Chapter 3150 Smart Fighting

As night fell, Vatutin stood in front of the map and asked Lapniv: "What is the current situation on the front of Lake Baikal?"

The Chinese army launched an offensive on the front of Severobaikalsk and Lake Baikal at the same time. Severobaikalsk is quite far from Irkutsk, and there are mountain roads along the way. Therefore, Vatutin is not worried that the enemy will give him this way. The layout is confusing.But on the front of Lake Baikal, if the Soviet Russian army there can't resist the attack of the Chinese army, his plan to concentrate tank troops to eat the Chinese First Army will become a joke.

"The Chinese offensive is very fierce, but because of Lake Baikal, their heavy artillery can't provide support. Brenev reported that there will be no problem supporting it for three to five days," Lapniv replied.

Nodding his head, Vatutin said, "Now it's up to Gorbachio and the others."

Gorbachio, the deputy commander of the Northern Front Army, and the number one thug under Vatutin.The two remaining tank divisions of the Northern Front are now under his command.In order to save time, the Soviet Russians did not adopt conventional delivery methods.All Soviet Russians, including Gorbachio, were nestled in tanks or armored vehicles, and were directly dragged forward by trains.Because of the loss of contact with the Seventh Army, according to Gorbachio's thinking, they may encounter fierce battles after they arrive at the front line, which will make it easier for them to go into battle immediately.

Undoubtedly, this unconventional loading method can certainly facilitate their rapid entry into battle.But at the same time, if they are attacked, it also means that they will not be able to get out of the living coffin of the tank immediately.

"It's 07:30 now. According to this speed, we will arrive at Kurtuk in one hour. Has Mr. Tie Anshan contacted you?" Leaning on the seat, under the dim light inside the car, Ge Corbagio asked while looking at the map.

"Contacting, but if they have already stormed into Kurtuk, I'm afraid we won't be able to contact them," replied a colonel in front of him.

"The Chinese blocked the radio signals there?"

"This should be."

The Soviet Russian Political Security Bureau had obtained information about the electronic shielding technology mastered by the Chinese army long ago, but it did not attract the attention of the Soviet Russian military.But now, in the face of the cruel reality, Gorbachio and others finally remembered this.

"I hope so. Lankovsky still has two divisions in his hands, and Master Tie Anshan sent reinforcements in time. No matter how strong the Chinese are, it should be impossible to eat them in one day, right?"

"I don't know whether Commander Tie Anshan and the others have joined the Seventh Army."

Tie Anshan wanted to contact the Seventh Army first to find out the situation of Kurtuk.However, since Jiang Tieyao insisted on swallowing the Seventh Army in one gulp, how could he allow a gap in the encirclement.

The Tie'an Mountain Division was responsible for contacting the Seventh Army with a major staff officer named Tumingo.Tumingo personally selected ten Soviet Russian soldiers with relatively strong personal combat effectiveness, and wanted to touch Kurtuk from the northern mountainous area.As soon as they entered the mountainous area, they were attacked by Chinese soldiers from a reinforced company that Jiang Tieyao was ambushing here.

"Crack!" With a clear gunshot, the Soviet Russian sergeant who opened the way in front fell to the ground. "Get down!" Tumingo yelled in a low voice, sinking down behind a raised stone. "The Chinese have set up a sniper position here. It seems that we have to find another way to sneak in," he said to a few Soviet soldiers behind him, and then began to look around.

The sky is getting darker and darker, but tonight is a cloudy day.Therefore, except for the light from the occasional explosion in the town of Kurtuk, which can provide them with a little limited guidance, Tumingo and the others have no other reference at all if they want to search for a better infiltration path.

"Crack!" Suddenly there was a crisp gunshot ahead, and then a flare rose slowly, and exploded after reaching the highest point, illuminating the surrounding area brightly.

"Be careful!" Tumingo quickly lowered his body and shouted at the same time.

He reacted quickly enough, but he still couldn't avoid another casualty of the troops.A Soviet soldier a dozen meters to the left behind him reacted a little slower and was shot in the head.Hearing the soldier's screams and falling to the ground, Tumingo knew that their plot could not succeed.After thinking about it with a sullen face, he told the others to stay put, and ran back with a stoop.

"Comrade Commander, the Chinese have been prepared for a long time. Their snipers are very good. We want small troops to infiltrate, it is difficult!"

At this time, the small tank unit sent by Tie Anshan had already started to launch harassing attacks on the Chinese army, but the results disappointed him very much.The Chinese commander seemed to have seen through his strategy and ignored this small-scale peripheral attack.Therefore, so far, Tie'an Mountain still doesn't know the size of the defenders, and naturally there is no constructive strategy.

"In any case, we must connect with the Seventh Army. Do the Chinese only have snipers there?" He asked Tumingo with a sullen face.

"It's been shown so far," replied Tumingo, not daring to finish his sentence.

Tie Anshan gritted his teeth and said, "I'll give you another hundred people, in groups of five, to infiltrate from multiple directions at the same time! How about it?"

Sweat dripped from Tumingo's forehead, he smacked his lips and said, "Comrade Commander, I can't promise—"


"The Chinese are cunning!"

The Soviet Russian reinforcements did not launch an offensive for a long time. While Jiang Tieyao breathed a sigh of relief, he had to praise his opponent: "It seems that the commander of the Soviet Russian reinforcements is very calm this time!"

"They don't have infantry, so of course they don't dare to attack rashly. Since they don't dare to attack, should we counterattack and harass them?" Gao Yongxiang said.

Jiang Tieyao thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "There is no need for this. The Seventh Army is already the meat in the bowl. We have the advantage of the location, so there is no need to take this risk. Let the Air Force call them after dawn."

While the two were talking, a communications staff officer came in and reported that a small enemy force had appeared in the mountainous direction northwest of Kurtuk.

Jiang Tieyao and Gao Yongxiang immediately guessed the intention of this small Soviet-Russian army. Jiang Tieyao said: "The Soviet-Russian reinforcements want to join the Seventh Army. The tanks in the northwest direction can't pass through at all. Oh, tell Wang Mazi , You don’t need to fight the Soviets to death, just guarantee the kill rate.”

Wang Mazi was the commander of the blocking force in that mountain area.

Fortunately, Jiang Tieyao gave instructions in time, so when Tumingo reappeared in front of them with more than a hundred Soviet soldiers, he modified his tactics in time to let his brothers "fight smart".

(End of this chapter)

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