Chapter 3170 Indian Independence
There is not only one way to fight. The Chinese and Western media are fighting on colonial and democratic issues, which is expected by Ouyang Yun.And after reading the above editorial from the New York Times, which was more like cursing, he almost suspected that some compatriots from later generations had crossed over, and even acted as lackeys of the shameful Americans.It was only after several years that he found out that the author of this editorial was Toshiichiro Koizumi.

After the Eastern and Western camps successively resorted to the anti-colonial weapon, a series of independent farces began to be staged within about three months thereafter.For the United Nations, first Myanmar, Vietnam, then Laos, Cambodia, and then North Korea, Nepal, and Bhutan.In terms of the anti-China alliance, Malaysia and the Philippines took the lead in declaring independence, then Indonesia, and finally India.

Why is it a farce?Because these so-called independent countries, although they also have their own governments and even armies, they all have troops from other countries stationed on their land.Not only that, but their diplomacy is also in the hands of the United Nations (actually China) or the garrison country.

"Weak countries have no diplomacy. It is not difficult for us to see this from a series of independent incidents that occurred during this period. Indochina peninsula countries and Southeast Asian countries, including India. Although they are independent in name, in fact, whether it is diplomacy or The military and even the economy are still in the hands of China and their garrison countries. However, no matter what is good, there is bad, and vice versa. Both China and the anti-China alliance want to control the public opinion weapon of anti-colonialism, and they manipulate these colonial The independence of the country may be just to compete for the commanding heights of public opinion, but it also planted the seeds of real pursuit for these countries... Therefore, in this diplomatic war for anti-colonial public opinion weapons, China and the anti-China alliance are actually losers. And those countries manipulated by them are the final winners—"

The above text comes from "The Third World War" written by a Japanese historian Murakami Taiki in later generations.

The instigator, Ouyang Yun, never expected that there would be a diplomatic war between the UN camp and the anti-China camp on the anti-colonial issue.In hindsight, this war without gunpowder is beneficial to China.

Compared with the anti-China camp, China is not considered an industrialized country at this time. Therefore, although China is capable of facing threats from the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and Japan at the same time, if it can get more time to develop the people's livelihood economy, there is no doubt that it will It is definitely good for China, which has a weak industrial foundation.

Of course, since the anti-China camp dares to target China with anti-colonial issues, it naturally has its own reasons.In fact, when this anti-colonial public opinion war developed into an independent farce, the Chinese government once fell into a relatively passive situation because of India's rebellion.

India declared independence on October 1947, 10.When the new Indian government sent a telegram to the whole world, announcing that India would get rid of the British colonial rule and become an independent country, Ouyang Yun was secretly delighted, thinking that the British would no longer be able to use India's resources to fight against China.However, that night, when a telegram drafted by Gu Lianyun was sent, Ouyang Yun's good mood immediately disappeared.

Gu Lianyun has a lot of energy in New Delhi, so although India and Britain reached a secret agreement on the issue of India's independence, she grasped the general content at the first time and immediately alerted the country.

The next day, Ouyang Yun immediately held a targeted meeting to discuss with Song Ziwen and others how to deal with the possible new situation in Central Asia.

"According to the information we have, the reason why India was able to become independent may be because they agreed to a certain condition of the British. If nothing else, this should have a lot to do with 'anti-China'—" After the meeting began, Ouyang Yun said straight to the point.

The reason why China wants India to be independent is that it wants to distract the British through this matter so that they cannot fully oppose China.But if the situation that Ouyang Yun said really happened, it would not only mean that China's plan to divert the energy of the British through India's independence had failed, but it might also attract an extra enemy for itself.

It is not terrible for newly independent India to become an enemy, but in this way, the British still have a stable rear base in Asia, which has to be vigilant to the senior officials of the coalition government.

He Yingqin frowned immediately and asked, "Prime Minister, according to you, is India still under the control of the British after independence?"

Ouyang Yun: "This is certain. As for how the British will use India as a pawn, we still don't know."

It was only three days since Ouyang Yun said "unknown", Song Ziwen brought a bad news.

When Song Ziwen appeared in front of Ouyang Yun, his face was livid and he looked very angry.Handing a document to Ouyang Yun, he said loudly: "This is a diplomatic note sent to us by the Indian government. They asked us to fulfill our promise at the inaugural meeting of the Anti-Colonial Alliance and give up stationing troops in Karachi."

Ouyang Yun's heart shuddered.At the meeting three days ago, because they didn't know how the British would use India, the senior leaders of the coalition government did not form a resolution related to it.But now, the British have made a move, and they are directly targeting the key points in China.

In the past few days, when Ouyang Yun was alone, he had seriously considered the issue of India's independence.Relying on the golden finger of the traverser, he already had a preliminary idea, that is, to use the religious issues that have always plagued Indian society to achieve the purpose of splitting India.

"Is there only this official document? There are no other documents from the National Congress Party?" Ouyang Yun took the diplomatic note and glanced at it, then asked.

Song Ziwen understood what he meant, shook his head and said, "Between China and India, Indians should still think that the thighs of British people are thicker!"

"Hmph! Then we can't blame us!" Ouyang Yun snorted coldly.

Seeing that he wasn't flustered, nor was he very angry, Song Ziwen somehow calmed down and asked, "Prime Minister, according to you, you already have a backup?"

Ouyang Yun smiled, pretending to be mysterious and said: "You will know in a few days!"

After Song Ziwen left, Ouyang Yun immediately asked Pan Meiren to call Mu Jiandie over, and then had a long talk with Mu Jiandie in the office for more than two hours.

More than two hours later, Mu Jiandie left the Supreme Command Headquarters with a comprehending appearance, and immediately, under his leadership, the China Central Intelligence Agency immediately began to operate rapidly.

On the third day, riots broke out again in the Karachi and Dhaka areas of India-the independent forces in these two areas used different religious beliefs as an excuse to strongly demand the establishment of an independent country belonging to the Communist Party.

(End of this chapter)

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