Chapter 3181 Shock
The changes in Guangzhou are indeed quite big.Don't talk about international friends like Kenhausen who come here only once in a few years, even Ouyang Yun who comes here every three to five months, every time there will be a little surprise and a lot of pride.Although the foundation of the Xuebing Army was Renqiu, Guangzhou was the place where the Xuebing Army took off.It is no exaggeration to say that without the treasure land of Guangzhou, the Xuebing Army would not have been able to grow to its current scale.If you pay, you will be rewarded. Guangzhou and Guangzhou people have made great contributions to the take-off of the Xuebing Army.

The Xuebingjun Consortium started with penicillin, and since its development, the industries involved have spread widely in various industries such as electronics, medicine, arms, machinery manufacturing, shipbuilding, and construction.And 70.00% of its electronic factories, pharmaceutical factories and more than half of its military factories, automobile factories, aircraft factories, etc. are located in Guangzhou.These enterprises alone are enough to ensure that Guangzhou enters the ranks of the most developed cities in the world.Not to mention, Guangzhou was the first to implement the land reform policy, and has always insisted on using a relatively advanced market economic model to guide the economic development of the region.All of the above ensure that Guangzhou has in fact become the industrial and financial center of China.

Germany and France, in terms of friendship alone, the French Restoration Army is naturally closer.However, the relationship between countries has always been dominated by interests.So if Ouyang Yun had to make a choice, between Germany and France, he would decisively choose Germany.Very snobbish but inevitable, or because of the relationship of the United Nations, China must have a strong ally in the West.Instead of comparing Germany and France, Germany should be China's first choice, whether it is now or in the future.

In fact, as early as the beginning of World War II, Ouyang Yun had thought of forming an alliance with Germany to carve up the world.It was also affected by this that for a period of time, China and Germany maintained an underground communication channel, which led to Falkenhausen's first secret visit to China.It's just that at that time, because China's strength was not very strong, Hitler did not give enough respect.As a result, not only did the underground communication channel between China and Germany fail to continue, but the two sides also declared war on each other because of the relationship between their camps.Even, China sent troops to Soviet Russia to help the Soviet Red Army against the German army.

Ouyang Yun believed that it was precisely because of this military operation to reinforce Soviet Russia that the Germans had a new understanding of China.Then, when Emposs proposed the Sino-German-French alliance plan, the Germans would agree without hesitation.

For Falkenhausen's second visit, the coalition government gave a very high-level reception, including allowing the German delegation to visit some of the more core military factories.

Allowing the Germans to visit these military factories, on the one hand, is meant to stand up, but more importantly, it is to help the Germans increase their confidence, that is, as long as China is willing to provide assistance to Germany, then it is entirely possible for Germany to resist the Soviet Union. attack.

If the market in Guangzhou allowed the Germans to see the prosperity and wealth of Guangzhou, then what the military factories in Guangzhou brought to the Germans was a strong visual and psychological shock.

The first thing the Germans visited was a tank factory.As a meritorious enterprise of the Xuebing Army (the prototypes of the Jiguang and Mandrill tanks were produced in this factory; moreover, this is currently the largest tank factory in China), the one that left the deepest impression on the Germans is its degree of automation.Looking at the assembly lines one after another, looking at the robotic arms that can realize automatic welding, and looking at the mandrill tanks neatly placed in the warehouse, the Germans who have a special plot for tanks immediately couldn't move.

"Mandrill? What generation is this?" Falkenhausen stroked the grilled blue of a tank and asked Li Tieshu.

"The third generation. The armor protection level of this mandrill has been enhanced compared to the second generation, and the tank gun it carries has also achieved automatic reloading..."

"How many months' production is here?" Falkenhausen roughly counted and asked.

Li Tieshu shook his head with a smile, and said, "What months, this is the output of a workshop of the factory last month."

Hearing this answer, Falkenhausen and his officers all stared wide-eyed.There are a total of more than 120 mandrills in this warehouse, and a workshop produces more than 120 vehicles a month, and that year is more than [-] vehicles.And just now I heard from Li Tieshu that this tank factory has three such workshops in total, that is to say, this factory alone can produce more than [-] tanks a year.And consider that this factory is just one of the many tank factories in China.So, if all the tank factories in China are running at full capacity, what will be the monthly output?How many tanks can be produced in a year! ?
After the tank factory came the missile factory.Before entering this factory, the Germans were told not to bring any recording and photographing equipment, and the Germans were very cooperative in this regard.As another missile power in the world today, the Germans can naturally understand the level of confidentiality of this missile factory.Among the members of the delegation, those who were lucky enough to visit the missile manufacturing plant in their country were only a few people.

It is precisely because of these people that when they returned to their residence at night, Falkenhausen and others knew that although China and Germany already had the ability to mass-produce missiles, in terms of understanding of missiles, Germany People have actually been left far behind by the Chinese.

The so-called people will die if they compare themselves with others, and they will throw away goods if they compare goods.Germany's missiles still have a single ground-to-ground combat function, while China's missiles already have models for various specific purposes such as ground-to-ground, ground-sea, ground-air, air-to-air, air-to-ship, ship-to-ship, and ship-to-air.Not only that, but what the Germans didn't know was that many types of Chinese missiles already have the ability to automatically lock and track targets; moreover, among surface-to-surface missiles, there have also appeared super models that can strike targets thousands of miles away.

When visiting the tank factory, although the Germans were surprised because they also had sharper tanks, they were still reserved.However, when visiting the missile factory, even if the Germans are better at hiding their true emotions, they still lost their composure.

These are not the only visual feasts that Ouyang Yun prepared for the Germans.After the missile factory, there was an aircraft factory, and after the aircraft factory, there was a shipyard at the mouth of the Pearl River.When they arrived at the shipyard, it happened that a Song-class submarine was launched. Seeing this drop-shaped submarine without naval guns, the Germans didn't feel anything special.However, after listening to the introduction of the submarine's technical parameters, the Germans could no longer remain calm. Several officers with naval backgrounds looked at the submarine, and their eyes almost didn't glow green.

(End of this chapter)

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