Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 3183 Sending Troops to Europe

Chapter 3183 Sending Troops to Europe
It is easier to communicate with Germans about work-related matters.Besides, Ouyang Yun didn't intend to take advantage of the danger to make a fortune. "If circumstances allow, China, Germany and France can become long-term strategic cooperative partners! And this will help to improve and consolidate China's international status!" When discussing the alliance with Germany and France with Pan Meiren privately, Ouyang Yun has the above argument.The attitudes of both China and Germany are relatively correct, and the arms purchase seems to be relatively smooth.

"Heavy water reactor? If I remember correctly, doesn't your country have a heavy water factory?" Ouyang Yun was a little surprised to see a heavy water reactor on the German military purchase list.As the core component of making nuclear bombs, the heavy water reactor is equivalent to having a steady stream of raw material uranium that can be used to make nuclear bombs.However, to what extent is the relationship between China and Germany good enough for China to provide such equipment to Germany?Of course, this may just be a temptation by the Germans.After all, it is very simple to add a heavy water reactor to the military purchase list, but once it can be realized, it will be equivalent to having the ultimate killer for Germany.

"This is impossible. General, you may not know that although our country now has the ability to manufacture nuclear bombs, our government's point of view is actually against the proliferation of related technologies. You must have heard about the power of nuclear bombs, such a large one (Ouyang Yun made a gesture) It can destroy a medium-sized city. If all countries in the world can manufacture nuclear bombs, oh, I can’t even imagine it. If there is another world war, I guess the earth will be destroyed!”

At that time and space, Ouyang Yun was quite disgusted with Americans attacking other countries or imposing sanctions in the name of confiscating and confiscating prohibited weapons. He believed that the United States was a typical example of "only state officials are allowed to set fire and the people are not allowed to light lamps", which is a standard national trend ( Prohibited) gangsterism.But now, when only China has mastered the nuclear bomb manufacturing technology, what he wants to do most is to be this "rogue (prohibited) hooligan" so that no other country has the ability to produce nuclear bombs.

The nuclear facility set up by the Germans in Sweden was killed by a group of European brothers from China's Langya and Hutong. Ouyang Yun didn't know if the Germans were aware of it, but even if the Germans were aware of it, he didn't blush at all. mean.After all, this is a matter of China's national interest.For this reason, don't ask Ouyang Yun to say some high-sounding "nonsense" righteously, even if he is asked to draw his gun and kill Falkenhausen immediately, he will shoot without hesitation.

The Germans should have been aware of this long ago, so after being rejected, Falkenhausen's expression did not fluctuate.He said: "We respect your country's position on the proliferation of nuclear bombs, Your Excellency, and the rest—"

"No problem. Except for the rocket launchers, we still can't provide enough spot stocks. After signing the contract, you can withdraw cash immediately!"

"Thank you so much."

The price given by China is not expensive. The Germans also made a fortune in World War II and were willing to settle in gold. So the two sides quickly reached an agreement, and agreed that several people from each side would jointly draft the contract text, and strive to make a settlement in gold tomorrow. Just sign it.

The news that the Germans sent a military delegation to visit China did not hide from the ears of NATO and Soviet Russia. Even three days later, the list of Germany's arms purchases from China appeared on the desks of Truman, Churchill, and Stalin.

Truman and Churchill were naturally very dissatisfied with Soviet Russia’s high-profile military invasion of Europe under the pretext of seeking revenge from Germany, realizing that Soviet Russia would inevitably be unable to maintain a military deterrent against China in the Far East.However, despite being very dissatisfied, the Americans and the British both chose to keep silent and just watched the development of the situation silently, considering that turning against Soviet Russia might cause it to cooperate with China instead.

China, Germany and France entered into an alliance, and Germany and France became permanent members of the United Nations, which seemed to Truman and Churchill to be a good thing.Because this means that China has no other choice between Soviet Russia and Germany and France.In this way, even though there is still ambiguity between China and Soviet Russia in private, the possibility of open collusion is eliminated.Then, in terms of their positions in the new round of European war, the Americans and the British have room to maneuver.

The British are close to the water and have the moon first, and they operate one step ahead of the United States.According to Churchill's vision, the United Kingdom can completely serve as a bridge between European countries and Soviet Russia, mediating in the middle.On the one hand, Britain can persuade the European countries along the way to open their roads to Soviet Russia and provide supplies; head.

Americans have greater ambitions than the British who only want to be behind-the-scenes traders.Truman realized that this was an opportunity to expand NATO's influence, so he immediately sent personnel to contact the Soviet government, and on the condition of military aid, he strongly invited Soviet Russia to join NATO. strong desire.

Germany in the era without Hitler, at least in the eyes of Soviet Russians and Americans, was a piece of fat.The Soviet Russians spoke early, but based on Truman's knowledge, he didn't think the Soviet Russians could swallow it in one gulp.And now that Germany has formed an alliance with China, if the United States does not seize the opportunity to take a bite, Truman is very worried that Soviet Russia will become another threat to the United States and even the Western civilized world because of Germany's nourishment.

However, given that the United States has invested heavily in the Pacific region but has achieved nothing, Truman wants to use troops in Europe again, and it is conceivable that it will be difficult to convince those congressmen.

Truman is working hard to persuade the gentlemen in Congress, and the list of arms purchased by Germany from China was sent to him.Seeing this list, he was not in a hurry.Because he suddenly realized that the Sino-German alliance is not a mere formality, which means that China does not want to see Germany defeated.So, if Germany can't resist, will China send troops to Europe?Once China sends troops to Europe, it means that China and the Soviet Union will have a full-scale confrontation, and this will inevitably consume a lot of China's strength.In that case, the pressure on the United States in the Pacific region will inevitably be reduced, and it may even be possible to achieve a breakthrough in one fell swoop. "The Chinese should not be so stupid, but we can facilitate this behind the scenes! Yes, in the interests of the United States, we must let China send troops to Europe!" At the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Truman said so.

(End of this chapter)

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