were so bad, they would have been wiped out by the Germans long ago!" Du Lianjun said coldly.After fighting for a long time, Du Lianjun has long seen his personal life and death.But even so, when the enemy's position was abnormally silent, his heart still lifted.

"Old man!" Qian Wanjun roared suddenly, and then fired the first attack of the whole regiment.

A Soviet Russian soldier poked his head out from a cloud of dust. He was holding a bundle of cluster grenades in his right hand, and his left hand was holding the ground to try to get up. When Qian Wanjun saw the bundle of cluster grenades, his eyes instantly turned into copper bells. , Don't ask Mr. Du Lian to issue the command, just hit him with a single shot.

At a distance of only about 30 meters, Qian Wanjun pointed the muzzle straight ahead again early on, so everyone felt a muffled sound, and a strong smell of gunpowder smoke entered their noses amidst the violent shaking of the car, and then It was two consecutive louder explosions.Du Lianjun, who was able to see the scene outside, had already wrinkled his face—the Soviet Russian soldier who showed his figure directly blasted Qian Wanjun, and his whole body became a pile of minced meat.

Shelling on the move, even for a heavy tank like the Mandrill, which is known for its solid chassis, is not an easy task.However, Qian Wanjun seems to be doing a good job.Du Lianjun had reason to believe that if Qian Wanjun hadn't fired the cannon in time, they might have faced a severe test next.

In fact, for the leading tank regiment of the Far Eastern Army, the seemingly ruined Soviet positions are not as simple as they appear on the surface.When they were finally able to see the corpses of the Soviet soldiers and hear the wailing of the injured Soviet soldiers, correspondingly, the Soviet counterattack finally came.

"Boom!" Du Lianjun saw a burst of fire suddenly flashing behind a tree stump not far away, subconsciously, he shouted to Zhang Haizi: "At eleven o'clock, bazooka! Pay attention!"

Zhang Haizi also saw the flash ball, and his reaction was quick, he immediately controlled the tank and turned the tank head-on.No matter which tank it is, the frontal armor is always the strongest.

Du Lianjun and the others reacted quickly enough, but the rocket was not aimed at them.Amidst the roar of the tank engine, Du Lianjun and the others heard a violent explosion from the left, and then heard Li Keqin, the head of the group, screaming from the horn in the car: "Xiang Yonggan, report your situation!" They knew that, The mandrill, just to their left, appeared to have been hit by a Russian rocket.

"Why does the old man have a bazooka?" Qian Wanjun asked.

Du Lianjun's face was gloomy and he didn't answer.As the captain of the car, he has always had a good relationship with Xiang Yongqian.Xiang Yongqian only got married in July last year. When chatting with him the day before yesterday, he told him how virtuous his wife is, but now——

The resistance of the Soviets is the beginning.

In addition to the bazooka, anti-tank guns, cluster bombs, and blasting tubes appeared one after another. What disturbed Li Keqin was that when they advanced to the enemy's second line of defense, anti-tank guns also appeared.

Only a 10mm caliber anti-aircraft gun is not enough to break through the mandrill's armor, but it can blow up the mandrill's tracks.Since Du Lianjun and the others discovered the enemy's traces, in just [-] minutes, Li Keqin's regiment was destroyed by three or two mandrills, and another five vehicles lost their mobility because their tracks were blown off. This is the southern line, including Jiang Tieyao. The command of the Far East Army did not expect it.

(End of this chapter)

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